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Looking for BACKSTAGE EXPERIENCE monsters for 1st toronto show!


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We need to find a group of 6 monsters to take the group photo with gaga at the Joanne World Tour (Wednesday, September 6th 2017). I only bought one ticket for myself so I am looking for other fans who would like to join me. The group can either decide who they want to stand beside gaga or the manager can do a random draw to see who gets chosen. I would like to do the random draw to make things fair for everyone. If you would like to join my group please leave a comment!!! :) Paws up and can't wait to see everyone at the concert!!

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I see you are new but most people on Ggd (like me) are broke af. 



I hope you find someone tho! and you are sooooooooooo lucky to be able to take a photo with her!

Enjoy it for all of us!

Take care! 


Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always.
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10 minutes ago, Robagaga said:

I see you are new but most people on Ggd (like me) are broke af. 



I hope you find someone tho! and you are sooooooooooo lucky to be able to take a photo with her!

Enjoy it for all of us!

Take care! 


I'm broke too! I have like, $20 bucks on hand :air:

signing out
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