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After watching the explanation video I'm more on board with 'Main Power Up' and turns out there will be 4 new weapons from the Kensa line as well, so 8 new weapons altogether :woot:


12 minutes ago, Greanskye said:

Can’t find any info about this online. The four region locked Pokemon in Pokemon Go (Farfetch’d, Mr Mime, Tauros, Kangaskhan), are they all available to catch in Let’s Go?

I believe so :yay: I've got a Farfetch'd and Mr Mime and Kangaskhan :party:

6 hours ago, GoldenPonyboy said:

When you transfer from pokemon go to lets go you get a mystery box in pokemon go that attracts them. 

Looks like I'll be transferring a lot after the main story :gum:

10 hours ago, DiegoMonster said:

They will keep the splatfests and bug fixes/balance updates.. just no more weapons and stages etc :/ 

It hurts to accept this reality :nooo: Wish they'd added more different colour variants of weapons though, like how they added the Grim Range Blaster and Berry Splattershot Pro and Cherry Nozzlenose and so on in Splatoon 1 :giveup:

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9 hours ago, Gardevoir said:

This will be the last of new content, game balancing, bug fixes and Splat Fests will continue until next summer


Nnn I was really hoping for a few more additions like new stages (or reviving stages from Splat 1 as I never got to experience them).

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Everyone should check out the Smash commercials on Nintendo's Japanese YouTube channel. The hype it's just :giveup:

Also I just finished Splat 2's story mode after months of procrastinating :selena: I started Octo thinking it was gonna be short, but I apparently have quite the journey ahead of me.

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Preorders for New Super Mario Brothers U Deluxe recently opened :party: Is anyone thinking of getting it? :yay:

Also has anyone played The World Ends With You: Final Remix and if so would you recommend it? I remember reading about it being one of the best DS games ever so I wanted to get it to play on my 3DS but then this Switch port came out. The reviews bash the hell out of docked mode because of the motion controls so it’s basically only playable in handheld supposedly - which is what holds me back because I’m rarely playing my Switch in handheld mode :huh:

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A Pokken Tournament video came up on YouTube and it hit me how simple they went for Let's Go :giveup: Like yes it's pretty but the Switch is capable of sooo much more and in comparison to Pokken Tournament it seems like they went for the bare minimum for Let's Go :sweat: I like how bright and colourful it is though, just wished they went a bit further with the actual Pokemon :huh:

18 hours ago, DiegoMonster said:

Zelda Skyward Sword is rumoured to be the next Zelda port to come to the switch in HD! :D 

So here for this :woohoo: I didn't complete it when I played it on Wii U a few years ago and it looked so bad because it was a Wii game with rough edges everywhere :rip: The art style is cool though and I'd love to see how it translates into HD :flutter:

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Rivah x Gasfrefart
9 hours ago, Haroon said:

A Pokken Tournament video came up on YouTube and it hit me how simple they went for Let's Go :giveup: Like yes it's pretty but the Switch is capable of sooo much more and in comparison to Pokken Tournament it seems like they went for the bare minimum for Let's Go :sweat: I like how bright and colourful it is though, just wished they went a bit further with the actual Pokemon :huh:

So here for this :woohoo: I didn't complete it when I played it on Wii U a few years ago and it looked so bad because it was a Wii game with rough edges everywhere :rip: The art style is cool though and I'd love to see how it translates into HD :flutter:

If I'm not wrong the newbie team worked on LG and this is why it's very simple, it's was some kind of internship for them :laughga:

The big guys are working on the real gen 8 game.. but as we know Game Freak, they'll mess up anyway and disappoint us :D

And I'm planning to pre-order Super Mario Brother U Deluxe, I'm waiting for it to show up on the eshop

Now I bought Super Smash and I'm downloading it right now, I love pre-loading! NEXT WEEK!!!:woot:

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So I kept checking on the GAME site for the physical version of Undertale because it’s been up for preorder for aaages and it came out on the eShop a while ago but they still weren’t stocking it, then I found out that it’s been released in the US and a select retailer so I went to their site and they were doing international delivery so I ordered it and it finally arrived today :excited: 


No idea when I’ll play it because there’s so much going on right now but I’m so happy to have it because I’ve only heard great things about it :flutter: 

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33 minutes ago, Haroon said:

So I kept checking on the GAME site for the physical version of Undertale because it’s been up for preorder for aaages and it came out on the eShop a while ago but they still weren’t stocking it, then I found out that it’s been released in the US and a select retailer so I went to their site and they were doing international delivery so I ordered it and it finally arrived today :excited: 


No idea when I’ll play it because there’s so much going on right now but I’m so happy to have it because I’ve only heard great things about it :flutter: 

It’s fairly short. You could finish it in a weekend if you do it correctly.

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SMASH IS IN A WEEK :excited2::excited2::excited2:

On 11/27/2018 at 10:40 PM, Haroon said:

So I kept checking on the GAME site for the physical version of Undertale because it’s been up for preorder for aaages and it came out on the eShop a while ago but they still weren’t stocking it, then I found out that it’s been released in the US and a select retailer so I went to their site and they were doing international delivery so I ordered it and it finally arrived today :excited: 


No idea when I’ll play it because there’s so much going on right now but I’m so happy to have it because I’ve only heard great things about it :flutter: 

Oh wow didn't know that they released a physical version. I've been wanting to play it for quite some time but just haven't yet. 

On 11/27/2018 at 11:14 PM, ZacharyMonster said:

It’s fairly short. You could finish it in a weekend if you do it correctly.

Would you suggest getting it on Steam and playing it on my laptop or is the Switch version better?

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Hi guys! Today I finally buy a Switch :giveup::giveup:   I'm sooooooooo excited.

And I buy 3 games :huntyga: Mario Kart, Pokemon Let's Go and Splatoon (Amazon Germany have a promotion of 3 games for 100€ :vegas:). And last night I tell my boyfriend that I want Super Smash for xmas, looks so good! I remember play Super Smash for gamecube all day so I'm here for this new super smash




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54 minutes ago, OneC said:

Hi guys! Today I finally buy a Switch :giveup::giveup:   I'm sooooooooo excited.

And I buy 3 games :huntyga: Mario Kart, Pokemon Let's Go and Splatoon (Amazon Germany have a promotion of 3 games for 100€ :vegas:). And last night I tell my boyfriend that I want Super Smash for xmas, looks so good! I remember play Super Smash for gamecube all day so I'm here for this new super smash




Welcome to the family ! Be sure to post your switch ID later so @Haroon can add you to the op and you can join us in some gaming sessions ! 

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On 11/27/2018 at 4:56 PM, River said:

If I'm not wrong the newbie team worked on LG and this is why it's very simple, it's was some kind of internship for them :laughga:

The big guys are working on the real gen 8 game.. but as we know Game Freak, they'll mess up anyway and disappoint us :D

LOL THE LAST SENTENCE :sharon: The sad truth :giveup:

I just don’t know why they don’t use the tools at their disposal to maximum potential. I keep thinking it’s because they want to really WOW us later but then it’s like slow incremental improvements that are still outdated. Like let’s be real, the graphics and everything for Let’s Go could’ve looked the same on Wii and the Wii U could’ve done the same thing but in HD, but here we are on the Switch which has games like Breath of the Wild and Splatoon and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe running well with good graphics but they’ve still decided to go for a look that’s so minimal that it looks like a port from an older generation :rip: 

On 11/27/2018 at 8:14 PM, ZacharyMonster said:

It’s fairly short. You could finish it in a weekend if you do it correctly.

“correctly”? :gum: I heard you can choose to be good or bad :gum: Which is correct? :gum: No spoilers though please :gum:

On 11/29/2018 at 10:43 AM, DiegoMonster said:

Anyone has a scyther in let’s go pikachu that could trade with me so I can complete the dex ? :laughga:

If you find one please trade it to me too before returning it to its original owner :ph34r: 

6 hours ago, tthen said:

SMASH IS IN A WEEK :excited2::excited2::excited2:

Oh wow didn't know that they released a physical version. I've been wanting to play it for quite some time but just haven't yet. 


Yeah I was surprised that it actually existed now. It won’t let me redeem gold points on it yet though which is weird, and it won’t say when I can :huh: 

3 hours ago, OneC said:

Hi guys! Today I finally buy a Switch :giveup::giveup:   I'm sooooooooo excited.

And I buy 3 games :huntyga: Mario Kart, Pokemon Let's Go and Splatoon (Amazon Germany have a promotion of 3 games for 100€ :vegas:). And last night I tell my boyfriend that I want Super Smash for xmas, looks so good! I remember play Super Smash for gamecube all day so I'm here for this new super smash

YAAAY WELCOME :woot: What’s your friend code? :yay:

Great 3 games by the way, Mario Kart and Splatoon have endless playability in my opinion. And omg yes I used to play SSB Melee endlessly on my GameCube too. Favourite fighter? :party: 

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Rivah x Gasfrefart
3 hours ago, Haroon said:

LOL THE LAST SENTENCE :sharon: The sad truth :giveup:

I just don’t know why they don’t use the tools at their disposal to maximum potential. I keep thinking it’s because they want to really WOW us later but then it’s like slow incremental improvements that are still outdated. Like let’s be real, the graphics and everything for Let’s Go could’ve looked the same on Wii and the Wii U could’ve done the same thing but in HD, but here we are on the Switch which has games like Breath of the Wild and Splatoon and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe running well with good graphics but they’ve still decided to go for a look that’s so minimal that it looks like a port from an older generation :rip: 


For the same reason why the only "used the 3ds to the maximum" with USUM and not before, they want to give half baked games until the last game on the specific console so they can make more and more games until the last one that will take the console to the max..

It's all about the money (it's all about the dum dum dalala dum) with Pokemon unfortunately.. not really about giving the best..

I mean look at XY,SM and USUM, they gave us less new Pokemon in XY but we still bought it and still bought SM, knowingly that they'll release less Pokemon too and not only, we bought the same game once again when we bought USUM.. like there was literally no reason to buy it lol

@DiegoMonster I have a Scyther from PoGo, I need Graveler/Kadabra/Machok/Haunter, I will trade with @Haroon first to let him finish too and he'll give it back.. but we will do it tomorrow ok? today I'm pretty busy :)


BTW Danish amazon is doing 3 for 100$ for certain games and 3 for 70$ for certain games



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