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Joanne > ARTPOP


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Id rather have this 

than this



Im not saying that ARTPOP didnt have good looks, hell no, but it did have many tops and flops fashion wise

Id take JoanneGa over APGa anytime cuz she is more comfortable in crop tops and it suits her better this time and this is coming from someone who adore crazyGa

I like it better when she isnt forcing it cuz if she aint living her wigs and crazy fashion like in AP other people including me can see that shes not feeling it, and it all looks cartoonish somehow

its like Do it right with Avant Garde fashion, or dont do it at all

and for example she was living and was into herself in TFM/BTW era so it didnt look off cuz she was breathing that makeup and outfits. 

In my opinion she is livin/breathing Joanne fashion and thats really nice to see... 

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xoxo Craig



This is just so hot:giveup: Like she is smokin hot:giveup: I LOVE this look cause it is so sexy and hot and:hor:


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Smother Em Eh

Even though I do love ARTPOP, I like Joanne's "style" better. I like the authentic side that Joanne has. The "style" of the songs are better since she did more genres and showcased more of her vocals and instrumentals. 

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3 minutes ago, Nono said:

In my opinion she is livin/breathing Joanne fashion and thats really nice to see... 

You know, you're totally right here and you put that in a very refreshing way. 

I will admit that I am a huge fan of Gaga's avant-garde fashion. I find real escapism in seeing a superstar doing something different and outlandish. It makes you suddenly feel like less of an outsider in many ways. More superficially, Gaga's crazy looks are just so artistic and iconic.

But you're right. In ARTPOP, Gaga was not living or breathing the fashion. Having just watched the leaked clip from the Birmingham ARTRave, it's very clear to me that she didn't like what she was doing or what she was wearing. This time round, she is comfortable and committed to the rock chick, care free style. 

She's living for herself and it's really great to see in her fashion. 


Musically, I appreciate both albums on the same level. They show two polar opposites to Gaga and I like that we have a musical representation of that. We know the Lady Stefani and we know the Superstar Gaga. It's great and adds to her versatility in a way that no other artist could show. 


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John Wayne

These comparisons need to stop tbh. You cannot compare something that was heavily produced,which main focus was electronic music with something that is easy-listening and focused on vocals and instruments. The album dictates the style, which with ARTPOP, Gaga somewhat failed.

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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Joanne Era

Daenerys of the House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, The Unburnt, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Queen of Meereen
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i think the concept of ARTPOP comes from greek art + raves, thats why it seems so messy and hard to understand, it was fun and i liked it but behind all that theatre, gaga was so sad because of her label

noe she looks more focused and professional, her looks are simple but on point, she seems to be very healthy, speaking of body and mind

both different sides of the same person, i like both but yes, joanne is more consistent

... and now i just sit in silence.
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I like the whole concept of Joanne more than ARTPOP's. I like how Gaga made her looks and the sound more "simple" in a really good way, but  she kept the deep-emotional- meaningful lyrics combined with nice melodies.

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I appreciate all of her eras individually, comparing them seems so useless. 

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I like how uniform Joanne is, altogether. It's all cohesive. 

ARTPOP was all over the place with the ideas and fashion and music, and as good as it was, it was entirely too busy. This era is refreshing and I feel like her next avant-garde era will be energized and reinvigorated. 

❤ x ❤
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