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Why do people say Madonna is Talentless?


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2 hours ago, Omar Vela said:

The great Patti Lupone agrees with me

Sondheim and Howard Stern agree with me. And the Golden Globe voters. Anybody else you want to bring to your camp?

Flyin' like a 1000 Doves
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She's a good dancer/producer/songwriter, but her voice was never great, but it's not terrible either. It especially doesn't sound very good on her last few releases.

anybody knows you can conjure anything by the dark of the moon
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14 hours ago, Sebs said:

I mean, I pray and hope Gaga's going to achieve (and I'm sure she will) the peaks of artistry that Madonna achieved with albums like Erotica, Like A Prayer or American Life.

Last time I checked, Gaga had the same amount of Grammies as Madonna and she's been in the industry for far less time. There are also other indicators to flat out prove Gaga can outclass Madonna as an artist, but I rest my case.

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Idk.  I followed her music/videos from the beginning of her career.  Her early work was innovative, groundbreaking, and excellently done.  She led the way for others who followed.  I can't comment on her recent work, as I lost interest years ago.  That's nothing negative about Madonna, but it's just that peoples' interests change over time.

I live outside the space time continuum.
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Evita was at number 1 in the box office for 9 weeks. Oh god, how many times do I have to repeat myself we don't do ourselves any favours. Lets just hop ASIB  does that well or we will look pathetic bringing Evita even into it. It was a box office smash. We are digging ourselves a big hole here. We cant deny Madonna's X factor, star power or put down her talent we sound a bit clueless. She wrote and made her like a prayer album in a week (with raw vocals live). Vogue too. Confessions was written in a short time in an attic studio. She's an amazing performer and has never claimed she's the best singer. There's room for Gaga and Madonna we are demeaning ourselves trying to put her down. We cant. There's room for everyone, Madonna created herself.  She was the front runner that gave us the chance to have Gaga. Show some respect rather than silly lies and slander. Its immature.

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5 hours ago, StrawberryBlond said:

It's not just about her voice. It comes down to how she got famous and her involvement in her music. Madonna's career started because she knew the right people and she dated her way to fame - she dated Jellybean Benitez, the DJ who got her the big connections. He remixed Holiday and it resulted in her first huge hit and the whole thing took off from there. She's been maintaining connections ever since. She also didn't write a lot of earlier stuff and has stolen songs from other artists and unfairly edged herself onto writing credit on others. She's also stolen music video concepts. This is why she's been sued so many times. These kind of things are why she struggles to get a lot of respect from people. A lot of them feel she got to where she is based on luck and connections and leeched off other people's talents.

But if you do want to talk about her voice, it can sound quite pretty if she really tries but she can't hit the big notes. The Evita score also had to be lowered so she could hit all the notes. The problem with this is that the low notes became even lower, to the point where they were a bit too low, hence why the occasional low note part sounded a bit silly.

The revisionism of history is this post is just ridiculous. Girl bye...

Take some time to actually educate yourself instead of making stuff up.

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Oh lord, to say she didn't write her early songs?? There notebooks with the lyrics. She was a dancer, drummer singer, we cant wipe that out to make gaga sound better. Gaga is her own person. Enjoy her just as much, theres no rules, don't make crap up, that's school playground trash that Gaga would be offended by.

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5 hours ago, Omar Vela said:

A talented business woman: YES
A talented artist: Not at all
Is that bad: No
That makes her less important in pop history: No
Should Medonners stop trying to make her look like a modern Wagner?: Of course!!

Perfectly said.

Medonners think that if you say the slightest negative thing about her, it means that you are throwing all her career to the trash.

Like me, saying that her voice reminds me of the Powerpuff Girls, doesnt mean i dont understand and recognize all her achievements, of course i do, i know shes a legend.

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Because they are taletless so their bitterness and jealousy makes them say sh-t about artists that spent many hours of work and many sacrifices to release  their art to the world to enjoy.

I'm working late, cause I'm a puta
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I enjoy her tone very much. I think what she has achieved is enormous, but I also think it is partially based on shock value, rather than raw talent. She has achieve tremendous success, but some of her work is far from being a masterpiece. After all, we are dealing here with pop music.

I recommand eveyone not sure about her vocal talent to listen to this very touching song. Makes me often cry:


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6 hours ago, StrawberryBlond said:

In her own words, "look it up." She stole Open Your Heart off a backup singer called Donna De Lory who sang the demo of it and reworked it to suit herself. Lenny Kravitz and Ingrid Chavez completely wrote Justify My Love but Madonna unlawfully put herself onto the writing credits for changing one word. And Webber and Rice wrote You Must Love Me for her role in Evita so that an original song could be up for Oscar contention, however, as Oscars for songs only go to the writers, Madonna wanted to personally be in with a chance, so she sent back their completed song, asking them if they would accept some minor revisions and to give her writing credit if they accepted them. They refused and told her to accept the song in its original conception or leave it. She decided to accept it without her name on it. It later won an Oscar (must have stung).

There might be more, but those are the most high profile cases.

She did not steal anything. She always said Lenny Kravitz wrote most of the song. And if you change something that means your name goes on the writing credits. Everyone does that. Including Gaga. Or are you forgetting about Come To Mama, Perfect Illusion and most importantly, Til It Happens To You and the Oscars?

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