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Madonna: MJ is gone, but I'm still standing


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Mr Ricky
2 minutes ago, lego said:



I agree with her in the first video.

In the second, there was no need to mention legends who died, it just doesn't sound respectful. 

They really don't get it. I don't see what's good on bringing the death on topic and end it with " I'm still here." It's just not right. 

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2 minutes ago, JoanneMonster said:

I never said she's not a legend or important :huh:

Then what is your point with the children not knowing her or her songs? :oprah:

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35 minutes ago, Gagaloo92 said:

And having that attitude is exactly the reason this world sucks. You can have confidence and be confident about who you are and what you make without having a nasty attitude and acting arrogant. The fact you think people SHOULD be arrogant and not stay humble says a lot about you and the type of person you are. 


I don't care how rich and famous you are or how big a legend, that gives you absolutely no reason to be arrogant and not act with humility. 

I'm referring more so to her attitude in general than her speech here. 

She's not humble but has just raised 7 million $ for her foundation to make schools and raise children in Malawi, ok!

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The Surrealist
1 minute ago, SpookyKid said:

But he was still RESPECTED, something Madge doesn't get because she's a woman.

This is like saying Black Lives Matter doesn't matter because white people die too

1. Madonna was also respected but she got much more spotlight and thus more hate.

2. It's not. Both men and women get objectified. Everybody is a victim. But objectification of women is much more controversial because of how long women got oppressed already in history whereas with men it is a new phenomenon. We can't fight for women's right and equality when we let objectification of men happen too, and just say "Oh, men can't be objectified".

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Just now, monsterdino said:

Then what is your point with the children not knowing her or her songs? :oprah:

I just wanted to say that is not nice of her to talk that way, even if she was the biggest singer in the world, she shouldn't be that arrogant and not act like she's the best when people nowadays can't name any of her songs.

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The Fame Joanne
2 minutes ago, Sycamore said:

1. Madonna was also respected but she got much more spotlight and thus more hate.

2. It's not. Both men and women get objectified. Everybody is a victim. But objectification of women is much more controversial because of how long women got oppressed already in history whereas with men it is a new phenomenon. We can't fight for women's right and equality when we let objectification of men happen too, and just say "Oh, men can't be objectified".

But it is harder for women. Just look who's career ended after Janet Jackson/JT super bowl

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Just now, JoanneMonster said:

I just wanted to say that is not nice of her to talk that way, even if she was the biggest singer in the world, she shouldn't be that arrogant and not act like she's the best when people nowadays can't name any of her songs.

I can't come to agree. That she's a legend is fact, even though young people nowadays aren't drawn to her oldest music because of how the music industry has changed. Teenagers need educating, not only musically speaking, so it's quite okay if they can't name any of her songs. This doesn't change the facts tho. I can't see the arrogance in stating reality. What she wanted to say is that she's lucky to have come so far when so many of her peers didn't have such luck, and that her career took her strength and perseverance. It's that simple. 

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1 minute ago, SEXODUS said:

I can't come to agree. That she's a legend is fact, even though young people nowadays aren't drawn to her oldest music because of how the music industry has changed. Teenagers need educating, not only musically speaking, so it's quite okay if they can't name any of her songs. This doesn't change the facts tho. I can't see the arrogance in stating reality. What she wanted to say is that she's lucky to have come so far when so many of her peers didn't have such luck, and that her career took her strength and perseverance. It's that simple. 

it's not nice to act like you are the best, the only living one... It's not because she's Madonna, if Gaga said that I would still think it's not nice.

It's like if you are in a beauty contest and 2 strong oponents die and you go and say ''I'm the prettiest now'', it's just wrong and not polite.

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um excuse me :awkney:

literally just lost the little respect i had for her like tf :awkney:

thats basically saying, yall dead im still slaying :awkney:

Long Live Gretchen
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1 minute ago, Decodekid said:

um excuse me :awkney:

literally just lost the little respect i had for her like tf :awkney:

thats basically saying, yall dead im still slaying :awkney:

Read the whole thing.

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Just now, JoanneMonster said:

it's not nice to act like you are the best, the only living one... It's not because she's Madonna, if Gaga said that I would still think it's not nice.

It's like if you are in a beauty contest and 2 strong oponents die and you go and say ''I'm the prettiest now'', it's just wrong and not polite.


Imagine in 30+ years, Gaga goes "Katy died, Taylor Swift died, Kanye died, Justin Bieber died...but I'm still here" :awkney: 

Bringing up death like that, to prove a point, doesn't sound right. And that's not hate, it's an objective opinion. 

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15 minutes ago, KURUSHITOVSKA said:

She's not humble but has just raised 7 million $ for her foundation to make schools and raise children in Malawi, ok!

she had to have her OWN foundation, LOL

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7 minutes ago, JoanneMonster said:

It's like if you are in a beauty contest and 2 strong oponents die and you go and say ''I'm the prettiest now'', it's just wrong and not polite.

I think you are seeing what's simply not there. To be confident about you have given in the past and you can give now it's no arrogance. You can not find it nice for the winner of a beauty contest to say that she's prettier, but she has won, which means she is actually prettier. I can agree it wouldn't be the nicest thing to say but still, it's not her fault she's allegedly prettier.  Still she didn't say she was the greatest. It was implied (by the billions of records sold), but again it's a fact that she has come a very long way.

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"Michael could sing, Tupac could rap, Whitney could sing, Prince could sing and play the guitar, Amy Winehouse could sing, Bowie could sing...and I'm still standing."

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