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Why Gaga doesn't have hits anymore


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I honestly agree with you 100%. 

But I will defend her art til I die. Love her so much. 

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Actually it is true to say that most of the people buying her music now aren't the younger crowd. It's certainly not marketed towards the older generation like Adele or someone, but let's face it, her most active fans from TF/TFM eras have grown up along with her (from being in their teens to early to mid 20's to being in their 20's and 30's) so her music is simply not going to resonate with younger people by pandering to what's trendy in that sense. That's a given. Add that to the face when streaming kicked off in 2012 and her absence in pop music and that's where you get such a weak demographic in her total sales. 

But in terms of reaching a hit, eh. You don't necessarily have to have trendy music to get a hit. The Fame, despite some of the newer fans on this forum/fan base really not getting the album, was not trendy at all but it had several hits. I think that has more to do with timing and proper management in terms of releasing singles and promotion to the radio around the right time. Radio deals do help despite their notoriety and disbelief in existence. 

It's very interesting though. 

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She has hits, just doesn't promote them anymore. (Perfect Illusion)

Lace up my boots, throw on some leather and cruise.
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1 hour ago, Vodka said:

OP: I'm glad that she's really cemented her place in the industry. She's got creative freedom more than most, and simply put I think it's great. If anything, I think it's wonderful that shes able to share her music on her own terms without following into trends so much, it makes the music special, and more honest in that way. 

It honestly scares me when people say they want the old gaga back because they're essentially saying they want the unhappy overworked gaga back. People forget she's a real live human being. She's not a performing monkey in heels. We should love her for who she is just as she's loved us for who we are. She should make the music that makes her happy because at the end of the day, her happiness is the top priority. I'm not saying that she doesn't love us anymore. She loves us dearly but she shouldn't put out music that she isn't passionate about just because it's what WE want. She put us at the top for years and it almost destroyed her. Like I said, I'm not saying she doesn't love us anymore. She loves us dearly but I think she finally realized that #1 priority is gaga and #2 priority is her monsters. Remember she can't be there for us if she herself is struggling and unhappy

I love you monsters. I'd be unfixably broken without you
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2 minutes ago, Letmelivemylife said:

It honestly scares me when people say they want the old gaga back because they're essentially saying they want the unhappy overworked gaga back. People forget she's a real live human being. She's not a performing monkey in heels. We should love her for who she is just as she's loved us for who we are. She should make the music that makes her happy because at the end of the day, her happiness is the top priority. I'm not saying that she doesn't love us anymore. She loves us dearly but she shouldn't put out music that she isn't passionate about just because it's what WE want. She put us at the top for years and it almost destroyed her. Like I said, I'm not saying she doesn't love us anymore. She loves us dearly but I think she finally realized that #1 priority is gaga and #2 priority is her monsters. Remember she can't be there for us if she herself is struggling and unhappy

I honestly don't truly know what's going on for sure, but I do see your point. I'm glad that she's taken this route in music, and that she's sharing herself in a more personal way. I appreciate all the the work she's done, regardless of what my opinion means, knowing that it's all been what she's given to us. 

That's what I always remember at the end of the day with her. So I'm thankful that even if it isn't her face all over the billboards and media, that she's still got something special to share with us. 

Yes, I also do love partying in moving houses as seen in that one Bacardi tv ad.
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1 hour ago, Acsnpdx8 said:

I honestly agree with you 100%. 

But I will defend her art til I die. Love her so much. 

Exactly. People always ask me why I get so worked up over gaga and I always tell them

"I don't expect you to understand because you aren't a monster but I've spent my whole life trying to be understood. Until you've been misunderstood, you don't know what it's like to have someone who 'gets' you. Until you've felt lonely, you don't know what it's like to have someone who says 'I understand. I've been lonely too'. Until you've felt unworthy of love, you don't know what it's like to have someone who loves you for who you are. To you she's just a popstar but to me she's my rock. She was there when nobody else was and she loved me unconditionally when nobody else did". 

I love you monsters. I'd be unfixably broken without you
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1 hour ago, leecy said:

But why do we need young ppl to make sth trendy?

Because younger people stream more and have spotify premium accounts compared to the likes of our moms and dads. 

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Trendy tends to = exclusively fun, there's no deeper meaning the song is just there for a good time. Gaga said herself she has made music in th past based purely on what was fun to hear and that she deliberately isn't doing that right now. What's left to analyse?:shrug:

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3 minutes ago, Vodka said:

I honestly don't truly know what's going on for sure, but I do see your point. I'm glad that she's taken this route in music, and that she's sharing herself in a more personal way. I appreciate all the the work she's done, regardless of what my opinion means, knowing that it's all been what she's given to us. 

That's what I always remember at the end of the day with her. So I'm thankful that even if it isn't her face all over the billboards and media, that she's still got something special to share with us. 

The bond between gaga and her monsters is something unique to only us. It's incredibly powerful and it's something that will last a lifetime. 

I love you monsters. I'd be unfixably broken without you
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Queen Gloria

I misread the title of this when I was opening it and was quite confused...

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Edge Of Venus
2 hours ago, Enigma said:

Today's younger generation likes music that makes them dance, that talks about parties, sex, drugs, relationships, and or music that is catchy, funny, simple, and easy to sing along to. 

Then why does Adele have strong streaming and hit singles? The biggest hits last year include Hello, 7 Years, Love Yourself, Stressed Out, Just Like Fire etc. and many of them were not trendy party songs either and the young generation still played them a lot. Let's not act like Million Reasons and Perfect Illusion are some experimental songs about photosynthesis and volcanoes. She's not Bjork. All of her recent singles have catchy hooks and simple messages.

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Maybe that is what she wants, to purposely draw a smaller audience with her music. She had massive popularity, with hit music and was a huge "it" girl for about 3-4 years. However, somewhere along the way she lost interest in making the same "trendy" music which isn't that different when it comes to themes in pop music: parties, sex, relationships, breakups, dance club beats, or all of the above in different order. She still sings about stuff like that, by on her own terms and in a more authentic fashion. 

Trends only seem to change because the music industry continues to churn out fresh faces that the younger generation will more likely relate to, capitalizing on raw emotion, hormones, and the things that young people struggle with. And let us not forget how competitive the music industry is. It is after all an over glorified popularity contest and every year, there is a new prom king and queen for each class.

And young people will usually rebel against their parents' music or the older generation's, which would be where many of us sort of fall in. Pop stars of our generation can either pander to the younger kids, competing with their kid stars or cater to older audiences that are more keen to deeper, more mature themes, which are all the pop themes just more bittersweet with experience and age.

Also let us not forget the elephant in the room, more people including younger and older generations bought music due to format and accessibility in years in the past. In recent years, they can opt to downloading for free, which eats into artists sales every year. 


Dancing in the Shadow... 🖤
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Shes too stubborn and makes music that was modern 100 years ago plus she's kinda lame and not trendy for the young people anymore I doubt she will even make a hit since she has this new image people dislike 

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