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Streaming Over Pure Sales

Green Detox

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Green Detox

Adele and Taylor have both used the strategy to pull their music out of streaming services, but unlike Adele which only pulled it for months, Taylor's is long term, but now since streaming is taking over digital and physical sales, Do you think it's time for everyone to wash off their "Pure Sales Only" agenda? Do you think keeping their music for-sale and not for streaming would hurt their chart position?

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I'm sure Taylor might go back to Spotify at some point but she has a good thing going with Apple Music 

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Modern Ecstacy

Streaming is cool but its percentage on commercial performance is a huge problem. Like The Cure was the 3rd best selling song of the week but it still only debuted at like #39 like what...?

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If a person is willing to buy something it should count for more than getting something free. The industry is weighted in the wrong way so spotify etc get BILLIONS from ad revenue via streaming fans who want high chart positions.

The digital sales chart is the only one with a real example of a songs popularity.

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The Fame Joanne

Taylor is on Apple Music. And she doesn't seem to need Spotify

And Adele obviously doesn't need anything lol

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Lina Morgana

Taylor Swift is on Apple Music + Tidal, and she has a really dedicated fanbase that will buy 10 physical copies on the day of release.

Adele is Adele and even if her singles don't do that well, she'll still make tons just from touring.

" I can't sing, I can't dance, I can't write... no real talent. But I'm pretty, and I can make money off pretty."
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1 hour ago, Modern Ecstacy said:

Streaming is cool but its percentage on commercial performance is a huge problem. Like The Cure was the 3rd best selling song of the week but it still only debuted at like #39 like what...?

This is because sales no longer show the actual popularity of the song. The majority of people buying the songs on iTunes are from fan clubs, the majority of music consumers now stream and so is a better way to actually see which songs are most popular right now.

However they do need to tweak the algorithm so songs don't spend so long at the top spot, maybe factor sales % against streaming more and more as each week passes or something like that, because it gets to the point where nobody is buying the song at all and it's still being streamed heavily.

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1 hour ago, LG said:

However they do need to tweak the algorithm so songs don't spend so long at the top spot, maybe factor sales % against streaming more and more as each week passes or something like that, because it gets to the point where nobody is buying the song at all and it's still being streamed heavily.

They should also keep album tracks from charting unless officially released as singles because entire albums clog up the BB100 for weeks after release

Flyin' like a 1000 Doves
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