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Rate the Last Movie You Watched

James L

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Wreck it Ralph - 10/10 I really love this movie.

i agree it was my favorite film of last year

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Iron Man 3

Greatest trolling attempt against comic book fans ever made.

Gonna be interesting hearing all the crying from die hard purists in the near future.

If you've seen the film, you know exactly what I mean, but i'm not gonna reveal anything further.

However, movie itself was mediocre, weakest marvel shared universe film so far, but better than other films like Ghost Rider 2 and Green Lantern obviously.

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Little Fockers - 2010

It's not a patch on the first two movies, which were hilarious. This one is okay, but it's no where near as funny or as quirky. The jokes are kind of lame at times, and there seems to be a lack of an actual storyline. Robert De Niro is very good in it though.



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Mean Girls 10/10 .. This movie was so flawless, I didn`t expect myself to enjoy it as much as I did :clap:

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Iron Man 3 - 8/10


It's the funnest, most interesting Iron Man yet. It's also the most sophisticated Marvel cinematic universe film to date.

Forget the mediocre plotting of Captain America or Iron Man 2, this is on a whole different level... Phase 2 to be exact  ;)


The post-credits scene for this one, however, is pretty disappointing...

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Scary Movie 5



Needed Brenda and Cindy. Get rid of ashley and that other chick she was ****ing

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Storage 24 - 7/10


Pretty good British monster horror movie

"My people… need to let our bitchiness out. Otherwise, it turns to bile and poisons us"
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Gaga is Life

Like Crazy - hmm 7/10. It's your average romance with an interesting twist... of sorts. It shows how important trust is; they fought so hard to be together but when they finally had the chance to settle they didn't feel together.

Oh and Anna looks like Lana Del Rey and I enjoyed the close ups of her feet :hor:

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Heathers - 1988


Such an amazing movie which has become a cult classic over the years. Starring a young Winona Ryder and Christian Slater, it tells the story of a teenage girl who becomes entrapped in a plot with a rebellious tearaway in order to bring down the popular clique at her high school.


It was the first real 'popular girl satire' type film and each decade since has seemed to follow with an iconic cult classic film in the same way. The 80's had Heathers, the 90's had Clueless, and the 2000's had Mean Girls.


10/10, great movie.

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Gaga is Life

Act of Valour - 8/10. As far as action movies goes this one was top notch. Only the acting - though actual real life Navy SEALS - was a disaster which killed some of the mood. But the storyline kept me guessing and some of the scenes were very exciting.

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The Tree Of Life 1010 .. At the first I thought it was pretty boring, the born of the universe wasn`t important, but the movie itself was great, all the actors have done a great job :clap: 

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