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About Ultraviolence & Honeymoon


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8 hours ago, katybathy said:


genuinely asking, do some of you really like these two albums that much ? I mean I love Lana, she's a great person and I think Born To Die is one of the best albums ever made but Ultraviolence and Honeymoon sound really boring and nothing special unlike BTD. :selena:

I can't stand either album, I find them to be such a snooze and bore and with so few highlights sprinkled throughout, they aren't worth the time. Altogether, 4 songs altogether are what I take away from them both, and that's just not good :selena: 

BTD was amazing and there was experimentation with her styles, it was enthralling. But where she went after Paradise just felt like "more of the same, albeit less impressive".

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Born To Die is her best album ever.
I like Ultraviolence.

But Honeymoon, really no.

Marilyn Monroe is my best friend.
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4 hours ago, Creyk said:

Everybody knows BTD is her best album. That does not mean the other 2 aren't good, they are 9.5/10 albums while BTD is a 10/10. .that's all. You simply can't expect her to keep bringing that kind of quality. Making Born To Die was the entire goal, the purpose of her life. When she put out that album she was complete as a person, she realized all of her dreams. Of course she lost her drive. But she didn't lose her talent.

Who is everybody? It's surely not her remaining fanbase :deadbanana: (since so many people jumped ship after UV + HM :ladyhaha: )With the bolded stuff later isn't that hella presumptuous since you don't know her at all :rip: Even just from reading interviews pre BtD and post BtD, Born to Die was not the goal, and her dream was not to become rich and famous though sis, where are you getting this from.


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Honeymoon is Lana's best album to date lyrics and instrumental tracks wise. It contains so many gems, and is much more meaningful and unique than Born to Die. I'm not fond of Ultraviolence, it's too dark, heavy and slow. I mean it's not an album I'll listen to spontaneously whereas I just love listening to Honeymoon just for pleasure. 'God Knows I Tried', 'Religion', '24', 'Swan Song' and many other are just masterpieces. 

Btw I'm a bit afraid Lust for Life is another Born to Die in that it'll be too commercial... :hmm:

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Ultraviolence is a masterpiece and her best album. Honeymoon, on the other hand... A snoozefest. 

🔵 - Banned because I quoted a stupid meme. Literally. So, yeah.
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Ultraviolence is a masterpiece and easily one of the greatest albums of the 2010s, if not this millennia. It's so ****ing dark and just absolutely fantastic, from the lyrics to the melodies and production. The "full" 16-track experience, starting with Cruel World and ending with Flipside, is a masterclass on how to make a completely solid album that is completely filler with no killer. It's intense, it's raw, it's truly magnificent. The album outtakes only help to heighten the beauty of this sublime record.

Honeymoon isn't a terrible album, but it pales in comparison coming off the back of a magnum opus such as Ultraviolence.


1. Ultraviolence

2. Born to Die

3. Lana Del Ray

4. Paradise

5. Honeymoon

I expect that Lust for Life will probably usurp Born to Die's place as second-best album.

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34 minutes ago, ItsTommyBitch said:

Who is everybody? It's surely not her remaining fanbase :deadbanana: (since so many people jumped ship after UV + HM :ladyhaha: )With the bolded stuff later isn't that hella presumptuous since you don't know her at all :rip: Even just from reading interviews pre BtD and post BtD, Born to Die was not the goal, and her dream was not to become rich and famous though sis, where are you getting this from.


if you followed her closely and listened to ALL her interviews and read all of her magazine interviews you would know that once she put out born to die her life goal was complete. She has admitted on several occasions that it was one of the biggest goals of her life and the rest of her goals are all personal and more about her human to human relationships.

At least get your facts right before you try to school me.

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The problem with Honeymoon is it's too slow. It's the only Lana album that I can only play a few songs from before feeling 'drained'. Ultraviolence might not be a fast paced album, but it's lyrics, depth, and darkness give make it come alive. It's her perfect album.

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11 minutes ago, Creyk said:

if you followed her closely and listened to ALL her interviews and read all of her magazine interviews you would know that once she put out born to die her life goal was complete. She has admitted on several occasions that it was one of the biggest goals of her life and the rest of her goals are all personal and more about her human to human relationships.

At least get your facts right before you try to school me.

I try never to claim to have seen or listened to "every" interview, because thats hard to do for many artists, esp. ones with foggy pasts like Lana, but I have read everyone I've ever encountered in the last 5 years and done digging past that. If she claims Born to Die was the purpose of her life feel free to link me sis cause I've yet to read that, I forgot, or I missed it. :gum: 

I was really more more offended by your conflation of Born to Die being her best record because of this sort of "I've done everything I've ever wanted, so theres no way I can beat it" attitude. Even if it were true, its not like Lana's opinion on her music is objective, thats how art works and she knows that. In fact, Lana's opinions about her own music are often different from her fans :emma: And thats fine. Once its out in the world though anyone's opinions are equally valid. (Doesn't mean they are defensible though :usrs:

From my experience with other Lana fans, unless you are just tragically stuck in the world where Born to Die is completely unbeatable (like people with "The Fame Monster" on here :rip: ) it seems clear to me that Ultraviolence is a much richer album, and further that Honeymoon is a reflection of the kind of music she genuinely wants to create and put out sonically. 

私自身もこの世の中も誰もかれもが, どんなに華やかな人生でも, どんなに悲惨な人生でも, いつかは変貌し, 破壊され、消滅してしまう. すべてがもともとこの世に存在しない一瞬の幻想なのだから
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Ultraviolence is one of my all time favorite full albums of all time.

I don't like Honeymoon.

The future's uncertain and the end is always near.
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Ultraviolence > Honeymoon >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Born to be Overrated

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I truly can't get into Ultraviolence aside from a few songs (Shades of Cool, West Coast). I just can't. Not saying it's terrible, but Born to Die and Paradise are just more of my musical style, I guess, and what made me a Lana fan in the first place. 

Honeymoon, on the other hand, is a remarkably stunning piece of work with so many beautiful songs. I hadn't really given Lana any attention when the album/singles came out in 2015 (I moved on, I guess), but I discovered it last summer and I fell in love. I can't believe I stopped keeping up with her then because I really missed out. Better late than never I suppose! I love Born to Die, it's so unique and nostalgic for me, but Honeymoon is phenomenal in so many ways. It shows so much growth and maturity from her, both lyrically and musically. It's her best album to date I think (but Paradise might be a close second).

dOnT sAd ReAcT mE 2 bE sHaDy i WiLL RePoRt U!!1!
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