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Gaga: "CNN,Stop normalizing Trump's election"

Azor Ahai

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3 hours ago, bombshell2nite said:

Why did she wait like a week before the election to get involved.  Too me it just comes off as rushed and completely fake. I love the girl but if she is going to practice what she preaches then she needs to realize that not all her fans share her views. It's not a cult. We have our own minds.

She's been involved since the primaries. This is just one tweet I quoted.

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agreed, it's not right to let everything he's said just slide now. we have to hold his feet to the fire. he ran on outright lies half the time (in terms of the last debate, he lied almost 70 percent of the time according to independent fact checkers). this is acceptable to half of america but it isn't to me and others. yes, the election is over and the result is the result, but we will voice our concerns because truth is important in a country where apparently it is so difficult to find it sometimes, leading to utterly absurd results like this.

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3 hours ago, Kenon Sings said:

"Hitler won the election. Jews need to stop. :wtf:"

:wtf: comparing Trump to Hitler? Bye.

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26 minutes ago, SomethingMore said:

:wtf: comparing Trump to Hitler? Bye.

It's kinda ironic, isn't it. The land of freedom and the brave, who fought against Nazis in WWII, and here i am, 70 years later, watching from Germany all these events happening in the USA... 


Maybe Germany will soon have to repay the favor. :toofunny:

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Gabriel Ribeiro

I'm sorry guys, I feel like she is being a little extra too. As much as I hate Donald Trump and everything he stands for, he WAS elected democratically. To me it serves as a warning, an eye opener so America doesent sit thinking itself as a progressive country who elected a black president. There is lots of anger and prejudice lurking under the surface and I think this just brings it to surface. Its time for the artistic community/culture to fight back and react to this. Get out there, express your vision and voice your beliefs. Living in facebook bubble wherre you delete everything and everyone that had diverging opininions is just wrong and only contributes to big surprises in moments like this. The enemy lives next door and guess what he doesent necessarily look like a mid america redneck. 

Unfortunately the main currency today is exposure, I also think that contributed for his win. He was everywhere and little did we know that his gangaster turned sucess american story had moree appeal than imagined.

what i mean is the artistic community and people have to rise, rebel and be very explicit about how you want america to be. Maybe it wasnt time to hang those meat dresses just yet...

this is all written with love. Dont judge me.

peace out



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14 hours ago, CowSiss said:



GUIDE THEM :sharon: 

OT: I love her.

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I am so proud of her! She is doing the right thing! When you are getting used to the Beast of Fascism then you're becoming a beast yourself! Fascism is fascism, not just a different political view! Ppl need to RISE UP and be awaken for all these four years to come!

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I think she's making an extremely valid point in putting this message out to a mass audience. 

It seems all the media outlets who once opposed Trump and all he stood for are now warming to him simply because he's the president - all the hate he's projected into the public sphere over his campaign has conveniently been forgotten. Such bullish*t. Vanity Fair, who once supported one of their journalists when she spoke out about Trump sexually assaulting her, is absolutely loving him now - prior to his election, they were taking part in exposing his true self and crimes. 


Celebrities like Gaga are doing nothing but GOOD by getting this viewpoint out. 

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2 hours ago, Gabriel Ribeiro said:

he WAS elected democratically.

Arguable to be honest. Democracy's definition centres around citizen power - majority of the voters in the US voted for Hillary Clinton. Trump won the Electoral College. Not really the people's vote. 

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Judas Oyster
14 hours ago, Eddie said:

**** did you even watch all the hate people is getting just because they aren't white straight???? This is not about the election this is about white ****ers thinking it's ok to denigrate us because they have a douchbag president. If you want to be a part of people that look the other way then good but I'm glad Gaga is pulling the courtains down:fthis:

Racism is nothing new.

Again, all I'm saying is that the election is over. I'm tired of everything related to pre- and post-selection. It's a done deal now.

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Cameltoe Chariot
44 minutes ago, Judas Oyster said:

Racism is nothing new.

Again, all I'm saying is that the election is over. I'm tired of everything related to pre- and post-selection. It's a done deal now.

Cool, so log off and respect the fact that people are angry. Complacency and disinterest is exactly why America is in the situation its in right now, so just know that your attitude is fairly embarrassing.

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