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Thoughts on the Joanne Era so far?


Thoughts on the Joanne Era so far?  

184 members have voted

  1. 1. Thoughts on the Joanne Era so far?

    • Her best era yet!
    • I'm loving it so far
    • I alright - theres good and bad in it
    • Kind of disapointing
    • Horrible - It feels like ARTPOP all over again

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I just don't understand what happened. Bobby has been really good since Cheek To Cheek and now nothing again...


It's like they're not even trying to make it happen... We'll probably find out what's happening right now in a year or so lol

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Delulu Rogers

The album is great but the era is a HUGE letdown. It's very boring and anticlimactic. I get if she is not we'll enough to do stuff like the things she did before, but in that case she shouldn't have said things like, "her gaga side is resting for the next album" and tell us she had "returned to the art of darkness." It just created a bigger disappointment with how the era has gone so far.

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For me it's like this:

Lack of promo for PI had me extremely frustrated cause I thought the song had such potential. I was almost losing hope before the album was even out.

Then the album comes out, I love the music and the dive bars, hype goes high again

Now I'm just waiting to see where it goes. I think this era has still potential, MR is a good single choice and I expect the video and more performances soon. And I'm always super hyped for SB


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11 minutes ago, ChrisC said:

The album is great but the era is a HUGE letdown. It's very boring and anticlimactic. I get if she is not we'll enough to do stuff like the things she did before, but in that case she shouldn't have said things like, "her gaga side is resting for the next album" and tell us she had "returned to the art of darkness." It just created a bigger disappointment with how the era has gone so far.

she said that year and a half ago. :creepflop:

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I'm definitely bored. Along with Born This Way, this is her best album. But this era has been uneventful. Whatever the reason is, I'm sure it's because of extenuating circumstances. As much as we deride her for saying this, she's incredibly self aware and knows exactly what we want. I'm realising this now and trying to slowly wean myself off my Gaga addiction by visiting GGD and Twitter less. I'll be more active when things start happening again, but this era leaves a lot to be desired. 

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It's sad that we have to keep her at such a high standard. Like, can we just let the music speak for itself? Can we just enjoy some of the things she's given us? Granted, I would love more, and I'm sure she's going to do more. 

You guys, we have the Super Bowl coming! The f*cking Super Bowl! Let's just wait and see what this era has to offer before we judge it so harshly.  

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It's a bit slow, but maybe that's for the best, so she actually has content to last more than the first few months after the release. 

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I LOVE the music but the era is a non event so far. We need more of the 2 things that made her a superstar in the first place: Amazing performances and Incredible Music Videos.

And yeah, "Boring" is the perfect word to describe the era for me.

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25 minutes ago, Rockets said:

Lack of promo for PI had me extremely frustrated cause I thought the song had such potential. I was almost losing hope before the album was even out.

THISSS. Same. Such a wasted opportunity with Perfect Illuson :(

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Not The Real Gaga

I wouldn't call this whole happening "an era", personally. Because, there is nothing? Literally. 

But hey, don't care. Love the music, but without the promo you will fulfil the prophecy automatically; "NOT THE BLING"

And as long she is fine, I am fine. But I've my thoughts about that part as well. Hope she is okay and has enough energy for all her upcoming projects, and especially the Super Bowl.

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