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Why do people say Madonna is Talentless?


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Oh my goodness all the pressed in here saying she has no vocal talent. :rip:

She is not as good as Gaga vocally but she can sing and in fact has been lauded for her range with the soundtrack album I'm Breathless! and for her performance in Evita, which won her a Golden Globe


Flyin' like a 1000 Doves
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It's not just about her voice. It comes down to how she got famous and her involvement in her music. Madonna's career started because she knew the right people and she dated her way to fame - she dated Jellybean Benitez, the DJ who got her the big connections. He remixed Holiday and it resulted in her first huge hit and the whole thing took off from there. She's been maintaining connections ever since. She also didn't write a lot of earlier stuff and has stolen songs from other artists and unfairly edged herself onto writing credit on others. She's also stolen music video concepts. This is why she's been sued so many times. These kind of things are why she struggles to get a lot of respect from people. A lot of them feel she got to where she is based on luck and connections and leeched off other people's talents.

But if you do want to talk about her voice, it can sound quite pretty if she really tries but she can't hit the big notes. The Evita score also had to be lowered so she could hit all the notes. The problem with this is that the low notes became even lower, to the point where they were a bit too low, hence why the occasional low note part sounded a bit silly.

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10 hours ago, Stevo said:

They have too much time on their hands LOL. What songs should I listen to first for confessions?

There's also a version of Confessions that has all the 12 tracks separated if you just want a few songs:-)

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47 minutes ago, StrawberryBlond said:

Β She also didn't write a lot of earlier stuff and has stolen songs from other artists and unfairly edged herself onto writing credit on others.


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8 hours ago, DeanWinchester said:

Oh my goodness all the pressed in here saying she has no vocal talent. :rip:

She is not as good as Gaga vocally but she can sing and in fact has been lauded for her range with the soundtrack album I'm Breathless! and for her performance in Evita, which won her a Golden Globe


Don't forget Ray Of Light


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16 minutes ago, insight said:


In her own words, "look it up." She stole Open Your Heart off a backup singer called Donna De Lory who sang the demo of it and reworked it to suit herself. Lenny Kravitz and Ingrid Chavez completely wrote Justify My Love but Madonna unlawfully put herself onto the writing credits for changing one word. And Webber and Rice wrote You Must Love Me for her role in Evita so that an original song could be up for Oscar contention, however, as Oscars for songs only go to the writers, Madonna wanted to personally be in with a chance, so she sent back their completed song, asking them if they would accept some minor revisions and to give her writing credit if they accepted them. They refused and told her to accept the song in its original conception or leave it. She decided to accept it without her name on it. It later won an Oscar (must have stung).

There might be more, but those are the most high profile cases.

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8 minutes ago, StrawberryBlond said:

In her own words, "look it up." She stole Open Your Heart off a backup singer called Donna De Lory who sang the demo of it and reworked it to suit herself.

At that time, Cole had already submitted a song to Madonna (the title wasΒ Motor City Girl), but she rejected it. In the meantime, the original demo ofΒ Follow Your HeartΒ was sung by Jason Scheff, Chicago's then lead singer (after Peter Cetera left the group).

It was Freddy Demann who, after listening to the demo, saw it as a potential hit for Madonna. He asked Cole to make a new demo, with a female voice instead. Cole asked his former girlfriend to sing the demo - a girl called Donna DeLory.

Later, on he suggested Pat Leonard to use Donna as back-up singer and dancer, by the time Pat was helping Madonna put together an upcoming tour...




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1 minute ago, insight said:

At that time, Cole had already submitted a song to Madonna (the title wasΒ Motor City Girl), but she rejected it. In the meantime, the original demo ofΒ Follow Your HeartΒ was sung by Jason Scheff, Chicago's then lead singer (after Peter Cetera left the group).

It was Freddy Demann who, after listening to the demo, saw it as a potential hit for Madonna. He asked Cole to make a new demo, with a female voice instead. Cole asked his former girlfriend to sing the demo - a girl called Donna DeLory.

Later, on he suggested Pat Leonard to use Donna as back-up singer and dancer, by the time Pat was helping Madonna put together an upcoming tour...


Ok, it was a bit more complex than I first thought. Everything else still stands, though.

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and i oop
12 hours ago, Kylie Jenner said:

I don't think she's untalented,Β when she is compared to Gaga people tend to say Gaga is more talented as her vocals are stronger and can hit lower notes better. Also Gaga's voice is versatile when it comes to performing differentΒ genres. Madonna's voice is very pop and...mehΒ 


12 hours ago, JR Gg said:

She is good at dancing but vocally...Β :reductive:


12 hours ago, Adakam said:

Definetly not talentless, but oh god her voice sucks, its like a soft squeaky toy


11 hours ago, SergenGokdag said:

Because of her voiceΒ 

but i think she is good songwriter

She sounds pretty good here. I think so at least.


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Omar Vela

A talented business woman: YES
A talented artist: Not at all
Is that bad: No
That makes her less important in pop history: No
Should Medonners stop trying to make her look like a modern Wagner?: Of course!!

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Omar Vela
9 hours ago, DeanWinchester said:

Oh my goodness all the pressed in here saying she has no vocal talent. :rip:

She is not as good as Gaga vocally but she can sing and in fact has been lauded for her range with the soundtrack album I'm Breathless! and for her performance in Evita, which won her a Golden Globe


Evita was horrible...but ok

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