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Harlequin - OUT SEPTEMBER 27th
Harlequin - OUT SEPTEMBER 27th
Harlequin - OUT SEPTEMBER 27th

Gaga's musical future...


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We all know what Gaga is best at, just by looking at her tribute performances.

I think it's time for her to take her place where she is most comfortable and best... and take her place among the piano pop rock legends.

Plenty of inspiration for her, and contrary to some pop opinions the shows will not be boring.   How can you be bored by great music, great bands, great songs, and great vocals?

besides she already knows how to do  it in a Gaga fashion.


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I love her piano renditions of her originals and I'd have no problem with her embarking on an entire tour by playing ballads and piano rock pieces. Plus, this could be better for her physical condition.

angels forever, forever angels
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It's actually something that I really want her to do..

The only problem for me is that she tends to talk a lot when she's on the piano and it's a bit boring..

I'm working late, cause I'm a puta
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i honestly wouldn't mind if she gave up being a commercial pop star if it meant she tackled more pop rock or just rock music

sometimes i think the commercial aspect to her career can get in the way of her artistry and she's yet to achieve her best music-wise

i'm not saying pop rock/rock music IS where her best music is, just that the restrictions of being a well selling pop star are heavy on her

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She doesn't have to do every song on the piano. She can do what she did at that Armenian (?) wedding with Marry The Night. Walking around on stage with a microphone

I do think she will and should gravitate away from choreo. She really doesn't NEED it. She was never a great dancer to begin with. She should focus on vocals and piano, keep the avant garde fashion/looks, and include some more props/visuals.

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Ever since I heard her acoustic/piano versions of Poker Face and Paparazzi for the first time waaaay back in 2009, I've wanted Gaga to become a piano-centric songwriter/singer/artist.

I enjoy her pop music tremendously.  Don't get me wrong.  But seeing Gaga at the piano for the first time is what got me to notice her at all, to be honest; I think there's something about her that's exceptionally special when she's playing at the piano.

EDIT: Also ... Tori Amos yassss! Be still, my teenage heart. I do believe that I read an old interview that Gaga did back in 2009 or 2010 where she mentioned Tori Amos as one of her inspirations.

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4 hours ago, River said:

The only problem for me is that she tends to talk a lot when she's on the piano and it's a bit boring..


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