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Should music charts exist?


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1 hour ago, Doncho said:

Exactly. Also DWUW :selena: 

Who? R. Kelly who? I only know the solo version. :selena:


1 hour ago, CyanLights said:

The only time I care about charts/success is when record labels treat lower charting artists poorly l, like preventing promo or limiting studio time or creativity. 

It sucks that many artists either make music they love and don’t chart well or chart high and make “generic”, unenjoyable(to the artist) music 

This so much tbh. An artist flops once and the record company suddenly treats them like some obscure obsolete one-hit wonder. :madge:

That's why I like how Marina promoted FROOT. None of the singles charted because the charts were not what she targeted. Her Froot-of-the-month promo allowed her the freedom to release the music the way she wanted as opposed to figuring out what would work commercially.

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Charts are not really a reflection of quality, so I would have no problem getting rid of them.

I live outside the space time continuum.
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12 minutes ago, TheShameMonster said:

Who? R. Kelly who? I only know the solo version. :selena:


Dont forget about the Xtina version lmao

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Of course it's important to have charts. Why? Because they show who's worth putting money in aka. using sh!tloads of money to get across the globe to fans and concerts and all that. How else would the label or the artists themselves know which country to visit etc.

Imagine a world without charts and Gaga traveling to a foreign country to perform and nobody shows up because her music isn't popular there :laughga:

Also, how should the advertisers trust a line up for a TV event if they don't know if people are interested in those who appear? 

Add to that the fact that many of us find them "exciting" especially when our faves win by being #1 or something. There's much more to it than just "bling." As soon as you throw money at something you want revenue. The whole world and everything you use every single day is about business. 

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23 minutes ago, Doncho said:

Dont forget about the Xtina version lmao

Lol that version was a gift to the fans. If she wanted to make it a success, she would have collaborated with someone popular at the time.

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3 minutes ago, sipthistea said:

Lol that version was a gift to the fans. If she wanted to make it a success, she would have collaborated with someone popular at the time.

Yes a gift that was sold on iTunes :trollga:


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3 hours ago, Ronk said:

Charts are not really a reflection of quality, so I would have no problem getting rid of them.


4 minutes ago, Doot said:

I think charts are a waste of time, and damage integrity of music. 

And this. 

I also think that it is not necessarily the charts themselves, but the toxic fans that take them too seriously to the point where they are putting down other artists and creating competition that is completely poisonous. 

Art is abstract and cannot be quantified, so why are people comparing artists with numbers? Its all about how one perceives music and whether or not it speaks to them on a deeper level. So in the end, charts are irrelevant to me personally and I don't follow them. Gaga could be doing dive bars on the LES right now having never made it, and if I heard her play, then I would feel the same way that I feel about her now. I could care less if she's sold 10 copies or 200 million...or if she had never even charted. I understand that its a business and charts are used as an important barometer for allotting money towards certain artists and is needed for tour planning, but for me personally, I don't care and wouldn't miss them. 

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8 hours ago, GypsyBabe said:


And this. 

I also think that it is not necessarily the charts themselves, but the toxic fans that take them too seriously to the point where they are putting down other artists and creating competition that is completely poisonous. 

Art is abstract and cannot be quantified, so why are people comparing artists with numbers? Its all about how one perceives music and whether or not it speaks to them on a deeper level. So in the end, charts are irrelevant to me personally and I don't follow them. Gaga could be doing dive bars on the LES right now having never made it, and if I heard her play, then I would feel the same way that I feel about her now. I could care less if she's sold 10 copies or 200 million...or if she had never even charted. I understand that its a business and charts are used as an important barometer for allotting money towards certain artists and is needed for tour planning, but for me personally, I don't care and wouldn't miss them. 


And charts are more a reflection of the talent of an artist's team, manager, and label in promoting an artist, rather than the talent of the artist.  Also, talent is subjective.  Besides being a matter of the musical tastes of listeners, it's also how an artist is perceived by listeners.  That perception can be swayed by promotion.  It's human nature to jump onto bandwagons.

I live outside the space time continuum.
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I don't think anyone outside of these forums actually cares about charts or the quality of what's on the charts. Music is there for enjoyment whether it be an experimental song or a "generic" chart topper. 

From a business standpoint it is vital. It's a business and the charts are almost a ranking of such. Without them many artists wouldn't have the budget or ability to create the music they want to. 

It's actually the fans that place such an importance or distaste for charts that make the charts so unappealing tbh.

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Charts suck. General public only cares about having a song that they can dance on the dance floor and they sound almost the same. You have look if you live in an English speaking country, but in Spain and Latin America, people only listen to "electrolatino" which is boring, effortless and sexist. I'm not into charts anymore, I don't care about it, because since 13' is all the time the same music with some bop here and there.

I wish artists cared more about creating NEW music instead of repeating everytime the same kinda songs only for the money & being #1. That's one of the reasons I'm tired of this fandom, because after all gaga's hard work for being outside the box, ppl want her to make songs with redone instead of letting her be free and explore new genres.:fthis:

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