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How much do you listen to Joanne?


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The 1st couple of weeks, probably at least once a day or every other day.

Now, like once a week or I usually just play DH, DiC, and PI and move on to other music or throw in other Joanne tracks I feel like listening to.

Dont get me wrong, I love the album. Just don't think it's Gaga's best and I've had a lot music from my others favs that I had to checkout around the same.

I will say PI just joined my top 25 most played songs on iTunes. And if I keep going at this rate, DiC and DH will be there soon. But they'll have some competition from Starboy (song) which is close and the rest of Starboy once I download it.

This thread has me going through withdrawal, so I'll probably revisit it today

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 need to let our bitchiness out. Otherwise, it turns to bile and poisons us"
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Everyday! Plus I usually listen to it in my car, but I only listen from DH to DIC to SP to HG :hor:

One, five, ten lay a million on me
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I play diamond heart+ PI everyday 

and play the album at least 5 times a day or more :lolly:



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Am I the only member here who listens to it almost everyday? I don't listen to the whole album everyday of course but it depends on my mood.

I mostly listen to: Diamond Heart, John Wayne, Dancin in Circles, Come To Mama, Hey Girl and Just Another Day.

Some days i just add Joanne, Perfect Illusion and Angel Down to the mix.

Can't stand A-YO more than once a week

Even though Sinner's Prayer is one of the best tracks on the album, i just can't listen to it on repeat like the other ones.

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It's my car music, so almost everyday. I listen around the house when I'm doing stuff as well - i'm so in love with it 

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when it comes up on random or when I feel like listening to john wayne and then I just play through the whole album

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The whole album almost every day.  But some of the tracks i play 5+ times a day (mr, a-yo, PI, DIC, joanne)

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The Surrealist

Everyday at least one song. 

I had a Diamond Heart Phase for three weeks, but now I'm back to Perfect Illusion. I also love Angel Down.

I almost never listen to Grigio Girls, Million Reasons and Just Another Day.

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I listen to 7 of the songs like everyday almost :woohoo: The other songs I don't really listen to, maybe like once every week or two :confused: 

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I have about 600 plays on my last.fm account. It slowed down considerably. I still love it, but it won't stick with me like TFM or BTW.

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