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Art Of Star [Open Temporarily]


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If you don't mind can you turn this into an avi that matches my sig for the demi one ;'))!!

how is this?


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Hello, Star! I'm in need of a new signature and avatar, and I would like to request you make them if that's alright :)

How is this?



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This is amazing :excited2:

But would you be able to take off the text? I think it'd look better without it...

This: E3WFH.png

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How is this?



Honey I didn't know u reply to me :o!! Thanks

I'll change it when I get home

Edited by GagaOopsy
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ok thanks :)

the text logo she wants is: Original ***cat Dolls (2005-2010)

if you could make a few different ones and she'll pick her favourite :)

i don't think you saw this

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1) A set please!

2) The Fame Monster photoshoot, use any you think will look best! :)

3) J'ai ton amour, I don't wanna be friends.

4) Don't really have any! :sweat:

5) I want it quite dark, just tones of black white and grey please!

Thanks for being an amazing artist Star! :P

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1) A set please!

2) The Fame Monster photoshoot, use any you think will look best! :)

3) J'ai ton amour, I don't wanna be friends.

4) Don't really have any! :sweat:

5) I want it quite dark, just tones of black white and grey please!

Thanks for being an amazing artist Star! :P

how is this?



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i would like to request:

1.set(signature is long)

2.anything from this: http://gagaimages.org/thumbnails.php?album=800

3.only on signature: rways in Helvetica LT STD (Bold Condensed) or in News Gothic MT Bold

4.nothing additional


6. purple and i want it to be colourful but i would like that the main thing stays the pictures

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Can I request something? :)

1. Set (icon and signature)

2. http://sphotos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/485701_3721206755363_1374138029_n.jpg

3. 11/09/2012

4. None.

5. Bright, like heavenly please? :)

6. None.

Thankyouu, your art work is amazing :hug:

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Ray of Light

1. A set please (Madonna)

2. Anything from the Ray of Light photo shoot? Or preferably from the Nothing Really Matters music video. And the Frozen video too! I trust you!

3. Put your head on my shoulder baby, things can't get any worse.

4. Nothing

5. A positive, light, avant garde mood.

6. Any color you find suitable for the Queen of Pop

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