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Harlequin - OUT SEPTEMBER 27th
Harlequin - OUT SEPTEMBER 27th
Harlequin - OUT SEPTEMBER 27th

Thanks Lady Gaga.


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People often wonder why I'm such a big fan of Lady Gaga: "Why a fan of hers and not of somebody else?" They think it's only a phase just because she is an LGBT icon and because of her crazy persona. They may be right, but the main reason is ... I knew about her and her famous meat dress. I used to say, like most people, "She's just provocative" and I was just in the ignorance. I never took the time to care about her until last year. I was not having a happy time, I was feeling lost as I didn't know anymore where I was or who I truly was. I was in like an identity crisis. 

Then I started to listen to Bad Romance. I don't remember how that happened. That song could relate to some parts of my life I guess. I listened to it once, then twice, then thrice... I've stopped counting. That song has become so meaningful and powerful to me that it made me wanna get to know more about Gaga's world. I discovered a completely crazy artist with unique and truly innovate ideas, off the beaten track, always full of energy, fighting for her beliefs. What astonished me the most was her ability to diversify and to change style as much as she wants. Her lyrics, live performances and interviews helped me discover a world that enabled me to define myself more easiliy. It helped me find the right trick. To say she's the only one who helped me would be wrong. But she's been taking a big part in my healing process. Thanks to her, I do know who I am, what I do want and how I see the world. 

If I'm a Lady Gaga's fan, it's thus because of her huge talent and imagination to which I can relate. It's also because of all the emotions triggered by her songs and her person. It makes me freaking impatient to consider she's gonna deliver today the biggest live performance of her whole career. 

So, thank you Gaga for helping me to know who I am. I count on you for giving everything you've got tonight, for the biggest momemt of your life!


Thanks Gagadonna for the trad ! 

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2 minutes ago, Gagadonna said:

Tout le monde ne parle pas français ici sweetie :) Tu veux que je te traduise?

Ah bah je veux bien c'est sympathique...J'ai essayer d'écrire en anglais...Mais franchement, le texte entier c'est pas possible ! 

And sorry guys...I see that i've posted in the wrong section  but i can't supp this topic ! :S

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7 minutes ago, BadJudas said:

Sorry, i'm only 18 years old and i really can't said that in english because i'm not good enough ! 


Les gens se demandent souvent pourquoi je suis autant fan de Lady Gaga. Pourquoi elle et pas un autre, ou une autre? Que c’est juste une sorte de passe car c’est une icône pour la communauté LGBT, qu’elle est complètement folle. Il y a peut être de ça, mais la cause principale reste la suivante. Je la connaissais de nom, avec la fameuse Robe en Viande, je disais, comme la plupart du grand public “C’est juste une provocatrice.”, et j’étais simplement dans l’ignorance car je ne m’étais jamais intéressé plus que ça à Gaga. Enfin c’était jusqu’à l’année dernière en fait. J’étais dans une mauvaise passe, je ne savais plus trop où j’en étais avec moi-même, ni même qui j’étais réellement, une sorte de crise identitaire.

Puis je me suis mis à écouter Bad Romance, je ne sais plus comment exactement, cette chanson relatait assez bien certains aspects de ma vie il y a un an j’imagine. Je l’ai écouté une fois, deux puis trois fois et maintenant je ne les compte plus. Cette chanson est devenue significative, si puissante, c’est elle qui m’a donné envie de m’intéresser au monde de Gaga. J’ai découvert une artiste complètement dingue, aux idées uniques et franchement novatrices, décalée du reste, toujours à fond, se battant pour ses convictions. Et surtout, sa capacité à se diversifier et changer de style autant qu’elle le désire. Tout ce monde à travers ses paroles, ses performances, ses interview, m’a permis, non pas de me sauver car ce terme est tout de même exagéré, mais certainement de me définir plus facilement, de me trouver une voie sur laquelle me diriger. Dire que c’est la seule qui m’a aidé à ce niveau, non, loin de là, mais en grande partie, grace à elle, je sais tout de même ce que je suis, ce que je veux et qu’elle vision des choses, du monde je me fais.

Si je suis fan de Lady Gaga, c’est donc pour son immense talent et son imagination à laquelle je m’identifie, mais également pour tout ce que sa musique, sa personne me font ressentir. Et se dire qu’aujourd’hui, elle va livrer la plus importante performance de toute sa carrière, me procure une impatience des plus totale.

Donc, merci à Gaga pour m’avoir permis de m’aider à savoir qui je suis, et qu’elle donne tout ce qu’elle a ce soir, pour le plus grand moment de sa vie !


La France va être SHOOK par la performance de Gaga. (Je suis désolé, mon francais est nul..:awkney:)

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Oh, your french can't be as bad as my English xD ! 

But yeah, french people could be really surprised by Gaga ! Frenchs Medias replys the Superbowl ! It is a really good thing. 


The performance will can watch in 2 or 3 french channels ! 

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Luxe Ford

Here's a rough translation to English. Hope I didn't take too many liberties with whar you intended to say.

'People often wonder why I am such a fan of Lady Gaga. Why her, specifically? Is it because she's an icon for the LGBT community, that she's completely crazy? That might be part of it, but its mainly because ofthe following. I knew her by name and about the Meat Dress and, like most of the general public, I said "It's just a provocation". And I was simply beinh ignorant because thats the only thing that interested me with Gaga.

Up until last year I was in a really bad place, I didnt really know who I was or where I was going in life. A sort of identity crisis, really.

Then I started listening to Bad Romance.  I don't know excactly how, but it really related some aspects of my life at the time I guess. I listened to it once, twice, three times  and now I stopped counting. This song became significant and so powerful I decided to take more of an interest in Gaga. I discovered a completly crazy artist with unique and innovative ideas, bullied by others yet fighting for her convictions. And above all her ability to diversify and change her style as she wishes. And through her words, her performances, her interviews she allowed me, to save myself would be an exaggeration, but certainly to define myself easier and to find a sense of direction in life. She's not the sole reason behind it, but largely thanks to her  I know who I am, what I want and how I view life (?)

If I'm a Lady Gaga fan  its because of her immense talent and imagination that I identify myself with, but also because of how her music and personality  makes me feel. And (......( that today she will deliver the most important performance of her entire career, gives me the utmost impatience.

So, thank you Gaga for helping me learn about who I am. Tonight you'll give everything you got for the biggest moment of your life!'

What happens in Luxe Ford stays in Luxe Ford
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