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Madonna: MJ is gone, but I'm still standing


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The first part of the speech where she talked about how society sees woman and how woman are objectified, I quite liked and it was very well said.

But the part where she mentioned Micheal and Whitney and others I didn't like. It was unnecessary and she could have proven her point in some other way imo..

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12 hours ago, monsterdino said:

Since when are we taking childrens who are under 18 opinions seriously? :oprah:

....wow are they retarded if they are 16 or 17 ? 

Just cause Madonna doesn't appeal to them and they dislike her doesn't mean that their opinion doesn't count but well a Madge fan what can you expect..:giggle:

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12 hours ago, SpookyKid said:

But he was still RESPECTED, something Madge doesn't get because she's a woman.

This is like saying Black Lives Matter doesn't matter because white people die too

huntey, not beacause of that It's because she is cringy nowdays and tries too hard 

She should chill and don't make soo much fuss cause she is living right now because of her old image not because of her talent right now :giggle:

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12 hours ago, JoanneMonster said:

I just wanted to say that is not nice of her to talk that way, even if she was the biggest singer in the world, she shouldn't be that arrogant and not act like she's the best when people nowadays can't name any of her songs.

she lives because of her past image and she acts like she is as big now as then that's the only problem :madge:

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12 hours ago, JoanneMonster said:

it's not nice to act like you are the best, the only living one... It's not because she's Madonna, if Gaga said that I would still think it's not nice.

It's like if you are in a beauty contest and 2 strong oponents die and you go and say ''I'm the prettiest now'', it's just wrong and not polite.

and not to forget the fact that other legends are still alive but it seems that it doesn't matter for Madge :madge:

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12 hours ago, Americano25 said:

Have you actually sat back and read the **** you've typed?

Madonna DID NOT "Drag" Lady Gaga at all. She said Born This Way was reductive and that was all...she never said anything about Gaga herself.

M had every right to be annoyed about Gaga ripping off Express Yourself and everything that she ripped off before and after. How would you feel if some johnny come lately came along and stole your work and pretended it was their own? Gaga should've been taken to court for plagirism but Madonna wasn't that petty. 

What's hilarious about that whole BTW / Express Yourself controvery was that Gaga claimed that the QUEEN OF POP sent her blessing via email,  but Madonna and her publicist both denied all knowledge of it happening. Then Gaga had the nerve to turn up at the Grammy's in M's Blond Ambition attire to thank Whitney Houston. lol  Please. If Gaga's butthurt over Madonna not warming to her then she only has herself to blame.




Quick questions!

Who lost lawsuits for plagiarism?


Just take a peek :hor:

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43 minutes ago, ZombieMirror said:

Nice try ! :ladyhaha:

So then why is she desperate for attention after so much success ? :giggle:


You need help - you have close to 10 straight posts on this thread just provoking every M fan here. Stop being obsessed and hateful. 

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honestly she has proved to be stronger and more of a fighter than all of them:golfclap:

My Favs = Lady Gaga, Janet Jackson, Ricky Martin, AKB48
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3 hours ago, monsterdino said:

Do you think any other female would do what they are doing right now if it weren't for Madonna?

You are so delusional

You need to stfu you are embarrassing, trolling this thread and attacking people for having an opinion different to your own. Grow up and accept not everyone thinks how you do. You are the delusional one.

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10 minutes ago, fathermonster said:

You need to stfu you are embarrassing, trolling this thread and attacking people for having an opinion different to your own. Grow up and accept not everyone thinks how you do. You are the delusional one.

The only person who needs to stfu and is embarrasing is you. You are saying that I attack ppl for having a different opinion, when you are doing the same just right now? Now what's up with that? Hypocrite much? Which to be fair saying that Madonna is and was a major influence on music and women is music it's simply not an opinion it's a fact. 

Oh and yeah you clearly don't know what trolling is....

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And to conclude my speech... all of those people are dead. But hey, i am not. Really?

regardless of everything else i would trow something on her if i was in audience on that part of the speech

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1 hour ago, AKB48 said:

honestly she has proved to be stronger and more of a fighter than all of them:golfclap:

6 people died in tragic deaths, and your reposnse is that she is stonger than them?

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15 minutes ago, Omar Vela said:

So admins are letting @Americano25 say tons of sh*t towards Gaga and Michael but you complaint when someone says something against Madonna? wow, just wow

They were banned over 12 hours ago :duck: Can we please not assume that no mod action is taken against users because you cannot see another user's warning point history or PMs or any of that stuff :sweat: No we aren't letting anyone saying tons of **** about anyone, and if you see it then report it and it'll be dealt with :) 

(I don't usually respond to comments like this and we aren't supposed to and I won't go further with this specific conversation but in a case like this I thought it was necessary to make you aware that just because you can't see an action being taken it doesn't mean that it hasn't been :omg: )

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