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Morphine Prince

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Wow and some of us are defending this I'm..... @Jan Wayne the tea is hot sis I livvvve! I didn't wanna check this thread since it was created because I knew I'd come out of it feeling disgusted by how some memebers on this site think stuff like this is ok ....:madge: 

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4 hours ago, holyscheisse said:

Were living in a world where prejudice a diaceimination by straight white male majority against minority groups  is not acceptable anymore. Would you rather we make America great again and revert back to blinded acceptance of comments like his? It's not that people get more offended now than ever, it's that they are more vocal now than ever. That's progress. 

wow... no... that's called having no tough skin if you are offended by one comment how the hell do you expect to go through your life without any enemies and obstacles? Are you going to make a protest over everything? No because it's called LIFE... Plus your generalizations disgust me

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52 minutes ago, GhettoFabulous said:


Wow and some of us are defending this I'm..... @Jan Wayne the tea is hot sis I livvvve! I didn't wanna check this thread since it was created because I knew I'd come out of it feeling disgusted by how some memebers on this site think stuff like this is ok ....:madge: 

Jesus Christ he didn't kill anyone or attempt to spread or preach hate ... Sure you can be offended by this type of comedy but ultimately it's your choice to take offence and be disgusted all you like but that doesn't mean you are correct.

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1 hour ago, Princess Die said:

Wow, what an articulated and thought-provoking response. Silly 

I didn't realise you needed the reasons spelt out to you, apologies for assuming you had a particular level of intelegence to be able figure this out on your own that these incidents are completely different. This is the kind of thing that trivialises these kinds of social issues and makes people look pathetic and over sensitive.


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holy scheisse
4 hours ago, Branflakes said:

The demonisation of the "straight white male" is such a typically ignorant arguement in your "progressive world" 

People like you act as if there's a literal war going on between straight white men and all other minorities.

At the end of the day there are not nice people and nice people in the world and that doesn't matter what "social cliche" you all like label people belonging too.

For example, when I was at the artRAVE there was this gay black guy being the biggest **** ever and he was ruining the night for my friend and I and everyone else around him.

But does that mean all gay people or all black people or all gay black people are cunts? No obviously not :trollga:

Also before anyone comes for me for being racist or homophobic or what ever 

1. I was standing at a lady gaga concert... obviously not homophobic 

2. I actually paid for my friends early access ticket because we were in uni and she couldn't afford to go and she happens to be black...

When people start to truly see and respect people as individuals and not as this minority or that minority. That is true progress.

PLEASE. ha okay lets get some things straight, straight white man.

this nation, the relevant one to this story where Google and Disney call home, America, was founded by 55 white, predominantly christian men.  they proceded to commit mass genocide of an entire race --native americans--through ethnic cleansing. they enslaved africans for centuries, stripping them of humanity. they kept their gender counterpart as inequal and secondary until the 1920s. they considered their homosexual counterparts as having mental illnesses until the 1960s, and even then withheld equality for 55 years until finally granting them the right to marry in 2015. donald trump would like to ban muslims from entering our country today.

who supports donald trump? straight white men. in fact, trump won the demographic of male voters and white voters. hillary clinton won the demographics of minorities across the board, racially, sexuality based, and in gender. this is because there is a fundamental disconnect between teh ideology of these two sets of people. why are blacks killed 30% of all police brutality incidents when only making up 13% of the population? why are gays the most common victims of hate crimes and violent attacks than any other demographic proportionately? why do women aged 18-24 make up the largest group of domestic violence abuse victims? these minorities only exist in the context of a society that has a dominant group. since the dawn of america, this has been white christian men. fall the **** back. congratulations--youre an outlier and a decent human being. but sitting here, telling a minority to stop classifying you as being part of that dominant categority holds no merit at all. you cant erase the history of inequality drenched in americas past and persisting into the present day culture and obvious discord between "ignorant people like me" and the straight white men like you.

congrats again that you like lady gaga etc. but youll never understand minority stress, or suffer from its effects. like it or not your demographic is the dominant, established norm, at least in my country of america. deal with it. and be glad youre nott like the others. but dont ya dare deny your status. 

all of this information is factual and you cant deny that . im not ignorant but you sure as hell are.

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holy scheisse
59 minutes ago, Branflakes said:

Jesus Christ he didn't kill anyone or attempt to spread or preach hate ... Sure you can be offended by this type of comedy but ultimately it's your choice to take offence and be disgusted all you like but that doesn't mean you are correct.

yes it does. invalidating peoples emotions? invalidating complaints of discrimination? typical white man

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holy scheisse
6 hours ago, Skrill said:

wow... no... that's called having no tough skin if you are offended by one comment how the hell do you expect to go through your life without any enemies and obstacles? Are you going to make a protest over everything? No because it's called LIFE... Plus your generalizations disgust me

Yeah I'm gonna protest everything that is wrong. I know discrimination and I will never stand with those who discriminate against anybody for any reason. Multiculturalism is a pillar of my ethics and values. Multiculturalism does not support anti semitic behavior and nobody will be excused of that until they stop discriminating. When will that happen? Never. But some people have to voice the injustice. I've already put enough effort into responding to somebody else's criticism of my opinions so I won't redo that here. I disagree with you and your support for somebody who behaves in a way reflective of privilege is wrong. "gas the Jews" can be horribly offensive to jewish people even if it's a jokre. If somebody made a joke about burning *******s it would burn my soul just a bit. So I can imagine the same is true for Jewish people. Minority stress is real and culturally perpetuated discrimination is too. So fine disagree and call me disgusting. I disagree with people like you too. 

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8 hours ago, SpookyKid said:

But oh, no, online, everyone is a delicated flower who speaks only peace and love



No, but yeah, people need to chill out some :green: There's bigger problems in the word than a popular YouTuber making some cringey jokes.


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6 hours ago, Morphine Prince said:

Omg what have I unleashed? :rip: 

SJW hell, my friend.

Tbh, I'm a mixed race, gay, bleeding heart liberal and I think some of you are taking this waaaay too far...like, to the point that you're exposing your own brand of ignorance/prejudice. You're not going to achieve equality by villainizing white, straight men. You'll only alienate potential allies and/or completely devalue your own message. Look past the color lines and see that you can't blame an entire "race" of people for our world's problems :saladga:

White, straight men don't hate us or treat us badly, bigots do. Learn to make that distinction or risk becoming part of the problem.

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9 hours ago, holyscheisse said:

Yeah I'm gonna protest everything that is wrong. I know discrimination and I will never stand with those who discriminate against anybody for any reason. Multiculturalism is a pillar of my ethics and values. Multiculturalism does not support anti semitic behavior and nobody will be excused of that until they stop discriminating. When will that happen? Never. But some people have to voice the injustice. I've already put enough effort into responding to somebody else's criticism of my opinions so I won't redo that here. I disagree with you and your support for somebody who behaves in a way reflective of privilege is wrong. "gas the Jews" can be horribly offensive to jewish people even if it's a jokre. If somebody made a joke about burning *******s it would burn my soul just a bit. So I can imagine the same is true for Jewish people. Minority stress is real and culturally perpetuated discrimination is too. So fine disagree and call me disgusting. I disagree with people like you too. 

Look Im gay and im discriminated all the time and I've always felt it on my skin but 'voicing' your opinions on protests just makes it worse ... people perceive those protestors as angry aggressive people who just scream and shout. Plus i've learned to have a tough skin and to live with it - i even make jokes about my sexuality and all but even when somebody else does I just dont care you know why? because if I cared I would just be giving unneeded attention to the haters and that is not what any discriminated group wants right?

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The white hate in this thread.. this is how trump got elected :neyde: you can promote equality without trashing white people you know..

he shouldn't have done what he did, it was ill thought out and in poor taste, but you really have to be reaching if you thought it was serious and he meant it.. You'd think fans on a Gaga forum of all of them would know that the media love a good scandal story and will exaggerate everything as far as they possibly can..

the fight for equality will never be won for as long as we keep policing what people can joke about instead of actually fighting white supremacists

this is nothing more than a joke in poor taste

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Jan Wayne
2 hours ago, LG said:

The white hate in this thread.. this is how trump got elected :neyde: you can promote equality without trashing white people you know..

he shouldn't have done what he did, it was ill thought out and in poor taste, but you really have to be reaching if you thought it was serious and he meant it.. You'd think fans on a Gaga forum of all of them would know that the media love a good scandal story and will exaggerate everything as far as they possibly can..

the fight for equality will never be won for as long as we keep policing what people can joke about instead of actually fighting white supremacists

this is nothing more than a joke in poor taste

we can Multi task multiple issues sis. Racism comes in many different forms. I think ya'll just think Racism is a KKK member who wants to kill all blacks and anything else is not racist. NO. look up microaggressions. You can have black friends and stll be racist. and as for your whole "joke" argument. Would you tell a rape joke to a rape victim? There are just some things you can't joke about. We should not be tryng to Normalize these types of "jokes." I dare you to post Death to all jews on all your PUBLIC social medias. Afterall it's just a joke. right sis

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Jan Wayne
19 hours ago, GhettoFabulous said:


Wow and some of us are defending this I'm..... @Jan Wayne the tea is hot sis I livvvve! I didn't wanna check this thread since it was created because I knew I'd come out of it feeling disgusted by how some memebers on this site think stuff like this is ok ....:madge: 

The only reason these pasty gays are defending him is because he's attractive white man with blonde hair and blue eyes. If he was humpty dumpty Dark skin minority, they would not give two ****s

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