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I'm drowning in Farfetch'd :awkney:

Like give me a Tauros, I have only one.

His fart felt like a kiss
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1 hour ago, StopCallingMe said:

I have some tauros from my trip to CA where are u from?

Italy. I’m trying to get in touch with a guy from my Pokemon Go community here who should have one to trade 🤞

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3 hours ago, Edo said:

Italy. I’m trying to get in touch with a guy from my Pokemon Go community here who should have one to trade 🤞

That' too far away🤷🏽‍♂️

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Starting today, Shiny Drowzee will also be available! It's the month's second new shiny after Krabby.

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There is now also a new Pikachu variant, which can be shiny, as well as Shiny Ditto!

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Hi guys :party: 

I'm very new to Pokemon Go, I downloaded it 2 years ago in July 2016 and played it for like 2 days but then didn't go back because of other games and because I didn't understand it and didn't take the time to learn or give it a proper chance :flop: Because of Pokemon Let's Go: Pikachu/Eevee coming out for Switch next month I decided to give it a try again because I'd love seeing the Pokemon that I've caught and grown come to life on TV, and also because I thought I could give myself a head start :laughga:

I've been reading up a bit over the past few days while playing it and learnt some stuff but there's a lot left to be desired for my brain :toofunny:

So this may be a silly question but how do you guys play? Do you play while travelling somewhere or actually go out to play the game? :O

Also a few other questions if that's okay:

- Is it okay that I'm catching basically every Pokemon I see? I heard the more candies you have for each specie the better because then you can power them up and evolve and stuff
- If I have multiples of each Pokemon, which should I actually evolve? Do I go for the one with the highest CP or the one with the best appraisal?
- Same question as above but about powering up a Pokemon. Which Pokemon (if I have multiple of the same) should I power up?
- How do I get Pokeballs outside of purchasing through the shop or spinning Pokestops?

- How important is your buddy Pokemon? What can you do with them?

I'd really appreciate your help and advice :flutter:

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Pokemon GO is a game where you walk around places (you'll have to go outside :messga:) and catch pokemon as you go with Pokeballs, Greatballs, and Ultraballs.

14 minutes ago, Haroon said:

- Is it okay that I'm catching basically every Pokemon I see? I heard the more candies you have for each specie the better because then you can power them up and evolve and stuff


yES! That's good! The more pokemon you catch: the more candies, stardust, and XP you get! 

14 minutes ago, Haroon said:

- If I have multiples of each Pokemon, which should I actually evolve? Do I go for the one with the highest CP or the one with the best appraisal?

Personally, I go with pokemon that have good stats in Attack and Defense, but it's totally up to you! Doing the appraisal on pokemon gives you which stat is higher. Attack, Defense, or Stats. There are apps if you want to get into IV's which are more into stats. Not too complex :hor:

14 minutes ago, Haroon said:

- Same question as above but about powering up a Pokemon. Which Pokemon (if I have multiple of the same) should I power up?

You'll wanna go with a high CP, good attacks, and good IVs. PokeGenie is good for finding those things out :tea: it's an app on both Android/iOS. 

14 minutes ago, Haroon said:

- How do I get Pokeballs outside of purchasing through the shop or spinning Pokestops?

Buy them with Pokecoins, or get them via gifts from friends. My friend code is 9483-0400-8826, friend me if you'd like! :hug:

14 minutes ago, Haroon said:

- How important is your buddy Pokemon? What can you do with them?

Buddy pokemon give you candy for that specific pokemon as you walk around. It's measured by distance, as an example: an Eevee gives you 1 Eevee candy for every 5 km walked. Magikarp gives you 1 Magikarp candy for each 1 km walked.


I hope this helps!! :excited:

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4 hours ago, GypsyHeartGaga said:

2251-3459-6873 :heart:

Sent you a request!

4 hours ago, Haroon said:

- how do you guys play? Do you play while travelling somewhere or actually go out to play the game? :O
- Is it okay that I'm catching basically every Pokemon I see? I heard the more candies you have for each specie the better because then you can power them up and evolve and stuff
- If I have multiples of each Pokemon, which should I actually evolve? Do I go for the one with the highest CP or the one with the best appraisal?
- Same question as above but about powering up a Pokemon. Which Pokemon (if I have multiple of the same) should I power up?
- How do I get Pokeballs outside of purchasing through the shop or spinning Pokestops?

- How important is your buddy Pokemon? What can you do with them?

I'd really appreciate your help and advice :flutter:

I hope it's okay if I answer your questions as well.

1. Normally I have my phone open while I walk, or while I am at school. I think it's a good app to use while commuting, or even to try out at home if you live in a city or if there happens to be a pokéstop close to your bed (hey, it could happen.)
2. I personally don't catch every Pokémon I see, but if you are truly starting over essentially from scratch (for the pokédex), it might be in your interest to do so. At this point, I have enough 'good' pokémon (with an appraisal of 90%+ perfect IVs) that I essentially tap pokémon which have shiny variants to check for shinies and catch Magikarp/Rattata for those pesky medals, but besides those, I ignore other things. The only released non-legendaries I need that exist in my region are Chimecho and Lunatone.
3. I would personally go with the one with the better appraisal, as you can always power that one up and it will be better than the one with the higher CP to begin with, but with lower potential.
4. The one with the best IVs IMO.
5. You can purchase through the shop by actually using real money to buy the coins you need to exchange for pokéballs, or you can use the coins you earn in the game to do so (which you earn over time by having pokémon in a gym.) You can also get them through the friend feature that was one of the most recent to be added (June). This is also the way you can get 7km eggs which may currently hatch into the regionals Tauros, Farfetch'd and Kangaskhan, which are otherwise not available in Europe, as well as (normally) Alolan variants of Sandshrew, Meowth, Grimer and Vulpix.
6. It depends on your buddy pokémon! For you, I'd use the buddy position to get the candy you need to evolve a rarer pokémon or power up something. 

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A few tips for you: 

Since you're probably a lower level because you haven't played in so long I would not waste stardust on powering things up until you've leveled up some more. Powering Pokemon up takes an outrageous amount of stardust and since your Trainer Level dictates the power cap of your Pokemon there's no point of wasting it all until you've leveled up some more. If you level up first you will end up being able to just catch Pokemon in the wild that are the same CP level or higher than if you would have powered them up now. 

Even though it seems tedious I absolutely recommend catching everything you can. Any chance you can get experience go for it! Plus you'll get stardust as well. Take every opportunity you can! I'm at level 38 and it takes 2.5m experience to get to 39. You get like 100 xp for a normal Pokemon catch so just some perspective. This is why throwing curveballs matter! Every little bit of xp bonus helps. 

With the recent introduction of the friend system leveling up has actually become a lot easier. If you want to power level up super quickly I recommend finding a local Pokemon Go group on Facebook or Discord and adding an obnoxious amount of people (you can always delete them later) Simply all you have to do is spin PokeStops and you'll get gifts to send to your friends. When they open your gift or you open a gift they sent you, you will increase your friendship level (can only increase it once a day). Leveling up your friendship gives you an outrageous amount of experience as well as stardust discounts for trading Pokemon. Pop a Lucky Egg (which doubles xp you get for 30 minutes) and it will double the amount of experience you get from leveling up friendship. I recently became best friends with someone and got 200k from it!



Another effective way of leveling up is doing Legendary Raids. They give 10k xp for completing, 20k with a lucky egg. If you go to popular places in cities sometimes there will be a bunch of gyms close together that have multiple Legendary Raids going on and you can chain them all. 


Since you're probably looking to fill up your Pokedex I highly recommend using this Atlas: https://thesilphroad.com/atlas#15/40.28784/-76.65547

It tells you where Pokemon in your area are nesting so you know where you need to go to catch specific Pokemon :)

Their Reddit is also the best place to go to keep up on all the games updates: https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/


Let me know if you have any other questions! I play this game too much :rip:


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i play this too, I really shouldn't it s a time drain lol


Do YOU own the 4' by 6' Perfect Illusion promo Poster? Will pay you for it. Pic: http://i.imgur.com/UWuzumk
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Just now, ChicaSkas said:

i play this too, I really shouldn't it s a time drain lol


If it makes you happy and doesn’t hurt anybody then I say why not :laughga:

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2 hours ago, Logan said:

If it makes you happy and doesn’t hurt anybody then I say why not :laughga:

Then I choose you. To be my 200th spot :D

Thanks. I'm probably just spouting back all the discouragement I've been hearing from people in my life who don't approve of my playing it. 

Do YOU own the 4' by 6' Perfect Illusion promo Poster? Will pay you for it. Pic: http://i.imgur.com/UWuzumk
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5 minutes ago, ChicaSkas said:

Then I choose you. To be my 200th spot :D

Thanks. I'm probably just spouting back all the discouragement I've been hearing from people in my life who don't approve of my playing it. 

Lemme know if you want to be added to the master club list in the OP :) 

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