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A quick/easy way to convert images into JPGs (no uploading!)


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I saw that a lot of you still have links to your .PNG signatures. Instead of re-uploading, just follow these three simple steps:

1) Copy & paste your link into a new browser tab, word document, whatever.

2) Change the extension at the end to jpg.

3) Re-post it as your signature, or whatever else.

I'm pretty sure this only works with imgur, though. Tried it with Photobucket and I got the "image not found" error.

Hope this is helpful to some of you!

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You're welcome guys!

For some reason, I'm not allowed to sticky topics. I think this is one that should be, so I'm going to ask another mod.

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Thanks! :)

dOnT sAd ReAcT mE 2 bE sHaDy i WiLL RePoRt U!!1!
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Lion Heart

Wow thanks! :party:

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