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Request mp3 of Million Reasons (Acoustic)


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Is someone able to turn these two performances into a 320 kbps mp3 please? :)


and this one...




I realize the first one is not very high quality but the performance is beautiful, so... ^^;


Thank you so much <3

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The Child

I'd like to have the AMAs performance in M4A.

‘If religion be the cause of disunity, then irreligion is surely to be preferred.’ ‘Abdu’l-Bahá
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9 hours ago, Ryqn said:

You can't turn a lq audio into HQ 320 kbps....

You can record whatever you want as a 320 kbps mp3. It's the only way to ensure further (major) quality loss. Unless you can somehow rip the original source audio, I have no idea how to do that though. But those YouTube website rippers, it's better to just go for 320 kbps mp3. Except, I have no idea how to cut off the beginning/ending and make the whole thing sound acceptable for listening. lol

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