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Your first Gaga concert experience


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Born This Way Ball in Buenos Aires (16th Nov. 2012)

I waited like 8 hours outside the River Plate stadium with other thousand people, my feet were literally bleeding and we had to run in order to catch a good spot. Man, it was a hell of a rush, it was my first concert so it all took me by surprise. Not even complaining, I enjoyed a lot the adrenaline and the quality time I spent with some people. 

Once inside it was epic as f***. Every song sounded 100x better live, plus her singing was so on point. There are too many emotions hard to describe, from nostalgia to joy and so. I still cry everytime I remember it. 


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My dad gave me a card for my 18th birthday and it had a "message from Gaga" :poot: inside it, then two months later he gave me the concert tickets for The Born This Way Ball. We had seats so we didn't have to wait in the cold and he came with me, he loved it and so did I and i'm sure she pointed at me at one point because I was the only person in my section dancing the whole show. My dad even tried to throw me over the barrier into the standing area but the security woman stopped him n

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BTWBT - Sao Paulo, BR -  12th Nov. 2012

I slept outside of the stadium for three days before the concert. 



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Monster Ball 2009. I screamed, sang, almost cried. It was a great show, and Gaga's energy is really unmatched. I can't tell you what the rest of the audience was like. I couldn't have been bothered to pay attention to anything other than the show and how it made me feel. I just felt good.

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My first one was the ArtRave, cause I was too young for the other tours :(

The ArtRave was magical though. I was standing right in front of the Venus Bridge with my friends. And I remember when she came up from under the stage to sing ARTPOP, I was so starstruck I couldn't even scream. I was literally the only one standing still and just admiring her as she was walking towards us with those beautiful golden wings on her back. I remember not hearing her sing ARTPOP though cause everyone around me was so loud. :toofunny:

It was so magical, when she sang Venus and came right in front of me and danced. I was jumping, dancing and singing along. :giveup:

The Freedom that I had felt for those two hours in that arena in Vienna was just indescribable. :giveup:

I remember when some of my friends were crying when she sang the last song, Gypsy. I was sad too, knowing that she's not gonna come back for a couple of years. :ohno:

I had seen other concerts before but everyone was always talking about Gaga's energy on stage and I wanted to experience it myself. And honey let me tell you, Gaga's energy on stage, her presence is SOMETHING ELSE. During the show I kept thinking "Wow this woman is insane. How does she do all that?"

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So my first experience was absolutely incredible, that each time after just didn't stack up.

I first saw her at The Monster Ball in Houston on April 8, 2011. I was OBSESSED with Gaga ever since I watched the iconic Paparazzi VMA performance, but at the time I was rather young so my mom wouldn't help me get tickets to either of the Houston Monster Ball shows in 2010 (Gaga ended up having three Monster Balls in Houston). However, I don't know what changed, but when Gaga announced she was coming in 2011, my mom was on board and bought me two Little Monster VIP tickets (that's the early entry one). 

My friend and I camped out all day, we were third and fourth in line. We brought snacks, games, and had an awesome day meeting other fans. We were both wearing our new Born This Way shirts that we pre-ordered from Gaga's website when she released the fan bundles for the single.

Fast-forward to the concert. We were at the best possible place you could be: right where the main stage met the catwalk. We had made an awesome sign (took four days to make) and one side was a completely glittered version of Earth saying "changing the world one sequin at a time" and then on the other side we had a black glitter monster paw and the words "we pray for Japan" because that was when Gaga had just released the bracelets to fund the earthquake relief. 

We thought the Earth side was the cooler side because of how much it stood out. Near the beginning of the concert, Gaga looked over and made a sound that sounded like "awwww" as if she appreciated it. After that happened, I thought to myself "oh, well that's probably the only attention we will get from her tonight" which was bittersweet because we made the sign hoping she would take it on stage since she would hold 2 or 3 signs a night. 

THEN, right after Money Honey, when she was making the walk from the main stage to the end of catwalk to make the "telephone" call, she looked over at the sign again and said "THANK YOU", then I quickly flipped the side around to the Japan side, in which case she came over to grab it and then made a prayer with it! She even held it high and the entire arena cheered. It was truly one of the best moments of my life. And then right before Poker Face, she leaned down to hold our hands. ALSO, during the post-lovegame speech, I screamed out "I LOVE YOU" and she replied "I love you too". And I know usually that she could've been saying that to anyone, but the arena was so quiet that I knew it was a reply to me.

So since then, I have been to the BTW Ball, the Roseland show, the artRave, and the C2C tour, but none have matched how amazing The Monster Ball was.

Here is a video of the sign, taken by someone else that uploaded it to Youtube:





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My first was the opening night of the artRAVE :firega:


I took one of my best friends, Jo, and my other best friend's uncle (we'll call him D.). D was pushing 70 but he was a Monster 'cause he had been closeted (bi with a preference for men) for his entire life but Gaga's music and general presence set him free :wub: I wanted to get GA tickets and stand under the stage but due to Jo's weight at the time and D's busted hip I decided to get us some seats that were level with the stage. I forget what row we were in but we were pretty close to Gaga :flutter:

First we sat through Lady Starlight's set...it was making us bop for about half an hour but after that it got a little...torturous :sweat: then she went away and the place went dark before the curtain in front of the little castle thing fell. Then it was dark and kind of quiet for a minute before BAAAAZZZTTTT "WELCOME TO THE ARTRAVE!" DOODOODOODOODOODOODOODOODOODODOODODODOOO. I TELL YA WE WERE SHOOK!! :excited2: Then this glamorous woman rises out of the stage like a f*cking angel and I'm already lightheaded from screaming :giveup:

Then she did ARTPOP and G.U.Y., of course I was nailing that choreo at my seat :usrs: Then we got to be there for the first live performance of Donatella and it slayed. I still remember her little speech as she walked down the runway to the piano for Fashion! Something like this:

"Hello! I'm here! Surprise! You know, you're still my religion. Lookin' good, Florida, but ARE YOU FEELIN' FINE?!"

Dead :giveup:

Fashion! slayed then she goes under the stage and the lights go down. *Cue strange noise* "to the planet!" AHHH! :excited2: She comes up in the seashell bikini and omggggg that wig looks so much bigger in person :giveup:

"Tonight's about love. Tonight's about freedom. Tonight's about being yourself no matter what anybody says 'cause it can't be wrong!"

"Worship the land, Aphrodite, goddess of love!"

Again. Dead :giveup:

Then she set up the night's theme. I forget what she said exactly but I remember it was something like "I'm trying to find my light...so, I've been trying on a bunch of wigs and outfits...and I got my clam shell waxed...and I have been working out...maybe...maybe I should get a MAN CURE!. MANiCURE slayed, of course, but I was soooo happy at the end. During the guitar solo I kept hearing some weird voice and mid-bop I was like "that sounds so familiar...what is it?"

"Stuntin' all day, swag on a hundred million" AHHH!!!!! I busted out that verse real quick :excited2:

"And now we just dance!"

My friend = dead :sharon: She loves FameGa so Just Dance and Poker Face were the highlights of her night. Telephone was good too :gaycat:

One of my three favorite parts of the night happened after Telephone though. Those yellow and purple lights came up with that godly synth. "VIP's enjoy drinks at the exclusive Absolut ARTPOP lounge. Explore art. Socialize the universe. artRAVE!" *bass drops* *screams* Then the song played through but after PetGa said "now jump!" Omg...nobody was ready for PARTYNAUSEOUS, girls :giveup: Gags came out in that octopus suit and :giveup:

The weird intro into a full performance of Paprazzi though. My date was the only one that got the full song :firega: I mean, this whole segment blew me away:



Then that Monster Paw chair and DWUW >

Then she walked over to the piano and gave us a magical rendition of Born This Way while she talked about picking out the confetti (only the best for us :golfclap:), teased her parents and friends in the ARTPOP lounge, and she noticed some dudes in Micky Mouse Chippendale outfits that we were talking to before the show :sharon: I think that performance meant a lot to D (inb4 anyone reading this forgets who D is :awkney:). He cried but I felt too free and joyful to join him. It's like all those insecurities and traumas left my body for a few hours. Truly she is magical :wub:

But the sentimental stuff didn't last long, unfortunately. However there was slayage aplenty. Busting out the verses to Jewels n' Drugs with Jo was so fun! Then she came up and sand the chorus before literally murdering Aura :giveup:

Then she sat on her little bed and people in GA all simultaneously went "GIFTS! ALL THE GIFTS!". She ended up wearing someone's vest before she playfully scolded them.

"Oh thank you, thank you...STOP THROWING SH*T ON MY NEW STAGE!" *sees pot leaf necklace* "Oh, drugs are fine :derpga:". Then she killed Sexxx Dreams :gaycat:

Now hennies...I have a confession...we did sneak a few joints into the show anticipating the first live performance of Mary Jane Holland :ph34r: we were getting a little worried that she wouldn't perform it until Sexxx Dreams ended and some familiar synths started while PetGa spoke. "Now is a good time to light up" and the screen said "MARY JANE HOLLAND". Thousands. Literally thousands of people lit up, including us. I had never smoked before either so the first time I ever smoked weed (and one of the last) was with my best friend during the first performance of MJH. Memories like that are priceless :giveup:

MJH ended with the "puff in, puff out!" thing that I had never noticed before and then she starts coughing...then those strings start :cryga: "Do you feel lighter? I feel so hiiiiiigh...I know that we are young and I know that he may love me...but I just can't be with you like this anymore...Alejandro...". So good :flutter: That whole segment was my second favorite part of the night.

Then she walks all seductively towards the stage like "You know what the thing is about me? I'm not afriad to get a little fithy" Then this bitch pulls of her own wig and starts undressing to Ratchet. Scalped. Bald. Dead. Deceased. Cadaverific. Slice it any way you want to, I was gagging :giveup:

She's putting on that flawless raver doll outfit while everyone's foaming at the mouth :deadbanana: Just when I thought the cheers couldn't get any louder...just when I thought the slayage would stop..."And now, performing her hit single: 'Bad Romance'".

The crowd: "YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!! :excited2::excited2::excited2::excited2:"

It was cute that she accidentally sang part of the first verse during the second and realized halfway through so to make up for it, she screamed the rest :sharon:

Applause came and went as expected. Perfection :firega:

My life was officially slain though when my favorite Gaga song started banging. I was no where near ready for Swine :giveup: After the verse and everything she goes "Put your hands up...I might be sick...I might...throw...UP! Jump!" THE RAGE. THE SONG. THE LASERS. THE PLUSH CANNONS. THE SCREAMS. That was my absolute favorite part of the show. Thousands of Monsters losing our collective sh*t with Gaga as the beat raged on :giveup: My throat was so sore from screaming all night but I could not miss out on giving those SWINE!!!'s all I had. I'm pretty sure I tasted blood but it was worth it :awkney:

After Swine, everyone was exhausted. We gave it everything and then some. Gaga went backstage for a few minutes and left us out in the dark to recuperate. I think it was something like five minutes later that the spotlight shone down on a f*cking long, white haired angel. She started walking up to the piano, sat down, and started playing those chords I had played so many times myself. She spoke and it all came full circle.

"The light that you're looking for is inside of you". Such a simple but powerful statement :wub: I'd get it tattooed if I wasn't such a big baby :laughga:

This is the moment of the night that the dam burst and I put my arms around Jo and D and just started bawling. They followed suit before the three of us got to our feet and sang Gypsy with Gaga :wub:

Then I went outside and bought an $80 hoodie and a $40 T-shirt before mingling with this one guy that was wearing fishnet stockings...his ass was perfect and I was high so I had a fair amount of confidence. I ended up pissing off his boyfriend...

#NoRegerts :derpga:


Btw, that guy and his boyfriend were featured in an MTV article the next morning if anyone's interested in looking it up :awesome:


Tl;dr - It was lit tbh.

If you ever have an opportunity to see Gaga live, do it. Don't hesitate, just do it. She's absolutely magical. That feeling of freedom, that passion she lit inside of me, that joy, it all stuck with me for so long and to this day I can say that night was one of the best in my life. Even though it's bitter sweet because Jo moved away and D...well...I just can't stress enough how happy I was. She's truly something really special. I can't wait to see our Mother Monster again at the Joanne Ball :sara:

R u 🌈? 🤨📷
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Monster Ball 

Listen, concerts are fun and great, but what you need to be aware of is the set back after the show. And this always happened, no matter how many time I went to concerts. The meltdown. The first day after a show, I bawled like a madman and cheered up and bawled again. I did not get over my last Gaga show until 4 months later, even when I attended other shows after that, it only added another meltdown for that particular show :poot:

So, you get ready for that, especially it's your first time for Gaga show.

(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ✧*:・゚ be delulu until it becomes trululu (*´艸`*) ♡♡♡
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The monster ball was amazing!


On DVD  :hor:


My first concert may be this year tho!!!!!!!



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artRAVE in Detroit MI in May 2014. it was crazy! Monsers were painted, dudes were making out and I brought my 14 yr old  neice lol. I wasnt a fan of btw slowed down or some costumes but the interludes and lasers were freaking amazing, it was def a taste and Im not epelieptic lmao . :gaysia:

I came late on purpose so I'd only have to see lady starlight for half an hour (no shade) :diane: She had different confetti for each song which was very cool and everyone collected! and during MJH people toked up. 

You could feel the bass just beating in your chest then Gaga arises and tells everyone to stand up so its pointless buying seats lol. Stood the whole show. But it was an amazing experience Im glad i had pics backed up on the cloud of and I still cannot believe how cool the lasers were along with big screen on top:rockstar: . It was the ****. I woulda loved to see the MonsterBall or BTWB tho!! Ill be going to the Joanne Ball but I didnt go see her when her and Tony came cause Jazz isnt my thing. :tongue:

spread love and peace with every intention. Cherish everything u have. Be Yourself
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On 1/21/2017 at 2:50 AM, PartySick said:

My first was the opening night of the artRAVE :firega:

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I took one of my best friends, Jo, and my other best friend's uncle (we'll call him D.). D was pushing 70 but he was a Monster 'cause he had been closeted (bi with a preference for men) for his entire life but Gaga's music and general presence set him free :wub: I wanted to get GA tickets and stand under the stage but due to Jo's weight at the time and D's busted hip I decided to get us some seats that were level with the stage. I forget what row we were in but we were pretty close to Gaga :flutter:

First we sat through Lady Starlight's set...it was making us bop for about half an hour but after that it got a little...torturous :sweat: then she went away and the place went dark before the curtain in front of the little castle thing fell. Then it was dark and kind of quiet for a minute before BAAAAZZZTTTT "WELCOME TO THE ARTRAVE!" DOODOODOODOODOODOODOODOODOODODOODODODOOO. I TELL YA WE WERE SHOOK!! :excited2: Then this glamorous woman rises out of the stage like a f*cking angel and I'm already lightheaded from screaming :giveup:

Then she did ARTPOP and G.U.Y., of course I was nailing that choreo at my seat :usrs: Then we got to be there for the first live performance of Donatella and it slayed. I still remember her little speech as she walked down the runway to the piano for Fashion! Something like this:

"Hello! I'm here! Surprise! You know, you're still my religion. Lookin' good, Florida, but ARE YOU FEELIN' FINE?!"

Dead :giveup:

Fashion! slayed then she goes under the stage and the lights go down. *Cue strange noise* "to the planet!" AHHH! :excited2: She comes up in the seashell bikini and omggggg that wig looks so much bigger in person :giveup:

"Tonight's about love. Tonight's about freedom. Tonight's about being yourself no matter what anybody says 'cause it can't be wrong!"

"Worship the land, Aphrodite, goddess of love!"

Again. Dead :giveup:

Then she set up the night's theme. I forget what she said exactly but I remember it was something like "I'm trying to find my light...so, I've been trying on a bunch of wigs and outfits...and I got my clam shell waxed...and I have been working out...maybe...maybe I should get a MAN CURE!. MANiCURE slayed, of course, but I was soooo happy at the end. During the guitar solo I kept hearing some weird voice and mid-bop I was like "that sounds so familiar...what is it?"

"Stuntin' all day, swag on a hundred million" AHHH!!!!! I busted out that verse real quick :excited2:

"And now we just dance!"

My friend = dead :sharon: She loves FameGa so Just Dance and Poker Face were the highlights of her night. Telephone was good too :gaycat:

One of my three favorite parts of the night happened after Telephone though. Those yellow and purple lights came up with that godly synth. "VIP's enjoy drinks at the exclusive Absolut ARTPOP lounge. Explore art. Socialize the universe. artRAVE!" *bass drops* *screams* Then the song played through but after PetGa said "now jump!" Omg...nobody was ready for PARTYNAUSEOUS, girls :giveup: Gags came out in that octopus suit and :giveup:

The weird intro into a full performance of Paprazzi though. My date was the only one that got the full song :firega: I mean, this whole segment blew me away:

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Then that Monster Paw chair and DWUW >

Then she walked over to the piano and gave us a magical rendition of Born This Way while she talked about picking out the confetti (only the best for us :golfclap:), teased her parents and friends in the ARTPOP lounge, and she noticed some dudes in Micky Mouse Chippendale outfits that we were talking to before the show :sharon: I think that performance meant a lot to D (inb4 anyone reading this forgets who D is :awkney:). He cried but I felt too free and joyful to join him. It's like all those insecurities and traumas left my body for a few hours. Truly she is magical :wub:

But the sentimental stuff didn't last long, unfortunately. However there was slayage aplenty. Busting out the verses to Jewels n' Drugs with Jo was so fun! Then she came up and sand the chorus before literally murdering Aura :giveup:

Then she sat on her little bed and people in GA all simultaneously went "GIFTS! ALL THE GIFTS!". She ended up wearing someone's vest before she playfully scolded them.

"Oh thank you, thank you...STOP THROWING SH*T ON MY NEW STAGE!" *sees pot leaf necklace* "Oh, drugs are fine :derpga:". Then she killed Sexxx Dreams :gaycat:

Now hennies...I have a confession...we did sneak a few joints into the show anticipating the first live performance of Mary Jane Holland :ph34r: we were getting a little worried that she wouldn't perform it until Sexxx Dreams ended and some familiar synths started while PetGa spoke. "Now is a good time to light up" and the screen said "MARY JANE HOLLAND". Thousands. Literally thousands of people lit up, including us. I had never smoked before either so the first time I ever smoked weed (and one of the last) was with my best friend during the first performance of MJH. Memories like that are priceless :giveup:

MJH ended with the "puff in, puff out!" thing that I had never noticed before and then she starts coughing...then those strings start :cryga: "Do you feel lighter? I feel so hiiiiiigh...I know that we are young and I know that he may love me...but I just can't be with you like this anymore...Alejandro...". So good :flutter: That whole segment was my second favorite part of the night.

Then she walks all seductively towards the stage like "You know what the thing is about me? I'm not afriad to get a little fithy" Then this bitch pulls of her own wig and starts undressing to Ratchet. Scalped. Bald. Dead. Deceased. Cadaverific. Slice it any way you want to, I was gagging :giveup:

She's putting on that flawless raver doll outfit while everyone's foaming at the mouth :deadbanana: Just when I thought the cheers couldn't get any louder...just when I thought the slayage would stop..."And now, performing her hit single: 'Bad Romance'".

The crowd: "YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!! :excited2::excited2::excited2::excited2:"

It was cute that she accidentally sang part of the first verse during the second and realized halfway through so to make up for it, she screamed the rest :sharon:

Applause came and went as expected. Perfection :firega:

My life was officially slain though when my favorite Gaga song started banging. I was no where near ready for Swine :giveup: After the verse and everything she goes "Put your hands up...I might be sick...I might...throw...UP! Jump!" THE RAGE. THE SONG. THE LASERS. THE PLUSH CANNONS. THE SCREAMS. That was my absolute favorite part of the show. Thousands of Monsters losing our collective sh*t with Gaga as the beat raged on :giveup: My throat was so sore from screaming all night but I could not miss out on giving those SWINE!!!'s all I had. I'm pretty sure I tasted blood but it was worth it :awkney:

After Swine, everyone was exhausted. We gave it everything and then some. Gaga went backstage for a few minutes and left us out in the dark to recuperate. I think it was something like five minutes later that the spotlight shone down on a f*cking long, white haired angel. She started walking up to the piano, sat down, and started playing those chords I had played so many times myself. She spoke and it all came full circle.

"The light that you're looking for is inside of you". Such a simple but powerful statement :wub: I'd get it tattooed if I wasn't such a big baby :laughga:

This is the moment of the night that the dam burst and I put my arms around Jo and D and just started bawling. They followed suit before the three of us got to our feet and sang Gypsy with Gaga :wub:

Then I went outside and bought an $80 hoodie and a $40 T-shirt before mingling with this one guy that was wearing fishnet stockings...his ass was perfect and I was high so I had a fair amount of confidence. I ended up pissing off his boyfriend...

#NoRegerts :derpga:

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Btw, that guy and his boyfriend were featured in an MTV article the next morning if anyone's interested in looking it up :awesome:


Tl;dr - It was lit tbh.

If you ever have an opportunity to see Gaga live, do it. Don't hesitate, just do it. She's absolutely magical. That feeling of freedom, that passion she lit inside of me, that joy, it all stuck with me for so long and to this day I can say that night was one of the best in my life. Even though it's bitter sweet because Jo moved away and D...well...I just can't stress enough how happy I was. She's truly something really special. I can't wait to see our Mother Monster again at the Joanne Ball :sara:

You were ft lauderdale? I remember FL being the first I think and it was pretty good and live GGD'ing it lol. Yes artRAVE was amazing!! the lasers and lighting were everything along with the DJ'ing and interludes.

spread love and peace with every intention. Cherish everything u have. Be Yourself
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4 minutes ago, Zaza said:

You were ft lauderdale? I remember FL being the first I think and it was pretty good and live GGD'ing it lol. Yes artRAVE was amazing!! the lasers and lighting were everything along with the DJ'ing and interludes.

I was :flutter:

It was such an energetic show :giveup:

R u 🌈? 🤨📷
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