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Talk That Talk was hit and miss and felt rushed.

Unapologetic feels like Rihanna going back to a sound that was much more appealing, Rated R. I can't wait.

But her album never went to #1 lol.

LMAO :toofloppy:

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Phresh off the Runway


Right Now

really the only songs that catch my attention. Disappointing considering I loved TTT and Loud

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I need snippets :cry:

Edit: Based on the snippets it sounds a bit, i dunno. Kinda messy :confused:

Lost In Paradise >> Love Without Tragedy/Mother Mary > Phresh Off The Runway > Nobody's Business >> The rest

But i haven't heard the full songs yet so

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Some people I know already have the full leaked album. We'll see what comes of it.

Daenerys of the House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, The Unburnt, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Queen of Meereen
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Love Without Tragedy sounds amazing!

worried about that sudden change of melody at the end of the snippet though..

Nobody's Business is going to slay me.

Right Now sounds very good and radio-friendly.

I can see myself popping it to Phresh Off The Runway already :hor:

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Pure Adrenaline

when I listened it twice I can surely say that No Love Allowed and Lost In Paradise are the best songs from the album....... (and maybe Right Now at some point makes me wanna dance but eighter way It's too Guetta)

It's much more fun to have hizophrenia... u never get lonely
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Phresh out the runway is amazing, there's some other ones that I really liked but I can't think of they're names right now.

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Just gave the snippets a proper listen! I think it's sounding amazing. A lot more cohesive, and stronger than TTT. So many good sounding tracks on there.

Popping my *** so hard to Numb and Jump.

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From the snippets I've heard, the only ones I like are Numb and Right Now.

I'll reserve 'proper' judgement until the album comes out, but maybe I only like two because I'm not as big of a fan of hers anymore.

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Fresh Off the Runway is too repetitive but she sounds pretty good.

Love Without Tragedy sounds very Rated R, we had lyrics to this months ago.

Lost in Paradise, filler.

Loveeeee Song reminds me of Birthday Sex with the ahhhs

what ever do you mean eh eh eh eh? :omfgaga:

but I want to hold back from listening to any tracks until the full tracks are released :ohno:

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