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Not sure why part of you are saying DiC is too controversial


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Rebel Heart

DIC is the song with the most potential to smash and you flops who disagree need to see the light


Hey Girl is the best song of Gaga's career #Justice4HeyGirl
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18 minutes ago, huttont said:

I've heard raunchier songs than DIC on the radio...

Like Side to Side.

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Ariana Grindr
1 hour ago, Poissonche said:

Joanne is a personal album, about Gaga has a human being. Here, she declares openly that, has a human being, she masturbates. She reveals a lot about herself, and this is a part of her. I get why some people say it doesn't fit with the concept, but it does. She said in an interview that every song was about her life, and DIC represents this aspect of her life.

And no, masturbation shouldn't be controversial.

So, yes, play that MOTHER****ING HIT SINGLE ON THE RADIO. But not right now because it's going to be the song of the 2017 summer.



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1 hour ago, M Monstre said:

Honestly, I think it's going to eventually be a single. The lyrics may not be subtle, but there have been plenty of songs with dirty meanings that have become big hits.

I also don't get the argument that "It'll ruin the album's image". I mean, I get it, an album about healing and about amazingly personal stories including a song about masturbation is weird, but the fact that she included it says something. For all we know, she could have written a bunch of songs with Beck and decided to take this one. There's a reason why she put it on the album, and if it was "too controversial" or "too dirty" she wouldn't have put that song on the album in the first place. 

Inb4 she didn't have any particular reason why she put that song on that album:stalkga:

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People are talking about the song's release ruiningthe album's image :oprah:

Lets be frank here, the singles haven't been doing that well  so the only exposure the music has gotten is through its great album sales. 

People who bought the album have listened to the song. 

It hasn't hurt any of those people yet, so why would promoting the most danceable on the album hurt any image already built? 

I hope this makes some sense, I have a headache and I need sleep  :madge:

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It's not controversial, it's just not really as good as people on here are making it out to be, far better songs on Joanne than it. 

Go see A Star is Born
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On 1/5/2017 at 0:47 AM, Edonis said:

People are talking about the song's release ruiningthe album's image :oprah:

Lets be frank here, the singles haven't been doing that well  so the only exposure the music has gotten is through its great album sales. 

People who bought the album have listened to the song. 

It hasn't hurt any of those people yet, so why would promoting the most danceable on the album hurt any image already built? 

I hope this makes some sense, I have a headache and I need sleep  :madge:

Why do you expect everyone to release only dance singles? Why do you think the only music that appeals to people is dance music? SO much more music out there besides dance, all anyone does these days is dance music, they throw a dance beat over everything, it's tacky and theres waaaaay tooooooo mucccccch oversaturation of dance music. Why does any single Gaga release have to be dance? Why do people on here only expect and demand dance music from Gaga? Don't any of you know how to appreciate any other musical style that isn't dance? Why do you all only accept music from Gaga when it's wrapped up in electronic dance beats?

Go see A Star is Born
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1 hour ago, PopThatArt said:

Why do you expect everyone to release only dance singles? Why do you think the only music that appeals to people is dance music? SO much more music out there besides dance, all anyone does these days is dance music, they throw a dance beat over everything, it's tacky and theres waaaaay tooooooo mucccccch oversaturation of dance music. Why does any single Gaga release have to be dance? Why do people on here only expect and demand dance music from Gaga? Don't any of you know how to appreciate any other musical style that isn't dance? Why do you all only accept music from Gaga when it's wrapped up in electronic dance beats?

I love how one harmless post got you so wound up :laughga: Kiiiii:laughga:

And if you were intelligent enough to check my posts, see what I've said in the past, or actually gotten to know me, you'd know that I am quite the opposite. I love Joanne. I think the album is  nice departure from her previous sound, thus allowing her access to a richer catalogue of sounds that she can draw from in the future. In regards to what I originally posted prior to you being triggered and upset, you'd see that I only mentioned more upbeat sounds because her last single was a ballad, and more upbeat music that you can dance to would be nice. If you have an average grasping of the English language you'd understand that Dance-able does not refer to dance pop or EDM (a genre that you clearly despise and only associate with Top 40 pop hits; which I might add is a damn shame, there are a ton of great dance tunes out there in the realm that are truly musical masterpieces, but since you appear to be very ignorant to a plethora of things, music included, you'll just remain in the shadow). Is Dancin' in Circles a dance pop or EDM tune to you? Are you uneducated in genre or labeling? If so, I suggest you don't speak up for anyone's musical tastes on this site since you so ignorantly dismiss and diminish varying sounds.

Oh and if you should know, but you probably won't read this anyways, my favorite band is Black Sabbath and Rainbow. Dio is a ****ing legend. Look it up and get educated. Sis.

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Free My Mind
On 05/01/2017 at 2:47 AM, Phoenix said:

Shicd wasn't a single, and the whole tfm is inspired by sex and all kinds of other fears.

I don't know why a song like dic is on joanne, tittled and inspired by her aunt that passed away at young age.


don't know how many times I have to say this... Joanne is not about her aunt. It's about the consequences that losing her aunt caused her and her family, and the healing that was needed because of it.

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On 05/01/2017 at 1:55 PM, monsterdino said:

 We are just saying that it's not radio friendly....they won't even play Million Reasons on the radio imagine how much they would play Dancin' In Circles...

But they play "side to side" by Ariana about her getting d*cked so hard she can't walk straight :lolga:

nice try

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This was too controversial? Anaconda, what's good?  :trollga:

Your everyday cups of kindness
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Green Detox

After the naugtier things she has down someone dared to call DiC "too controversial?" Lmao

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