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PewDiePie dumped by Google and Disney

Morphine Prince

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Although he got dropped, he is still well off and can continue making coins off his subscribers :toofunny:

Justice for Grigio Girls!!!
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Walk down the runway but don't puke, it's okay. You just had 10 donuts today. Without frosting.
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1 hour ago, Skrill said:

what is the world we live in... people get offended so easily.

well if I saw a video where theres someone saying a should die I would  be very offended, being a joke or not 

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I'm kinda mad at this tbh

Pewdiepie is a nice guy but his sense of humor is very weird and because of that he gets dragged for literally everything he does. He's also been dumped by YouTube Red and the second season of his show got cancelled (note that it was already filmed). 

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lol I don't find PewDiePie funny at all but the media are so ****ed up I hate all this messy situation he literally made fun of anti-semites not supported them like wtf and disney had better look at its ****ing disgusting racist founder 

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34 minutes ago, RainbowBlonde said:

I'm just gonna put this out here. 


This is exactly what the issue is, all the other media videos out there show him in the worst light and completely out of context.

This video explains it much more clearly but still people will believe anything mainstream media will say for some ridiculous reason. 

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9 hours ago, QueenGaga said:

He gets 4-5 Million views per video :awkney:

but he has 53 million subscribers so yeah.... 

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I do think Felix is a good source for entertainment  but I DON'T think using racist jokes is smart neither funny. He could make better videos leaving all that crap behind. 

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10 hours ago, Edonis said:

Sis :awkney: this isn't a SJW thing, if you're presenting any company that's family oriented, they're going to keep you under strict scrutiny for stuff you say that may harm their reputation (however, I don't understand how Disney ever thought it would be a good idea to ever partner with him, he's never really had a family friendly YouTube channel). South Park isn't represented by a family company or firm. I don't think this time it has to do with any social tumblr sort of scenarios 

Don't even try the family orientated arguement :awkney: Maker, the branch of Disney that was partnered with him, is also partnered with Bart Baker, who made a parody of Starships where he had an old man in a bikini sexually grind on cats :poot:

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10 hours ago, Jan Wayne said:

This is gaga forum. It's filled to the brim with more white gays than grindr:awkney:

Omg white people?!?! What ever will we do? Someone get the mods in her stat and ban their asses

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What's wrong with Disney/Google making the decision that jokes involving making signs like "Kill all Jews" and getting 'Jesus' to say "Hitler did nothing wrong" is something they don't want to associate themselves with.

There are no doubt going to be a lot of Jewish people who are offended by that sort of humor - Disney needs to be aware of that. Pewdiepie himself admits that “Though this was not my intention, I understand that these jokes were ultimately offensive.”

There are going to be businesses that make the decision they don't want to be associated with somebody who makes anti-semitic jokes.

You can argue all you want that there is nothing wrong with Pewdiepie's jokes and that the humor was in how absolutely outrageous it is that people could get Jesus to say "Hitler did nothing wrong" or get two poor Indian boys to make a sign reading "Death to All Jews" while they gleefully dance around and laugh. The fact remains that there are still survivors of the holocaust that might, understandably, find that offensive and not at all funny. The fact remains that there are still people whose parents and grandparents survived the holocaust who wouldn't find that funny.

Maybe it plays well to certain demographics in the U.S/U.K/Australia and so on - but how does it play in Germany? How does it play in Israel? How does it play with the 7,039,000 Jewish people in the U.S? With the 465,000 Jewish people in France?

Disney and Google are multinational corporations. They need to make sure they appeal to international audiences and to multiple countries. They have every right to determine that anti-semitism is not what they want to be associated with.

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