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Grammy Performance Ideas

Mr S

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With only 2 nominations, its not guarantee she gets asked to perform. However, she is one of the 5 biggest stars of the Grammy year so maybe she does.

ASIB lead single should be coming  close in Feb/Mar/Apr. So I think it's a perfect time to introduce it.

My idea of a performance is have Gaga sitting at the piano starting out with MR. Someone else is helping her by playing guitar. All we can see are silhouettes. She does the first and chorus. Then transitions into a new song for ASIB (doesn't necessarily have to be a lead single) while lights turn on at the same time. The audience sees Gaga dressed similar to her character (this part can be skipped if its too lame) and Bradley Cooper was the guitar player. She finishes off the entire song on piano, maybe gets up at the end and belts out final chorus with Bradley still on guitar. Bradley doesn't sing, this is not a duet, just him on guitar. My reasoning is that having Bradley would create headlines. Gaga alone doesn't do it to the same extent anymore unless she had a crazy outfit.

Good idea?

What are your ideas?

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Why Million Reasons?? It will be over a year old by that time :/ The Cure would fit better too the sound of ASIB As well i think?? :oprah: 

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1 minute ago, Dark Salvation said:

Why Million Reasons?? It will be over a year old by that time :/ The Cure would fit better too the sound of ASIB As well i think?? :oprah: 

Cause it's nominated dummy, and it's her biggest hit since Applause

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I don't want her to perform there because I'm a little bit tired of MR and The Cure. Unless she performs a mix of her biggest hits or a brand new song, I really don't care if they don't invite her.

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I really want great performance with a Million Reasons that ended the era.

Maybe something like a performance on the American Music Awards in 2016, but more energetic.

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Not you guys having her rather not peform then peform MR..... I hope she does a 10min long version of it just to piss you off :ladyhaha:

Seriously doing MR is logical since she is nomminated for the song unless she gets to do some kind of joanne medley. ASIB single is also a option but it might be a bit too early for that :shrug:

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If she performs million reasons then there should be some unexpected twist to it which even fans cant predict:giggle: 

How can anoyone not love gaga
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She performed Poker Face at the Grammys in 2010. I don't see any problem performing Million Reasons since it's nominated.

Plus she might be doing a medley or have some surprise factor included. People who don't want Million Reasons simply shouldn't watch if it's such a big problem for them.

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She starts in the dark with...

Rah Rah Romaa romama

Gaga ulala

million reasons


(and then she comes out of the dark and starts siging...)

jewels n drugs :trollga:

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I would like a Joanne Album's Medley and announcement of Australian/Asian/SouthAmerican Leg of Joanne SlayBoxScore  World Tour ! But i agree with a full The Cure Acoustic performance, i live for this <3 

But the best for her could be a release of ASIB's Lead Single with an amazing performance.

Or...She could do a Joanne medley with a "The Cure" Transition to the ASIB lead single :D


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