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Th1rteen R3easons Why - Season 2


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i'm up to episode 8 and i'm shook, spoilers below:



this annoying format of the court case and each kid testifying has been SO SLOW. literally. so f*cking slow. 

the tapes leaking online should have been a cliffhanger for episode 1 or 2 and the court case shouldn't be forced to play out like they did the tapes in S1, it should be all this drama and then start to build tension like ACS did with their OJ Simpson season with a verdict being the payoff and hannah's story can be put to rest


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Morphine Prince

I don't think anyone can judge the entire season based on the first few episodes like most of you are doing. Season 1 took a huge turn in the last episodes and had everyone shook. 

That being said, I watched the first two episodes of Season 2 and so far it has kept my attention but the charm of season 1 is not really there, as happens with many shows. However, I wouldn't be surprised if it gets drastically better. 

Overall, I have no complaints and I'm interested to see what happens with the trial and the rest of the stories. 

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I finished it and I loved it. Definitely watch. (Some scenes are graphic tho)

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So I'm on episode 4 and I'm wondering, why do they all suddenly play baseball? weren't they playing basket ball last season?

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5 minutes ago, tomsches said:

So I'm on episode 4 and I'm wondering, why do they all suddenly play baseball? weren't they playing basket ball last season?

i think in america, throughout the year they rotate sport seasons

the warmer weather season is for outside sports and colder weather season for indoor sports etc

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I’m so shook at the finale and not in a good way,  milking for S3 I see.. :awkney: 

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2 minutes ago, Runway said:

I’m so shook at the finale and not in a good way, and I hate how they let bryce and monty walk free AGAIN, milking for S3 I see.. :awkney: 

-.- spoilers please...

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Just had a major death spoiled for me :huntyga:

isn’t the internet wonderful :huntyga:

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waste of my damn time tbh

finished the season today, absolute waste

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I just watched episode 1 and not sure I'm going to continue after the comments here :smh:

It became bland, the acting is bad, I don't understand what's going on with these photos. Also, is any character going to point out that sexting doesn't make you a sl*t or ? And Tony playing mysterious as always.

You popped my heart seams, all my bubble dreams
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s2 is great sofar...I've been binging 6 eps straight :giveup: 

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I just finished the final Episode. 

and I am sick to my stomach. When they did that thing to Tyler, I felt like vomiting. I am shaken and I feel SO bad. I get that they're using the extreme scenes to start conversation, but putting a broom up his tush was too much for me, especially when it was covered in blood afterwards. I feel disgusted and completely sick writing this. I never felt such strong yet negative emotions watching the last season or the last episodes. I am really shocked. 

All in all I thought the Season was okay. The finale was inevitably clear from the second-third Episode. You could clearly tell that there was more budget given this Season. 

⟡ ⋆ ˚。⋆🦢⋆ ˚。⋆⟡
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Well I just finished Season 2 and the thing that bothered me the most was


I can't believe they left us hyped at the end of Season 1 like that and did that AGAIN. One of the storylines that I was looking forward to was Tyler's guns and what he was going to do with them. At first it bothered me that they introduced Cyrus because I felt like they wanted Tyler to have that "bad influence punk rock friend" that'd push him to do that but I'm GLAD that Cyrus actually ended up as a good kid. It did bother me that they hyped that until the very last minute and Tyler just dropped the rifle and went away with Tony.

I don't know if it's just me but a school shooting would've been an AMAZING storyline and would've made a big impact. I expected season 2 to end with at least 10 dead bodies, including some of the main cast like Zach, Marcus and Montgomery. I don't know if it's messed up that I expected that, maybe because I've watched 14 seasons of Grey's Anatomy but they really had the chance to talk about stuff that is happening today and actually make an interesting story. It had the potential to lead to the consequences of that for a Season 3 and focus on gun control.

Some other stuff that I want to talk about:

Kevin Porter: I felt really bad for him. He knows he messed up and it's something that he's going to live with for the rest of his life but he did what was right. 

Tapes - They should've leaked earlier in the show.

Clay - OMFG I can't believe how many times I wanted to punch him. What in the hell were the writers thinking when they decided to have Clay go to Bryce's house and point a gun to him. I get that he loves Hannah and he was angry but man, did he really think killing him would've made things better?

Montgomery - MAN I hated this character this season. Ep 13 was hard to watch, that bathroom scene with Tyler was disturbing but sadly it is something that happens in real life.

lol at Ryan and that Grindr hook up.

Nina burning those pictures. Why ?

Justin doing heroine once again, that was a sad scene because I actually thought he was getting better but I understand drugs are hard to get over. I'm also curious to see what's gonna happen now that his mom's boyfriend know where he is.

Chlöe, poor girl, she really is messed up.


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I'm on episode 10. So far I don't Think it's that Bad. Sure, there are many Things i don't like and Season 1 is clearly better but there are also many Things i like and literally each episode has had me gagged and thats what Good series do 

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