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YouTube cuts ties with Logan Paul

Guest Blue Madonna

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The decay :selena: I feel like this will be a lesson to millions of kids that you can never be too big too fail. We've all seen it.

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I’m confused, what does “cut ties” mean exactly?  his channel is going to be deleted? Or youtube won’t promote his videos?

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Glad it’s finally over. I’m over hearing about Logan Paul. Made a mistake, now pay for it and move on. 

Sadly his channel will still buzz but hopefully his new videos will reflect all this backlash and he will chill the hell out lol. 

May I Read You? 😎
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3 minutes ago, CyanLights said:

I’m confused, what does “cut ties” mean exactly?  his channel is going to be deleted? Or youtube won’t promote his videos?

I guess it’s just that they’re not really associating the brand with him and promoting him anymore :poot::poot:

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Although this is definitely great news, I can assure you that this would not have happened if other YouTubers did not strive for fairness across the platform. The amount of criticism they've faced because YouTube allowed him to post on their platform without penalties (in fact his video displaying a dead body was on a page curated by YouTube themselves for over 24 hours) is an indication of what YouTube prioritizes most: profit. This is amazing to hear nonetheless.  

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24 minutes ago, CyanLights said:

I’m confused, what does “cut ties” mean exactly?  his channel is going to be deleted? Or youtube won’t promote his videos?

Previously he was the face of YT so they’d make Google sponsored series with him and use him for YouTube’s advertisement and put his videos in everyone’s suggestions but now they’ve taken him out of all of that for now. They did the same thing to Pewdiepie in 2016.

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1 minute ago, Venusfly said:

Previously he was the face of YT so they’d make Google sponsored series with him and use him for YouTube’s advertisement and put his videos in everyone’s suggestions but now they’ve taken him out of all of that for now. They did the same thing to Pewdiepie in 2016.

ahh understand, thank you!

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1 hour ago, calmar said:

If they were to truly cut ties they would stop allowing him to use them as a platform for his videos.

Then there would be a freedom of speech issue in that, so probably won’t happen. Cutting a contract is probably the most they can do other than demonitize his videos. 

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Lord Temptation

Hang on a sec. YouTube are such bloody hypocrites. They showed the original video of the dead body just for views. It was Logan himself who removed it, after the backlash on social media (mainly Twitter). 

If they really want to show the world their morals they would demonetise his account, like they’ve done to hundreds of actual educational and non-disgusting channels.

F C K YouTube. 

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It's sad that it had to take so long for them to take action and do this. This should've been done a long time ago, but whatever, at least it'd done now.

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Not sure what takes them so long when they can instantly blocked and demonetize Gaga's DWUW single video or any other videos mentioning LGBTQ issues.

Besides I am not that happy yet, since they have not demonitize his videos yet. He is still gonna make money out of this, which I am sick of to know.

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