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Video Premiere: Lady Gaga - Million Reasons


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Mister Gaga
25 minutes ago, BloodyMonster said:

I usually agree with you, but how does the fact that it has a boring video completely ruin its chances of being a hit. Lol

Well, it certainly affects it's chances. See Make Me. Radios were ready to play britney, she was getting strong updates, good GP reaction...and then the video killed it's potential. I'm afriad the same will happen to MR

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3 minutes ago, kupo said:

This is quite dull, I think. And, I guess we need to wait and see whether all the videos link up, but as I predicted: as a duo, this and PI don't really gain anything from being linked. It's totally superficial. Again, this could turn around if she continues to link videos, but as of now, it seems like a half-hearted gimmick.

At least she looks gorgeous, as she did in PI, too. 

It's just a little disappointing that the artist that gave us Paparazzi, Telephone, and Alejandro hasn't delivered in so long. I understand not every video needs to be ultra-complex in concept and execution, but if you're going to go simple, everything needs to be pitch perfect and your core ideas better resonate. Gaga's good at high camp and ostentation. I'm not so convinced yet that "stripped down" plays to her artistic strengths.

But, whatever. I still want to see this become a legit hit. Fingers crossed!

You speak well. 

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Arizona Sky
Just now, Mister Gaga said:

Well, it certainly affects it's chances. See Make Me. Radios were ready to play britney, she was getting strong updates, good GP reaction...and then the video killed it's potential. I'm afriad the same will happen to MR

This is false

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I like how she is telling a story. Perfect Illusion makes sense after watching the first minute of Million Reasons. I'm missing the point of this section of the story, though. I'm even more intrigued to see how part 3 will be. I'd give this installment 3/5 stars. My guess on the next single, based on the story told, would have to be Diamond Heart or Hey Girl.

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Just now, ur so gay said:

lmfao oh please, make me did great and was a moderate hit overall. 

no it wasnt 

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3 minutes ago, M Monstre said:

First, please don't try to compare fans. We are all "die-hard fans" of Gaga, that's why we even go on this forum, a forum dedicated to her. No "normal fan" does that.

It's obvious that her aesthetic has changed during this era, and quite honestly, we all have enough time to process it. People are complaining that it took her this long to release the video, well, you should have taken that time to realize that this era in particular isn't going to be like her other eras, it's just not.

Watch this recent interview with Gaga, she literally explains that she wants us, the fans, to try to let go of past eras. She's definitely, absolutely proud of what she did, but she knows that we cannot keep holding on to those things. It's not realistic. Are you going to compare Gaga when she's 40, 50, hell, even 60 and beyond to her in her early 20s? No, because it's not realistic.


The MV is what it is, personally, yeah, I'd say I'm a little disappointed, but I'm going to scream bloody hell and pull my hair out because it's just not worth it. 

That said, I think a lot of the complaints are exaggerations. I watched the video, from a completely non-biased perspective, at the perspective from someone's who not a Gaga fan, and the video isn't bad whatsoever.

It's just that you think you should expect these things from her, when it's been made very clear that you're literally stanning an artist who is the embodiment of unpredictability. We've created this entitlement attitude and think that she needs to put on the best possible show with each performance, when in reality, the reason why she's doing this is because she loves and adores us to the point where she's had a hundred million reasons to walk away: we are her one good one she needs to stay. 

To start with, I never tried to imply that a "die-hard fan" would not be able to like this video. Taste is subjective and I understand that even the most perfectly executed video would be (unfairly & aggressively) critiqued on this forum.

This 2012-onward trend of dissecting and badmouthing each and every aspect of Gaga's appearance & growth/ change of direction as a musician is one of the million reasons I do not tend to actively engage with this fanbase anymore btw. So I commend you for bringing up a different perspective into this discussion. Please understand, that I am not here to hate on Gaga.

I truly support Gaga's need, both as an artist and a human being, to outgrow all of her pain & leave each and any preconceived notion we have about her behind. With Joanne she has definitely taken a direction that might be completely unfamiliar to us as fans, but is still powerful enough to connect us through all of the emotional openness & vulnerability of the album. (Whether you are a fan of the sound itself or not)

That said, I do like the album, I do recognize she has delivered some spectacular live moments, I do feel relieved that she seems to be a lot happier and content than during the last album cycle, and I love this element of "unpredictability" you mentioned earlier about her. The thing is, I'm not complaining because I feel entitled to a 100% photoshopped, polished, and choreographed version of Gaga that does not exist.

I'm sad because I feel like Interscope does not give a **** about her anymore; Gaga has offered them so much and they just half-ass any promotional decision they can. Gaga is just one person and she cannot micromanage everything. They had the responsibility to make sure that she doesn't burn out and yet they left her to fend for herself in a lot of ways... Now that I've thought about it for a while, maybe this is exactly why the video treatment for Million Reasons bothers me so much. Gaga is offering such a good single, the sales are steady etc. and then they s*** out this kind of video? Who is making those decisions? At this point, Gaga needs a team that is steadfast and experienced. I simply do not want her career to fizzle out like this...




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Also, what happened to her acting? I think she is a great actor, especially in her own videos. But she is completely off in MR video. She tweeted the video as a look into her life but I cannot see any passion at all. 

I don't like her stylists this era. She looks old. She is just 3o years old for god's sake!  

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beautiful scenery shots :ladyhaha:

wind, rain/snow, mountains, special effects :ladyhaha:

eye pleasing colorful views :ladyhaha:

interesting plot :ladyhaha:

celebrity cameo :ladyhaha:


not this time :ladyhaha:


live each day like Gaga might drop an album
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I am honest, I don't like the video and I somehow feel very horrible about this. Me, not liking something Gaga did at all. Impossible. She was always a huge inspiration and I just can't connect with the whole Joanne era (maybe it's because my family was a mess and I have no friends and whatever the themes of this era are, it tells me a lot that my favorite songs are about masturbation, illusions, being sick of the same kind of man...) And honestly I feel like such a bad fan, since the mv was released I want to cry because I feel the bond between her and me being severed... and I feel like I am betraying her with this.

I am an artist and good visualizations are important to me, something I had always liked about Gaga. I love the song Million Reasons (actually means a lot to me!) but the current state of her creativity disappoints me (there have been some highlights of course that I wished would have been there from the beginning) and as I said, I feel horrible for it, because I thought nothing can destroy that bond I have with her. And I had never thought it could be over something like this.

Yeah, in short, I feel like a fake fan right now :saladga::omg: (and i had to let it out somewhere because I really feel bad about it)

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2 minutes ago, Nayru said:
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To start with, I never tried to imply that a "die-hard fan" would not be able to like this video. Taste is subjective and I understand that even the most perfectly executed video would be (unfairly & aggressively) critiqued on this forum.

This 2012-onward trend of dissecting and badmouthing each and every aspect of Gaga's appearance & growth/ change of direction as a musician is one of the million reasons I do not tend to actively engage with this fanbase anymore btw. So I commend you for bringing up a different perspective into this discussion. Please understand, that I am not here to hate on Gaga.

I truly support Gaga's need, both as an artist and a human being, to outgrow all of her pain & leave each and any preconceived notion we have about her behind. With Joanne she has definitely taken a direction that might be completely unfamiliar to us as fans, but is still powerful enough to connect us through all of the emotional openness & vulnerability of the album. (Whether you are a fan of the sound itself or not)

That said, I do like the album, I do recognize she has delivered some spectacular live moments, I do feel relieved that she seems to be a lot happier and content than during the last album cycle, and I love this element of "unpredictability" you mentioned earlier about her. The thing is, I'm not complaining because I feel entitled to a 100% photoshopped, polished, and choreographed version of Gaga that does not exist.

I'm sad because I feel like Interscope does not give a **** about her anymore; Gaga has offered them so much and they just half-ass any promotional decision they can. Gaga is just one person and she cannot micromanage everything. They had the responsibility to make sure that she doesn't burn out and yet they left her to fend for herself in a lot of ways... Now that I've thought about it for a while, maybe this is exactly why the video treatment for Million Reasons bothers me so much. Gaga is offering such a good single, the sales are steady etc. and then they s*** out this kind of video? Who is making those decisions? At this point, Gaga needs a team that is steadfast and experienced. I simply do not want her career to fizzle out like this...




yes but at the end it's Gaga's decision to go with this video. And I can totally match the video and the general feeling of Joanne era. She talked about fathers, betrayals, religion etc etc so much that this video of the result of the general direction of Joanne. 


She would do an old style Hollywood romance for 10 dollars. I think Gaga is having a little bit of creative crisis. I am sure that she will be back full force in the future but it is not her moment. 

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I think she needs to read negative comments and be harsh on herself. She needs to remind herself that she is brave and groundbreaking. 


Her notes should be something like that:


1. No more videos about betrayals.

2. I don't need to sing like an old lady. I can be grand/ambitious yet quiet and serene.

3. If I mentioned Bowie for millions times, I need to study my music more and next time I need to come up with something groundbreaking.

4. I don't need to tell my own story all the time. Pop music is also about lies, fantasies and eclectic stories.

5. Next time I will write a powerful ballad that I don't need high notes nor religious references. I can write songs like Careless Whispers, Running Up That Hill, Confide in Me.. I can write even better songs. I am ****ing Lady GaGa.

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well, it's okay. however, i must say—and i can't believe that i'm pointing this out—that her face looks really asymmetrical and stiff during the black-and-white segments. i don't have a problem with it if that's what she wants, tho. also, i didn't really like the rosary part; not because of its religious aspect, but because it was, especially with that "love you sis" note thingy, kinda cliche.

the PI music video is miles better. 

if you hurt taylor swift, i'll hurt you back
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the thing i wish a lot of people here could understand is you can still be a 100% die hard Gaga fan for life, and still not love everything she does. It doesn't mean you love her as an artist any less.

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Mister Gaga
8 minutes ago, Nayru said:

Gaga is offering such a good single, the sales are steady etc. and then they s*** out this kind of video? Who is making those decisions? At this point, Gaga needs a team that is steadfast and experienced. I simply do not want her career to fizzle out like this...

She's making them. She's responsable for her career now. There's no one to blame or praise but her. She did the video she wanted to do. I mean, if interscope somehow refused to invest money (i don't think so), is not that she's poor...she paid G.U.Y. video, which is a HUGE production, all by herself, right?

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