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Is Gaga Hearthbroken?


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53 minutes ago, Driezewies said:

I noticed it too, also when they were playing her songs, when Gypsy came on, her face changed immediately :(

THIS! I noticed it immediately. Something is definitely up as far as that's concerned. This really upsets me and I hope she will persevere through this time. Heartbreak is one of the most wrenching feelings :(

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5 minutes ago, Vodka said:

Loooooooool what flavor? :ohno: I get you though. Sometimes I get real stubborn and kinda stuck in my emotions and it's so counter intuitive :sharon: But thankfully things get sorted out, I feel that it's just my emotions kinda need some channeling through hahahahaha! 

You've got a point though, we know how emotionally charged she can get and be. I'm thankful too that she's able to express herself and share what she's feeling through her work. It's fun dance the pain away too sometimes lol

Lol rocky road. My oldest sister always picks the marshmallows out. That's the best freakin part!!!!'

I love you monsters. I'd be unfixably broken without you
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Just now, Letmelivemylife said:

Lol rocky road. My oldest sister always picks the marshmallows out. That's the best freakin part!!!!'

I'd be peeved too tbh :crossed: LOL!!! :sharon::diane:

Yes, I also do love partying in moving houses as seen in that one Bacardi tv ad.
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Grigio Gays

She does seem kind of sad this era. Which is refreshing, because you could tell during ARTPOP she was sad too but she was trying to sugarcoat it and hide it.

She recently lost a fiancee and the world is in a ****ed up place. I'm pretty sure it's not easy to battle her depression considering everything.

I hope the beautiful music she made helps her heal, just the way it healed us (the fans). 

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Its so entertaining to watch her reactions to her past performances. When applause came on she was like, "I think Im wearing a trash bag. Very fashionable". Yea, she did look sad when Gypsy came on and during/after PI. Her songs are very personal to her and she has to relive her heartbreak in order to have authentic emotions when she performs. Her vulnerability is what makes her performances so memorable and interesting to watch. Her pain is also how she is able to relate to people. 

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Well, shes only human. Can't imagine going through relationships in the public eye, let alone break ups. Would be miserable.

Too hard to say what she's going through. I think fans sometimes read too much into things. Gaga has an entire life we won't ever know about.

But yeah, given the timing of things, can't imagine she feels great every second of the day. And some of the songs about her relationship are prob more emotional to perform.

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She was with the man for FIVE years. OF COURSE she is heart broken, especially performing a song about him.

You never get over a love like that, it'll always mean something to you. A part of your heart will always be damaged because no matter how you feel about the person now you never forget how they made you feel before- it stays in your memory, you just learn how to access it less over time. 

Gaga will move on with another love, and she won't have to access those memories as much because of she'll be making new ones, but there'll always be a part of the memory of the relationship which will hurt her. 

Sorry to be so dramatic, but it's true LOL

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11 hours ago, Nemo said:

I don't know why people insist on projecting details of her personal life onto every emotional performance, which by the way is every performance she gives. Can she not just be feeling the song? :smh:

Because she's an artist and every aspect of her personal life is somehow reflected in her performance :excuseu:

11 hours ago, Kattys said:

where I can see it?

11 hours ago, Tommi said:

This! I can't find it in the youtube video!

Did you even read the op :awkney:


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17 hours ago, PerfectDelusion said:

I wonder how she felt when she watched the Gypsy performance

I haven't seen how she reacted, is there a link? 

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I don't like to presume because we don't know anything for sure, but it seemed as though earlier she had hope that they would get back together (or she was just saving face and not saying anything too intense in public, which I completely get, hence her saying PI isn't about Taylor etc), but maybe now that all of these news is breaking about Taylor having a new girlfriend etc, that she has the consider the fact that they may not get back together, or maybe it's all just hitting her now that it's over? If she is heartbroken, it's completely normal, they were together for five years and engaged, it's not like it was just a fling. Hopefully she's ok :heart: 

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She for sure is, but tbh, anyone that been in serious LTR knew what "taking a break" really means.

They must have already been broken up for a few before the rumor then the news breaks into the surface. I mean, Kinney was already spotted going out with another woman in his hometown by couple of fans when the rumor were around. Some fans tried to give benefit of doubts but we know now that it is true, he have moved on.


She might sobbed singing it in Sukkiri yesterday because she might have thought of what could have been, all the hope and dreams, you know. But I suppose, she marched on anyway now, she had her time to mourn in the past months.


(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ✧*:・゚ young, dumb, and full of numb (*´艸`*) ♡♡♡
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high heeled fem
21 hours ago, Driezewies said:

I noticed it too, also when they were playing her songs, when Gypsy came on, her face changed immediately :(


omg just saw this whoa yr right she did :deadbanana::shocked:

wtf happened between them

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