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"My name is Dita, I'll be your Mistress tonight..."
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I know she doesnt set the prices but $40 for a t-shirt :smh: 

Hands up to the sky, I'm about to fly!
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It took me SO long to figure out it was her in the convertible. I legit thought it was a rock in the ocean with a pink sky

Been a long time but I'm back in town, and this time I'm not leaving without you
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Tom Nook

Not gonna lie I like that Joanne tour font :lolly:

Uh Red Wine... Convict... Gah Gah...
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1 minute ago, 15jocart said:

It took me SO long to figure out it was her in the convertible. I legit thought it was a rock in the ocean with a pink sky

OMG it does kinda look like that :toofunny: 

dOnT sAd ReAcT mE 2 bE sHaDy i WiLL RePoRt U!!1!
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Ok but I want it in black :grr:

anybody knows you can conjure anything by the dark of the moon
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Those prices for that basic design... :saladga:


Stream my new single, 💜"Heartbeat"💜, on Spotify!
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Number Five
1 hour ago, TimisaMonster said:

Those prices for that basic design... :saladga:


 ugh ikr, it looks like they literally ironed on those pictures backstage and jacked the prices up. i mean I'm still gonna buy one BUT IM NOT HAPPY ABOUT IT. 

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9 hours ago, TimisaMonster said:

Those prices for that basic design... :saladga:


When will you guys stop being shocked about the prices? Literally all the tour merch I've ever seen was around those prices, that's the way it is.

Also, am I the only one who wish they'd sell the Coachella merch? Kinda was expecting to buy the tentacle hoodie at the tour, and now I feel really stupid for not jumping on it online when it was still available :saladga:

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