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Bad Romance Video Analysis


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Yesterday, I realized that many do not understand Gaga’s music videos like at all (ahem ahem @ryanripley).  Everyone is able to interpret things in their own way, but I thought I would share my analysis on her videos in order to give some a new perspective or start a conversation amongst the others that love to interpret her work.

Before I get into any analysis, I want to say that I don’t know if there has been/is a thread of an analysis similar but I have been looking and can’t find one so… Oh and before people ask, no i don’t have that much time on my hands I just enjoy doing this so whenever I am able to I analyze.  And also, I can’t help but think that all the details have to mean something.  I know she says my fans think everything I do is cryptic but in some videos I feel that it isn’t possible that all the symbols don’t mean something.  There’s so many little things and just like any other great artist/writer, they don’t just do something for no reason.  I’m not one of those illuminati conspiracists, I just want to fully appreciate the video for what it is.

Side note, I’ve only seen her work for like 2 months(new stan) so I still haven’t been able to understand everything yet.  If anyone has an interpretation on those concepts, I would truly love to hear it.

Bad Romance Analysis

Just a little overall idea on what I think the video is about to try and prevent you all from getting lost.  I believe the video is about Gaga trying to enter the music industry.  She wants to make music in her own way, but the record labels in a way blind her and work her as a “slave”.  She represents her lack of power as an artist through the concept of being bought and sold as property.

So the video starts off on the iconic “Mannequin Challenge” scene.  Ironically, this scene I have yet to understand although it being the start to the video.

We see Gaga among others emerge from a sort of coffin-like object which I believe to be a sensory deprivation tank.  You see that Gaga has her eyes, ears, and nose covered, contributing to the idea that she is lacking in senses. She only has her mouth, her singing, and her hands, her ability to write music.

We also see her in a bath, representing some sort of baptism, with wide eyes, showing her innocence at the time.
Now for the black outfit with sunglasses.  I may be off on this but I think this is a reference to the movie, The Who’s Tommy.  For those that have not watched/do not know what the movie is about, it is about a boy that is deaf and blind, caused by a traumatic event, but he only responds whilst in front of a mirror.  I’m thinking this shows the gradually decline of her as a person, losing innocence overtime.  

The spines…I think its meant to be they’re starving her of information I honestly am not too sure.

Then, we see Gaga being fought with two ladies. She lift her arms as if she is in a way praising after fighting for a while , basically she doesn’t like the way things are going but her love for music is so strong she accepts it.
When she is dancing in front of the men, it is representing that she is trying to get signed to a record company.  They all have masks, showing they are concealed to outsiders.  We don’t really know too much about how they treat the artist/what they do from an outside point of view.

The metal ring outfit, idk if it has a name sorry, is representing how she is the center, without her nothing else would be possible just like the sun’s role in the solar system.

She now has to fulfill her work as a sex slave(work for the record company).  This next part is the original reason I tried to analyze her videos.  Before she sets everything on fire, she places her hands right underneath these two animals heads(gazelle?).  I feel this is in some way a sort of sacrifice but I don’t understand.  I’ve spent so long trying to understand that part because I doubt she though oh I'm just going to put two heads here and put my hands conveniently underneath.  Also, those heads remain untouched after the fire unlike everything else further leading to me to believe that this was no accident.  But back to the fire part, I think she is setting him and the items in the room on fire to represent that she doesn’t like the music industry and just wants to do things her own way.  She is breaking free of the chains that hold her back.

The red is supposed to represent initiation I feel.  At the beginning, she was wearing white outfits.  This later changed to red in order to show she is now an artist, as opposed to early where she was just starting off her music career.

If you made it this far, I truly appreciate you taking the time to read this.  I have a feeling many will think I'm overthinking this but I don’t think she put all these details in for no reason.  I hope it wasn’t too messy and gives new ideas to some about the video.  Again, if you have any ideas please let me know I would love to hear them.

Edit: omg idk the post was so long whoops

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6 minutes ago, Jenina said:

metal ring outfit, idk if it has a name sorr

The Orbit

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Bad Romance is one of her best videos. I love the minimalism. 

You're right, Gaga doesn't do things for no reason. 

Remember this here in Judas?tumblr_llmd3zyvgt1qa3az2.png 

Psalm 69

1:Save me, O God, for the waters have come up to my neck.

2: I sink in deep mire, where there is no foothold; I have come into deep waters, and the flood sweeps over me.


3: I am weary with my crying; my throat is parched. My eyes grow dim with waiting for my God.


4: More in number than the hairs of my head are those who hate me without cause; many are those who would destroy me, my enemies who accuse me falsely. What I did not steal must I now restore?

5: O God, you know my folly; the wrongs I have done are not hidden from you.

6: Do not let those who hope in you be put to shame because of me, O Lord God of hosts; do not let those who seek you be dishonored because of me, O God of Israel.

7: It is for your sake that I have borne reproach, that shame has covered my face.

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I remember at the time I came accross a video that analyzed Bad Romance's MV. It was interesting but the last minutes were wtf, the guy talked about Illuminati stuff and how the video explained that she sold her soul to the Devil to become a celebrity and control the world with Obama, America etc :laughga: But overall it was great, there was an interesting explanation of the story, the use of objects, colors...

You popped my heart seams, all my bubble dreams
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Radio Ga Ga

Yaaas! Finally an analysis of BR that doesn't involve illuminati.

And wow you know a lot for a person who only started stanning, ur analysis is really on point, the best I've seen

thanks for sharing!!


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4 minutes ago, Radio Ga Ga said:

Yaaas! Finally an analysis of BR that doesn't involve illuminati.

And wow you know a lot for a person who only started stanning, ur analysis is really on point, the best I've seen

thanks for sharing!!


Aww thank you :blush:

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