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JWT Philadelphia #2: Holy Trinity Scrapped Again


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If she deletes a whole act, she can at least perform other songs... it's not as if she doesn't have other songs to sing (Marry the Night, Venus, Judas, Sinner's Prayer, etc.)

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14 hours ago, Stef said:

:air: you know for someone who spent an entire portion of an interview discussing how she can’t tamper with the setlist much because of the insanely technical elements of the show and the amount of cues to reach, she sure does love scrapping entire acts an cutting corners :sharon: 


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5 hours ago, Decodekid said:

wtf are yall talking about its was not cut 


Sept 10 was night #1 (not cut)
Sept 11 was night #2 (cut)

“Come over, when you’re sober”
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16 hours ago, Whispering said:

Things will change, maybe they will find a cure or a better long term medical intervention for her disease! 

Thank goodness Gaga is in the top tier vocally and can accompany herself fully on the piano...plus her songwriting skills. She's the type of artist who can sit at a piano for an entire show and entertain a crowd. No need to worry, she has the talents to survive this and entertain people for generations to come! 

I agree and have for a long time seen her later years going down a Tori Amos sort of path, big artistic concept albums, faithful fanbase, tours center around her and the piano. 

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New songs CONFIRMEDT:bon:

Maybe she's cutting the act to see if she can fit in another new segment with the remaining time :whitney:


Delusional me :creepflop:

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3 hours ago, TheBatman said:

I agree and have for a long time seen her later years going down a Tori Amos sort of path, big artistic concept albums, faithful fanbase, tours center around her and the piano. 

I love Tori Amos! 

I think Gaga will go more down the Elton John path. Her personality, talent, performing skills and fanbase are more in line with Elton. 

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11 minutes ago, Whispering said:

I love Tori Amos! 

I think Gaga will go more down the Elton John path. Her personality, talent, performing skills and fanbase are more in line with Elton. 

Not familiar enough with Elton to compare! Great songwriter for decades, terrible personality. What I love about Tori concerts is how you never know WHAT songs she will do, she decides in the hours prior to taking the stage! So every night is something unique. I could see Gaga getting to that point where she decides on the fly what to sing, she loves being raw and spontaneous! She doesn't just "rehearse for hours to put on a show." And then fans can't really complain, she didn't do "red section" tonight, etc, cause every night who knows what she will do.

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I get that fans like those songs, but "holy trinity"? Really? 

She does a remarkable edge of glory that put me to tears and so much more, the show is fantastic even without those songs so labeling these as a "holy trinity" is kind of a reach. 

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21 minutes ago, TheBatman said:

Not familiar enough with Elton to compare! Great songwriter for decades, terrible personality. What I love about Tori concerts is how you never know WHAT songs she will do, she decides in the hours prior to taking the stage! So every night is something unique. I could see Gaga getting to that point where she decides on the fly what to sing, she loves being raw and spontaneous! She doesn't just "rehearse for hours to put on a show." And then fans can't really complain, she didn't do "red section" tonight, etc, cause every night who knows what she will do.

Elton is a superstar! Amazing songwriter, who has used his songwriting skills on Broadway and in movies. He's not someone who dances around, but he was showy and his performing skills were in the forefront. Plus, he has always been involved in philanthropy. Add in that Gaga can then be in those Broadway shows and movies, and she will be one busy lady! 

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I was there both nights. She went on at the same time both nights. I was on barricade front and center for the second show (was second row center the first show) and someone from her crew was in front of me. I saw them setting up the stools for Joanna when she would normally start Bloody Mary. So I asked the guy (Bruce) if she was doing Bloody Mary and he said they planned to, but he just got word they scrapped it. So it was super last minute.

Maybe she was hurting and felt it'd be better for her to not do it. Perhaps since she did it the first night it was too much to again for a second night in a row. Idk. 

Since she still did Angel Down(Just at the front stage) only DIC and Paparazzi were cut. She still ended at the same though so maybe she just talked more. 

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