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My friends guessing Gaga's age...


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Wet Fire

I can't believe she's 31. I mean I feel like I was just dancing to BTW (single) a few days ago.

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She looks older because of all the makeup and fashion she wears, especially during the 2014-2016 era

And the way she carries herself radiates confidence

I think people find it hard to believe someone that young could be this magnificent :diane:

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18 hours ago, StrawberryBlond said:

There's nothing wrong with age and getting older, no, but if you look older than you are, well, that's a problem. It can majorly affect people's perception of you. It can especially mean that you stop being considered attractive and your chance for dates drops. This is why I'm already looking into natural ways to keep myself looking young so I can maintain my looks better as I age. It's sad but society just sees women past a certain age as being worthless. My aunt once said: "I don't have a problem with turning 50, but it's how the world looks at you when you're a woman of that age that gets to me." Men are treated like fine wines as they age, but a woman has a very different time. You're not considered that worth paying attention to when you're no longer in your child-bearing years and you start to feel invisible. I'll be damned if that happens to me before I actually reach that age.

I know why she made herself look ugly but I don't think the pay off was worth it for the reasons I listed above.

But like, isn't that soceity's problem and not yours to undertake? It's fine if you want to look young for yourself but don't look young because men won't like you :duck:

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11 minutes ago, Alexander Levi said:

But like, isn't that soceity's problem and not yours to undertake? It's fine if you want to look young for yourself but don't look young because men won't like you :duck:

I do it because I like to look a certain way, first and foremost. I choose my look because I like it, not because other people do. It just also works out that I think the look I chose that I favour is one that men just so happen to like. But it's given me literal zero success even so. I'm 27 and haven't even had so much as a first kiss, never mind anything else. If I'm like this in my youth, how am I going to fare when I'm older and start getting grey hair and wrinkles? So, when I see a gorgeous, young woman like Gaga squandering her chances for acceptability by making herself look ugly and older, I wonder why she does it. You can only change society if a whole bunch of people are on board and unfortunately, I just can't envision a time when we don't value youth and beauty, it's completely normal and human nature to value those things.

Sorry for being a bit depressing, but it's just how I feel.

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She always looked 10 years older. Been saying this since The Fame Monster :classy:

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