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Lucy Hale Faces Backlash over "Baby Hair" Comment


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39 minutes ago, Versus said:

i dont know why i have to say this its 2017

black and latinx baby hair is specifically styled because of a difference in hair texture and is rooted in their culture - yes white people have baby hair but the specific styling is not a part of 'white culture' . it has been adopted by white people because it 'looks cool' , and those white people are heralded as innovative for stealing it meanwhile black and latinx people are vilified for doing the exact same thing . its exactly the same as a white person wearing dreadlocks - its appropriation 

my point is that white people CANNOT speak over POC voices and if one more person quotes me with some white apologist bullshit im going off

You know what else isn't ~white culture~? Tattoos. Are you this bothered over white people covering themselves in tattoos? We don't live in a monogenous society. People come in all backgrounds and are influenced by the things they see around them. Saying that someone is forbidden from doing something just because it might be seen better on them (?) isn't a good argument and just causes more unnecessary division.

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1 minute ago, MonsterPaws said:

In some cases this literally is true. People pick fights just for others' color.

On topic this is absolutely ridiculous. This SJW culture is staining the left like crazy.

I agree 100%.

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But white women have baby hairs too no?...actually I think every race have baby hair lol!

..this is too much.

I am all here for exposing racists but I don't think this is racist at all.

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9 hours ago, Anastasia said:

Omg what

I had no idea baby hairs was a racial thing, I've always used it to describe mine which are blonde when the rest of my hair is brown 

It's not... people just do way too much this generation. Way too easily offended over things that aren't offensive. Only thing offensive is her thinking that that hair  'slick down the face' look was cute.

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1 hour ago, Versus said:

i dont know why i have to say this its 2017

black and latinx baby hair is specifically styled because of a difference in hair texture and is rooted in their culture - yes white people have baby hair but the specific styling is not a part of 'white culture' . it has been adopted by white people because it 'looks cool' , and those white people are heralded as innovative for stealing it meanwhile black and latinx people are vilified for doing the exact same thing . its exactly the same as a white person wearing dreadlocks - its appropriation 

my point is that white people CANNOT speak over POC voices and if one more person quotes me with some white apologist bullshit im going off

Why is it ok for black women to wear weave? I'm sure the long curly Peruvian, Malaysian, Indian, Russian, and Brazilian lace front wigs and extensions resemble white girl hair. Black women should stop appropriating white culture and stick to only ethnic hairstyles. Right? 

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I'm Latino, I've known latinas all my life... I have never known latinas to wear or "claim" this hair style. 

Which SJW dragged us into this ridiculous discussion?? :grr:

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1 minute ago, Versus said:

lmao everyone is completely missing my argument

what a world we live in

How about getting off your high horse and defending your argument then? Enough with the "i dont know why i have to say this its 2017" "what a world we live in", which is pretentious and accomplishes nothing.

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1 minute ago, Versus said:

because i DONT know why it still has to be said , theres no point wasting breath on people who 1. don't understand 2. don't want to understand 3. will not understand - do you know what the **** that accomplishes ? bigotry

i just wish everyone was actually as desensitized and 'woke' as you claim to be

How does not thinking that a hairstyle should be forbidden to certain people = I'm a bigot? :toofunny: I do understand your points, I just think they're weak.

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1 hour ago, KingRedd said:

Why is it ok for black women to wear weave? I'm sure the long curly Peruvian, Malaysian, Indian, Russian, and Brazilian lace front wigs and extensions resemble white girl hair. Black women should stop appropriating white culture and stick to only ethnic hairstyles. Right? 

Because when you try to wear your natural hair out in your workplace especially big corporates you get told your hair is unprofessional and you have the choice to either change your hairstyle and keep your job OR keep your hairstyle and lose your job.

Or at least in my experience XOXO. :ladyhaha:

✿ cherry blossom girl ✿
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13 minutes ago, Versus said:

no youre a bigot because by the definition of the word you are intolerant of a different opinion to your own and its not my opinion that a white person slicking down their baby hairs to imitate a POC's hair is cultural appropriation its a FACT jesus

i am white i have no leg to stand on i just dont understand how people cant see that

I am not intolerant of different opinions, that's why I welcome and debate them. I have responded to your arguments and questions yet you COMPLETELY dismissed mine and other people's with your "i dont know why i have to say this its 2017" "what a world we live in", and your "lmaos". Who is the intolerant one here again? If anyone can't handle other people's opinions, it's you. I was the one literally telling you to make your arguments/share your opinions instead of demeaning other people's. And yes, whether white people wearing dreads/styling their babyhair should  be shamed IS an opinion.

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Just now, Versus said:


Another example of how ~tolerant~ you are of differing opinions?

In addition to your "intolerant" claims toward me (which actually apply to yourself) I find it ironic that you're labeling me "woke" acting when you're behaving like you came straight out of a Sociology 101 course/Tumblr-like site. But to each and his own.

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1 hour ago, Versus said:

lmao when did i say anything remotely related to this

white people are not marginalized by systemic racism for their hair as all POC are . and 'white culture' is literally a joke term used to counter white people who believe reverse racism exists

Because you make it seem ok for black people to punish white people over using ethnic hairstyles or "baby hair" terms while it is just fine for black people to use weave. Why is it ok for black women to use other people's hair? Until that is answered, the fight for cultural appropriation isn't valid. 

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28 minutes ago, artRaver said:

Because when you try to wear your natural hair out in your workplace especially big corporates you get told your hair is unprofessional and you have the choice to either change your hairstyle and keep your job OR keep your hairstyle and lose your job.

Or at least in my experience XOXO. 

Then maybe that should be the focus, not black people claiming hairstyles and clothing styles. We don't need to claim things, we already know what styles were originated from our culture. It's not fair to scold white people for something that all races do. We all are allowed to dress and act as we want. Nothing is forbidden and exclusive to one race- Sounds a lot like segregation huh? Not acceptable and not progressive. 

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