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Harlequin - OUT SEPTEMBER 27th
Harlequin - OUT SEPTEMBER 27th
Harlequin - OUT SEPTEMBER 27th

ChartMasters: Madonna Never Had An Massive Album


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She's a singles artist who could never sell albums without hits/controversy. Her best selling album is a collection of singles which proves it. Celine sold more studio albums than her.

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Celine is prob the strongest when it comes to album sales right? I know Madonna outsold her in all around record sales. Celine has two albums above 30M (without counting the Titanic soundtrack which also sold 30M and that at least 60% of ppl bought for her one song and not for the original orchestral tracks). 

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Sure Madonna might not have a massive selling album, but she’s literally the best selling female artist of all time, which trumps all other records.

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