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Outtakes (part 3)


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if anyone has any questions or wants to contact me for trading, just pm me :)

Random, look want I found on ebay.

It says that is a bulgarian RS with the reject shoot, is this true/real?

🌹 free britney 🌹
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Random, look want I found on ebay.

It says that is a bulgarian RS with the reject shoot, is this true/real?

Yes, that is real. Rolston was used. It isn't a rejected shoot.

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As i promised, another UHQ from Nick Knight shoot is coming at ladygaga.ru/exclusive :)



YAS! I'm still mad at the fact we don't have any outtakes from that shoot :crossed: It's one of my faves! 

Thank you so much Dima! :runhug:

TMBT 3.22.11 // TBTWB 1.17.13 // ArtRAVE 6.3.14 // C2CT 5.28.15 // TJWT 8.13.17 // Chromatica World Tour 9.8.22
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Random, look want I found on ebay.

It says that is a bulgarian RS with the reject shoot, is this true/real?

Yes, I actually did not know it was used, but then again it wasn't in america, the magazine on ebay is in Bulgarian or Russian. Sorry guys!  :cryga:

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Yes, I actually did not know it was used, but then again it wasn't in america, the magazine on ebay is in Bulgarian or Russian. Sorry guys!  :cryga:

No problem, it's good to make the things clearer to everybody.

🌹 free britney 🌹
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cant wait til we get that last btw nick knight outtake

I know, it will be sad. The last NK photo

❝Is not blue, not turquoise, not lapis. It's actually cerulean❞.
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The NK shoot has gradually ruined our lives do y'all realize this

fragment-fragment--bul-uh...scab-uh..fragment-foot, bullet fragment foot bich!
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Alien Tulip

The NK shoot has gradually ruined our lives do y'all realize this


It did. It made me want to sell my asshole on the streets for anyone who wants to sell those photos.

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