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Create 1 Music Video of "Joanne" from your Ideas

Poope MOnster

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6 minutes ago, Poope MOnster said:


This from 2:36 on is perfection for Come to Mama.

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5 minutes ago, Poope MOnster said:


Not like this exactly, but similar. I was thinking more along the lines of: e951a129e81a6e9d6391eb0db4dd5f04.jpg


But the concept of how it explodes into a big choreographed exciting spectacle like Björk did in her video is similar. I would say vintage along the lines of Vegas Show almost. Or a nightclub of sorts. 

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Alexander Paley
1 hour ago, blackstar said:

Angel Down:

Music video is in black and white.

Music video is set in rural village/town in England during World War II (autumn time). Town is destroyed except local church. Everybody are in black, crying, mouring for people that they have lost in war. Gaga is all in white (because she's an angel) and she's sitting in the corner of the church, watching people crying and singing her lines. During second verse, she's walking through the destroyed town, looking at soliders, dirty children, black widows. During second refrain, someone was hit by bullet. Everybody are panicking except Gaga. She walking toward him. She approached to dying men. She kissed him in the forehead and he dyed.

His soul (with smile on his face) showed up in the next to her and they started walking through the town. While they're walking, other souls are joining them and they started walking to the light. Gaga is singing the last refrain with "souls". During: "Save that angel, hear that angel, catch my angel" part, they are all disappearing into the light, leaving destroyed town.



Gaga's outfit would be something like this:


Similar dress but only with blonde wig from You And I

u've literally posted a picture of dresden (destroyed by the brits):awkney:


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I had a visual on my mind about Angel Down

i imagined all black and white while Gaga walks the streets in a very long dress as she sees how damaged our world is 

Im Harol don't tell anyone
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Grigio Girls 
-Black/White and Color changes between moods
-Black/white during verses, color during the chorus
-Black and white show's her with friends and people just having fun, doing things best friends would usually do (driving around the city, in an apartment/hotel/house messing around, laughing, etc.)
-Color is her by herself playing the piano, writing (or typing on her typewriter like she's been using), and just having a bittersweet feel to the video. 

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Poope MOnster
6 hours ago, Decodekid said:

I had a visual on my mind about Angel Down

i imagined all black and white while Gaga walks the streets in a very long dress as she sees how damaged our world is 

With baseball bat slam the car :excited2:

6 hours ago, Alexander Paley said:

u've literally posted a picture of dresden (destroyed by the brits):awkney:


That dress slay :giveup:

2 hours ago, KING said:

Love how everyone is thinking of a B&W color scheme for the next video! :awkney:

Only angel down for me

3 hours ago, David Nathan Raveles said:

Grigio Girls 
-Black/White and Color changes between moods
-Black/white during verses, color during the chorus
-Black and white show's her with friends and people just having fun, doing things best friends would usually do (driving around the city, in an apartment/hotel/house messing around, laughing, etc.)
-Color is her by herself playing the piano, writing (or typing on her typewriter like she's been using), and just having a bittersweet feel to the video. 

I think about document ish mv with sonja with a lot of fun and colour :unicorn:

2 hours ago, Akarin said:

I want a lot of Satanism

For million reasons :giveup:



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7 hours ago, Alexander Paley said:

u've literally posted a picture of dresden (destroyed by the brits):awkney:


NNNNN :air:

Dilated, falling free in a modern ecstasy
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