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Meryl Streep Responds To Rose McGowan’s Criticism


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I believe Meryl. I know Harvey could probably have his way with some of the younger starlets of the 90s, the ones that hadn’t risen to power. But messing with the Queen of Actors would not have been a good move for him. And Meryl handled Rose McGowan with class. Rose should be more tactful and really gain information before the attack mode she has been in lately. Her anger is understandable, but be tactful, and DO NOT ASSUME. 

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Wolf Boy
9 hours ago, ALGAYDO said:

I totally see Rose’s point and understand her criticism, but she should have done some research or something before blatantly spreading lies like that. Meryl’s response was perfect.  

Agreed, Rose really needs to take a breath and not react so quickly without the facts. The fact that she wouldnt take her calls seems rather petty too, she needs to focus on talking about the right people not just running whoever she feels like through the mud, that doesnt help anything.

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i believe meryl. 

you simply can't attack someone like meryl like that, rose.

if you hurt taylor swift, i'll hurt you back
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Rose seems to be falling a victim to the "regressive distortion" of judgement - a psychological and perceptive phenomena. 

It occurs when we uncover some facts about the past and therefore assume that all people living in that time period had to know about it because these events were happening before their nose. 

However, such an assumption is not a priori right. It needs thorough research and verification. Assuming that Meryl and every other soul in Hollywood knew about Weinstein in the 90s just because there were rumours about him is wrong.

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I really don't believe that Meryl knew absolutely nothing. Rumour spreads like wildfire in Hollywood and the biggest players hear it first. All different actors have spoken out so far, either from experience or saying they'd heard the rumours. Some of these people I had never even heard of. If the smaller stars and the complete unknowns had heard the rumours and had experienced them firsthand, there is no reason why the biggest names would have been left out of the loop. I mean, some agents were outed for sending actresses to meetings with the guy despite knowing that he was a creep. How can the whole of Hollywood know but not the most nominated and awarded actress in Oscar history? She's clearly just covering herself. You'll notice that Meryl was all too happy to make anti-Trump speeches (likely because he wasn't in her industry and couldn't end her career) but is reluctant to stand up for abuses in her own industry (likely because speaking up on rumours might have ended her career). As much as I want to support other liberals, they sure dole out the hypocrisy. They rightfully condemn Trump but let problems among their own slide right under their smug noses. For years, liberals wanted the world to think that it was only conservative celebrities who were creeps and abusers. Now that the liberals are being exposed for being just as bad, they're embarrassed about how much they've let go unnoticed and are desperately trying to feign innocence. Sometimes, the hypocrisy is even more blatant. Lena Dunham recently tweeted that women don't lie about rape...but after a guy who worked on her show got accused of rape, she automatically defended him. No wonder conservatives are laughing so much at liberals right now. A whole horde of its celebrity followers can't even keep up with their own double standards.

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5 hours ago, StrawberryBlond said:

I really don't believe that Meryl knew absolutely nothing. Rumour spreads like wildfire in Hollywood and the biggest players hear it first. All different actors have spoken out so far, either from experience or saying they'd heard the rumours. Some of these people I had never even heard of. If the smaller stars and the complete unknowns had heard the rumours and had experienced them firsthand, there is no reason why the biggest names would have been left out of the loop. I mean, some agents were outed for sending actresses to meetings with the guy despite knowing that he was a creep. How can the whole of Hollywood know but not the most nominated and awarded actress in Oscar history? She's clearly just covering herself. You'll notice that Meryl was all too happy to make anti-Trump speeches (likely because he wasn't in her industry and couldn't end her career) but is reluctant to stand up for abuses in her own industry (likely because speaking up on rumours might have ended her career). 

I agree, but knowing about it and letting it happen are 2 different things, even for someone as big as her, either you play along or youre out. I say she knew, but she had no way of stopping it or letting it out, (she would have needed hard evidence anyway), so I dont hold it against her.

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