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Shania Twain Supports D. Trump


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1 hour ago, Economy said:

As much as I don't like Trump or wanna defend him...

What does him being a developer have of relevance to this? :oprah:

An industry in NYC full of scammers and cheapskates who snipe at each other anonymously in the tabloid pages.

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Whatever, it's her opinion. Everyone should be free to have one. It's not like entertainers have greater say that anyone else.

Silence those demons... . 🖤
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13 hours ago, FABian said:

Oh everyone relax. Most of yall dont even know anything about politics. People are allowed to have and form their own opinions. 

Intollerant people crying for tolerance. :laughga:

Right? Lmao almost nobody knows anything about politics. And when will people realize that we have to tolerate everyone’s opinions, even if they lead to harm and violence! Who cares if someone is homophobic, or sexist, or racism, or a Nazi, right? Cause it’s just opinions!  



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7 hours ago, Retron said:

An industry in NYC full of scammers and cheapskates who snipe at each other anonymously in the tabloid pages.


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On 4/22/2018 at 4:12 PM, corvus albus said:

Who would've thought that a country singer is republican



Im Harol don't tell anyone
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Born To Slay
On 4/22/2018 at 4:21 PM, 666 others said:

Btw, how exactly does Trump seem honest? :huh: Is she equating rudeness/loudness with honesty?

A lot of people seem too. The man is a pathological liar yet seems to get called Honest a lot. 

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Born To Slay
13 hours ago, Epione said:

Her reasoning is something a teenager would come up with. Dumb.

A lot of celebs Reasons for supporting a politician sound like that. Gaga's Reasons for supporting Hillary made me cringe. And I supported Hillary.

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On 23.4.2018 at 9:26 AM, Matt said:

I understand what she means, but I don't understand how people can support him in any way after everything he's done and said. And it would be so much better for her to have kept that comment to herself, I don't think she understands how damaging it could be to her. :/ 

Shania Twain is a very intelligent woman who does not base her opinion on fake American mainstream media.

Donald Trump is the greatest president of our time, he significantly lowered American unemployment, brought many US companies from overseas back to manufacturing in the US again and does not allow US-Amercia to be cheated by the European Union, which imposed many duty customs for products outside from Europe and achieved peace and de-nuclearization in Korea - in just 14 months. He outshined and outsmarted Obama in any aspect.

American mainstream media delibaretely portrayed Trump as anti-gay, anti-black and anti-women; - even though this is not true at all - to make people from these groups dislike Trump and vote for his opponent - Hillary Clinton, who was supported by American mainstream media (just 5 cooperations own more than 20 000 US-Media outlets). Wikileaks reports also revealed that Clinton's team donated many celebrities in diverse ways money to cooperate with her. Also Clinton's team shamelessly exploited the bandwagon effect, if they donate 50 celebrities money, some more celebrities will join with no money offered in campaining for Clinton. Also many countries donated for Clinton's foundation as they believed she will become president, to influence her, which gave her moany options. Clinton's unsuccessful campaign ($768 million in spending) outspent Trump's successful one ($398 million) by nearly 2 to 1.


It is shocking to see how many people here believe that Trump is "horrible", while he is just the victim of a Media witch hunt and 5 cooperations decide what Americans shall believe.

It is a very good thing that Shania Twain broke the silence and confessed that she is pro-Trump because otherwise people would continue to believe that "Nazis and horrible people vote for Trump", which isn' true either. There are many more celebrities like Britney and Paris Hilton and many more who voted for Donald Trump. Most do not say it in public because they are scared of negative judgement and I think this is a shame and very sad because Trump needs more support so that he can become President for his second term again.

I think a lot of Gaga fans would be shocked if they knew how many of their favorite stars truly voted for Trump, they stay silent because they are scared of negative judgement. This is a dilemma because these "fans" (who claim to be tolerant but are not tolerant when it comes to Trump fans, they are only tolerant for things that they like...) will unfollow these celebrities and not buy their stuff anymore, if the number celebrities does not seem so high. However, if all celebrities would confess who they truly voted for, pop stars fans would not have many celebrities left to stan for (only those who were donated money by Clinton's team and those who vote for the Democrats in general). Also people shouldn't forget that the majority of white women voted for Donald Trump, and that it is a myth that only men vote for him. It's likely that all celebrities who vote for the Republicans in general and all those who were unhappy with the direction into which Americas was heading under Obama, voted for Trump, which would be about 45-55% of all celebrities, they just do not speak about it in public. And this is a shame, because Trump already achieved so many positive things and made American great again and he deserves to be honoured for it.


Many fans wrongly assume that all celebrities are against Trump. Clinton spent a lot of money to buy the opinion of celebrities. For example, her team paid 70,000 Dollar to Katy Perry:


I really like Shania Twain because she does not sell her opinion and I love Shania Twain because she cannot be bought.

~We are Reel Cool~
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On 2018-04-27 at 1:32 PM, maxblac said:

Yet you seem to have a problem with it so what's the T?:oprah:

I dont have a problem with people having opinions.


What i have a problem with is the REASONING behind those opinions.



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