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Is This Fair? Album Sales


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While streaming has been a component of the Billboard albums chart for almost 2 years now, this week's chart really illustrates why I don't necessarily like the power streaming is given. Like it takes a lot more active effort to BUY an album, then to press play on ur FREE subscription of Spotify. That's like the point, to see if the artist has done enough to get someone to spend their hard earned money on the album. 

Here's what occurred on this week's chart


Top Sales Plus Streaming Albums (Billboard 200)

1. Jeezy - 89,000

2. Kenny Chesney - 89,000 (numbers are rounded)

3. Meek Mill - 87,000

4. Avenge Sevenfold - 76,000


now for albums sales only, which is how it was done on the Billboard 200 before

1. Kenny Chesney - 79,000

2. Jeezy - 73,000

3. Avenge Sevenfold - 72,000

4. Meek Mill - 45,000



So Kenny Chesney would have been #1 instead of Jeezy and nearly HALF!!! of Meek Mills SPS total was from streaming, which helped him move ahead of Avenge Sevenfold who sold 27,000 more than him. 


Also just wanna point out how none of these guys even sold/streamed half of what Joanne did last week. 



Source: http://www.billboard.com/articles/columns/chart-beat/7565778/jeezy-third-no-1-billboard-200-chart


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yes, it is fair. the music industry has changed a lot over the years and i don't think we should think about it the way it was conceived.

albums rarely sell as they used to (and if they do i just don't believe it, im sorry taylor) and its just natural progression that streaming is included in charts. eventually, streaming wont be a thing and something else will overtake the music industry, rolling stone will try to diss it then jump on its wagon and we'll have come full circle.

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Was it fair when you + us + the GP illegally downloaded songs out the ass and made sales as low as they are today? 

No. That's why they did this. Y'all are taking the punishment well lmao. 

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1 minute ago, ChaosAngelX69 said:

Was it fair when you + us + the GP illegally downloaded songs out the ass and made sales as low as they are today? 

No. That's why they did this. Y'all are taking the punishment well lmao. 


For the record, i've never illegally downloaded music in my life. #SupportTheArtist

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I believe the idea of SPS is just to make all artists nowadays look better, so that we can still have some new huge stars or music legends in our generation

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It's totally fair, welcome to 2016. It would be unfair to ignore streaming in this technological era. This is not the problem.

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Well yeah it is tragic when you look at it and people say hey my faves last album is platinum, yet 100-200k is pure and the rest is streaming. Esspecially when youtube counts too with explicit videos and all kinds of things that people go to watch and barely listen.

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I think it's fair. Streaming has been big these last couple of years and it's the new way of listening to music. I still buy some albums and I agree that it's better that way but things evolve and the music industry also evolves, that's why it's the way it is now. I think it's more fair this way than downloading ilegal files.

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sass bonbon
1 hour ago, ChaosAngelX69 said:

Was it fair when you + us + the GP illegally downloaded songs out the ass and made sales as low as they are today? 

No. That's why they did this. Y'all are taking the punishment well lmao. 

Exactly. At least people that used to consume piracy now pays SOMETHING.

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Idek anymore

It is fair because Streaming is the way music is being consumed the most at them moment. Streaming is the future. The Billboard 200 is an accurate reflection of that, it reflects the most  popular albums in a given week.

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Well it's suppose to rank the most popular albums in the country that week. Streaming is major component on popularity now and it's not like one stream equals one album sale. They're aware that an album sale is weighted more. But if the hot 100  includes streams, airplay, etc then why can't albums? :shrug:

theres still a top album sales chart

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