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Gaga's biggest problem is her lack of trying


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Hear me out sisters, I am not trying to drag Gaga into the pits of h*ll because I am an angry (or delusional) stan. :classy: Warning: Long post ahead. 

Think back to 2011; After Born This Way (song) + Judas release, Gaga was drug by the media endlessly. She didn't display the values culture apparently wanted, she was too controversial, too gay, too loud... Gaga ultimately was branded a 'younger, queer person's' artist. It was a narrative that stuck throughout the era. Then, The Edge of Glory was released and was considered her first 'adult contemporary' song. It went on to become a massive hit and considered one of her greatest songs. Gaga, in that time, promoted the sh*t out of that song and album. You couldn't go anywhere without the ultimate anticipation of her forthcoming project. In its debut, it was a phenomenon around the world. A triumphant moment. Although that fleeted with Marry The Night flopping (:toofunny:), Gaga had managed to defeat the narrative. Gaga worked her *ss off to do so. 

Think now to 2013; Applause was released as a single. As we know, it debuted at #4 and became a steady hit. However, the narrative was not one of controversy -- it was that she was 'over', a 'flop'. ARTPOP had a big, but weaker than the normal debut and plummeted from the charts. DWUW and G.U.Y both underperformed and management wasn't any better. There was never as strong of a promotional campaign around the album, singles or the tour. The narrative stuck, and the lack of promotion allowed it to stick. Unlike 2011, Gaga was not able to defeat this narrative. 

Gaga did what anyone would do after a 'flop' era. Although it was a slower time for stans, she released Cheek to Cheek, did American Horror Story, had the tribute era. Like it or not, that built the foundations to what her career is today. Gaga in those years was able to court older fans, fans of TV, horror, etc. Gaga had already had a diverse fanbase (more than others) and this continued to add her depth. People started to see past the theatrics and shock value and saw her true talent, her versatility. Gaga was a chameleon in the industry and people now knew she was a force to be reckoned with.  By the time 2016 came, she had defeated that 'flop' narrative, and in turn, the narrative that she was too edgy. She was one of (if not the most) respected artists in the world. 

Perfect Illusion was HYPED by the general public and fans as September 9th rapidly approached. The world was READY for Gaga's return to pop music. However, the song left as fast it came. There was a very minimal promotion for the song, and it flopped. There was no narrative going against her; nothing holding her back. She didn't promote the song, so the naysayers never listened a second time and the song plummeted. However, Million Reasons was a steady hit leading up to the Superbowl; the Dive Bar Tour and SNL helped promote the song (albeit minimally) and even though she didn't push that much, just the ONE major promotion of the song at the Superbowl allowed it to go top 5. 

Million Reasons, in my opinion, is the power of Gaga. Illustrated so perfectly. People overall love and respect her. There is no one I know that doesn't like at least a couple of her songs. However, the general public isn't going to seek what isn't presented to their face. The Cure was a low-ground hit, earning tons of streams, but had she done a proper video and promotion (like a few TV talk shows, radio, more performances...) I do believe it could've overcome the success of Million Reasons. 

Streams, as we know it, are important. Roughly 30 seconds are needed to listen to be counted as a stream. Spotify, YouTube, Apple Music and Tidal (:ladyhaha:) all count. With millions of people having subscriptions, if they're exposed to it through a promotion of some capacity, people will likely quickly search it. Most people will at least listen to 30 seconds before they decide if they like a song or not. 

We all saw how praised/excited people were about the ASIB trailer. It's HYPED and already has Oscar buzz. In my opinion, Gaga could quite literally enter the second prime of artistry/success. She has no narrative working against her, she is well respected and beloved by people worldwide; her Joanne World Tour success SCREAMS that. When the ASIB lead is released, or any other project she is working on ... (:lana:) if she does the proper promotion -- not as extreme as it was for Born This Way, but does a few TV shows, interviews, performances, etc. Enough people will buy the song to make it a HIT. Top 10 is well within her grasp, IMHO. 

Had she properly promoted The Cure, Perfect Illusion or any other song from Joanne, I do believe they all could've been bigger hits than they were. The biggest thing standing in Gaga's way is her lack of promotion. I don't know if it's her wishes or her management. It saddens me because I see so much potential. It's almost as if they're okay with her consistent and steady success, and don't really care to work their *sses off as they did with Born This Way to court even new fans, streams, views, etc. If she worked even half as hard as she did during BTW, we would have many hits in our catalogue. There is no narrative to defeat, their is nothing standing in her way, except her lack of promotion. 

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It's more complicated than just her lack of trying.

You are correct, she's not "trying" but that's because she doesn't want to.  To get a smash hit, you have to compromise on more than just your life, you have to compromise on your sound and vision.  Gaga wanted to make hits on ARTPOP and she allowed the label to interfere to the point the album wasn't what was originally envisioned and she was dragged through hell for it because it lacked substance.

I don't care if she doesn't care, I just appreciate she's still making good music.

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I pretty much agree, lack of promotion and poor choices of singles and release dates

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To be honest, I’m not sure Gaga or her team really wanted The Cure to be some massive hit. They probably have her career trajectory planned out for the next 3 years. If she goes OD on promoting The Cure it takes away from studio sessions, writing camps, Vegas planning. I have a feeling we are about to be be completely bumrushed by so much Gaga we’re not going to know what to do with ourselves. The Cure is literally a throw away reject from ASIB. As a fan base we just need to calm down. We don’t know what kind of conversations are being held behind closed doors, and we’re often foolish to even think that we (the people sitting at their computers not making a living in artist management) know what’s best. 

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it's not that she's not trying hard enough, it's that her priorities are just set else where instead of charts

MR was promoted all over the place, it was like the only song that had a constant stream of live performances and the era had a lot of high profile promo slots

instead of promoting the music, she promoted herself and her brand and it pretty much worked with selling the tour which is where the real money comes from but she spent time engaging in her FIRST starring movie role, making a documentary as well as a "world" tour, a coachella set and a HTS

we also have to remember she does all of this with a disability. i've seen fans say "are we really going to use fibro as an excuse everytime she messes up?" and yes, we are. fibro literally gets in the way of her daily life and pop stars do not have the average life of a human being. they exhaust their bodies mentally and physically and to have incurible chronic pain on top of that is incredibly relevant

with that in mind, her team aren't exactly perfect either. i don't think it's a "yes man" problem that ggd's sudden insiders seem to claim it is, it's more of a "does anyone actually know what they're doing?" problem.

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1 minute ago, Benji said:

I don't care if she doesn't care, I just appreciate she's still making good music.


I agree. I do also preach the 'it's not all about the charts', despite what this post sounds like. I will forever be a Gaga stan. Have been with her through thick and thin. Her discography is unmatched in versatility and quality. However, chart success would be nice and I do think it's obtainable. 

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I,ve said it before and I will say it a thousand times more. Gaga needs to realize "Lady Gaga" is not just her. Its a name, its a brand in which countless of other people work under. She cant just "not do stuff because she doesnt feel like it" when there are people working under you and trying to make a living out of it. If you dont do TV performances, dancers wont have a job. If you dont do talk shows, assistants, make-up artists, stylists, managers wont have jobs. I get that her life is overwhelming and that she should do what she wants, but sometimes its rather unprofessional and diva-like to just cancel and shut down jobs because you dont feel like doing it. there's people who work to bring those opportunities and they depend and need you to say yes, even when its not your favorite part of the job. and that is a reality to EVERY job (but thats why you get payed) 

Gaga needs a team that can simultaneously let her keep her artistic integrity but will not tolerate it when she throws a tantrum at something she doesnt want to do (except if she is physically incapable). Bobby needs to make her a schedule that she can tolerate and not allow her to shift gears and scrap projects just cause she feels like it often. They should just meet at a midpoint and avoid all type of yes-men workers (Which I get the impression that everyone in Gaga´s team is. Push-overs etc..)

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Ironic how lack of trying, and flop singles, can make you one of the most relevant people in modern popculture, huh.

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4 minutes ago, ryanripley said:

MR was promoted all over the place, it was like the only song that had a constant stream of live performances and the era had a lot of high profile promo slots


I agree with what you largely said, but the quote I pulled just illustrates my point. When she does promote, things get big. It's now her 'signature ballad' and several people adore the song. I know her vocals are widely praised. I know the situation is much more convoluted than just her deciding when/what/how much to promote, but if she (and her team) can agree, than a hit can be achieved. 

I hope ASIB gets good enough treatment to be widely seen. It won't be a mega-hit by any means, but a beloved movie and one that churns a profit is easy imo. 

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7 minutes ago, NotMyFlop said:

I agree. I do also preach the 'it's not all about the charts', despite what this post sounds like. I will forever be a Gaga stan. Have been with her through thick and thin. Her discography is unmatched in versatility and quality. However, chart success would be nice and I do think it's obtainable. 

I think we'll be in the luck this next album cycle... I get the feeling her team are gonna throw everything at us and try for a hit or two before she starts her Vegas Residency.

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6 minutes ago, andy232000 said:

I,ve said it before and I will say it a thousand times more. Gaga needs to realize "Lady Gaga" is not just her. Its a name, its a brand in which countless of other people work under. She cant just "not do stuff because she doesnt feel like it" when there are people working under you and trying to make a living out of it. If you dont do TV performances, dancers wont have a job. If you dont do talk shows, assistants, make-up artists, stylists, managers wont have jobs. I get that her life is overwhelming and that she should do what she wants, but sometimes its rather unprofesional and diva like to just cancel and shut down jobs because you dont feel like doing it. theres people who work to bring those opportunities and they depend and need you to say yes, even when its not your favorite part of the job. and that is a reality to EVERY job (but thats why you get payed) 

Gaga needs a team that can simultaneously let her keep her artistic integrity but will not tolerate it when she throws a tantrum at something she doesnt want to do (except she is physically incapable). Bobby needs to make her a schedule that she can tolerate and not allow her to shift gears and scrap projects just cause she feels like it often. 

I think this is a tad harsh, but I understand what you're saying. I think Born This Way (album) promotion and Fame Monster was rigorous. You couldn't go anywhere without her doing SOMETHING. 2009-2012 was an insane few years for her. I'm glad she was able to loosen up the schedule to take time and reflect, but there is a balance that can be found. I don't know what that is or could be, but I agree. She can have a schedule that's maintainable and leaves room for breaks for Fibro or personal reasons. 

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3 minutes ago, NotMyFlop said:

I agree with what you largely said, but the quote I pulled just illustrates my point. When she does promote, things get big. It's now her 'signature ballad' and several people adore the song. I know her vocals are widely praised. I know the situation is much more convoluted than just her deciding when/what/how much to promote, but if she (and her team) can agree, than a hit can be achieved. 

I hope ASIB gets good enough treatment to be widely seen. It won't be a mega-hit by any means, but a beloved movie and one that churns a profit is easy imo. 

exactly, that's why joanne was more about promoting herself than the music and she still managed to nab a number 1 album and 2 grammy noms etc etc blah blah

i think when she wants the music to be big, we'll get much more music heavy promo (and hopefully a better team :poot:)

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You can't say that and then go on to judge Joanne's success of lack thereof. 

I understand that she was on fire for years and seemed to be unstoppable but you need to factor in the **** she was going through at the time which is quite a lengthy list.  (some stemming from before the ARTPOP era).

I'll admit I haven't always been supportive because I've often thought from the perspective of a fan. But Gaga had to deal with losing her manager, losing the faith of her record company, seeing Sonya suffer and deteriorate from a terminal illness and then die, fibromyalgia flare ups, her relationship broke down and this was the man she was sure she would spend the rest of her life with! Most people would have had a mental breakdown. Perhaps she did. But she tried to be strong and we know she struggled. But she worked on an album that meant something to her and it was supposed to translate to us the headspace she was in at the time. I'm sure she knows she should have promoted it and that she should have made more of an effort and put on an extravagant theatrical stage show every night on tour. But when you think about it she did well considering the crap she was going through. Most people would have crumbled under the pressure but she didn't. During that era she did the Superbowl half time show which is one of the best shows an artist has ever done. 

I feel that the making of Joanne was a cathartic process for her and a way for her to stay revelant whilst also taking the time out to heal herself. Look at the three videos she released during that era. I believe they are a trilogy that clearly explain to us what she's been through and how she was feeling. And there's the 5 foot 2 documentary. Instead of going away for a few years to be with her family and work on LG5 she took the risk with Joanne and from the looks of it the real Lady Gaga is back and is going to be bigger and better than ever. I have a feeling she will heavily promote the next album. 

Also Joanne was her time to be a real artist. This was the time for her to show it's not about the bling and the charts. She showed us all it that the success was achievable without the heavy promotion. 

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12 minutes ago, Monster7 said:

I pretty much agree, lack of promotion and poor choices of singles and release dates

I think her single releases will always be a little up in the air, sometimes she seems to know better but then lately her label seem to know better.

For example, Gaga wanted Born This Way, Scheisse, Marry The Night and The Edge of Glory as singles from BTW.  This would have stopped the Judas controversy and I think all of those songs had good chances at becoming hits.

Her label wanted A-YO to be the lead on Joanne, which I think would have gone down better than Perfect Illusion but they both compromised on PI.

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