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Lady Gaga vs. The Entire Music Industry


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She's the best. PERIOD. Tell me someone in the mainstream business that WRITES, COMPOSES, SINGS, DANCES WHILE SINGING, PRODUCES, PLAYS THE PIANO, has some control on her creative projects, stays relevant and has no frauds. Only GAGA.

Ariana: Only good vocals

Sia: Amazing voice and amazing writter

Beyonce: Good voice and good dancer but doesnt write **** and has frauds, buys songs from the mentioned above

Rihanna: does nothing, only sings. Buys hits from Sia too

Katy Perry: some writing, sings ok

Adele: Amazing voice 

Madonna: amazing writer, amazing dancer, living legend but sings ok

Taylor Swift: writes ok, sings ok, no dance at all


¿Qué currículum tiene ésta tarántula?
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Gaga's objectively not, like, the best- but, what she does have makes her a great musician overall.

She's got a combination of great vocals, good songwriting, really good musicianship (especially in working with other onstage band members, along with her own instrument skills), and a pretty infectious on-stage charisma.

3 points in and ready for more
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She's just so ****ing talented and no charts can say otherwise :diane:

Flyin' like a 1000 Doves
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5 hours ago, Oivind said:

Many good singers there. The reason I like Lady Gaga the most, is that I love her (slightly nasal) voice, and she doesn't use too much melisma, like Christina Aguilera. Some of these singers also have voices I find a bit annoying, especially Sia. I like how "clean" Lady Gaga's voice sounds, in comparison. I like Beyonce's voice (less than Gaga's, though), but I don't like her music. The same goes for Ariana Grande.

I realize that this is subjective, though.

I love Gaga's voice when it actually sounds clean. Some, or a lot of the time Gaga's voice sounds strained or hourse, like she is sick or tired. I feel like this has been happening more frequently as time passes, except during the Fame era. A recent example is La Vie En Rose at Tony's 90th. But I think she had Hay Fever (allergies) at the time so that's probably why. I just hope she didn't do irreparable damage to her voice from being overworked, smoking, drinking, etc. I love her voice but the way she sounds to me isn't very consistent. 

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Bette Davis

There isn't one best singer, but an elite group of the best singers and she has certainly established her place among them. She's easily one the top 5 vocalists in the industry atm, which is a huge accomplishment :applause:

Cold as ice cream, but still as sweet.
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