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Joanne has a 65% on Metacritic


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I'm not going to let the reviewers affect my opinion on the album, and neither should you!! If you love it, don't let them ruin the experience for you!

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What the fu.ck? Why so god damn low?!

I actually expected this to be the album of hers that received rave reviews.

Really hoping for some turn around and soon.

I'll be myself until they fลซcking close the coffin.
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There's 4 reviews up...there are usually at least 20 outlets. Can you guys just wait before you start a meltdown?

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36 minutes ago, ghs said:

There's 4 reviews up...there are usually at least 20 outlets. Can you guys just wait before you start a meltdown?

This could be her first mixed album. It could also easily peak in the mid-high 60s. There's FOUR reviews out. People need to take a deep breath.ย 

Twitter: @ConnorBehrens/Instagram: @ConnorBehrens
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5 hours ago, ConnorFilm said:

I'm confused about that. 60+60+40+80 divided by 4 equals 60.ย 

40??? WHO?:grr:

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Y'all best be on the lookout for the Entertainment Weekly review. That one is weighed HEAVILY on Metacritic

Take a moment to think of just flexibility, love, and trust~
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It will go up, there's still reviews from billboard, EW, Rolling Stones, or NME that will be 70 or more for sure.

But Tiny Mix Tapes and P4K is not going to lose the chance to give her a score below 50 for sure.

At this time I don't know where it will ends but still bet for a +70.

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1 hour ago, Sister Jude said:

The New York Times is clearly a hater.ย :classy:


That's such an ugly interpretation.

Obviously very subjective from my part, but still.

3 points in and ready for more
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12 minutes ago, Miel said:

That's such an ugly interpretation.

Obviously very subjective from my part, but still.

Mine or the review?ย :nails:

All monsters are human, you are a monster.
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Why is this even a thing? There are no rules for the reviews, they're not regulated, and most of these people have no idea what they're talking about.

Why are paid opinions held in higher regard to our own? It's nonsense.

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2 hours ago, Sister Jude said:

The New York Times is clearly a hater.ย :classy:


These "critics" are so trigger happy. Extremely excited to let the world know about their ignorance. This is barely even a review.

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2 hours ago, PennyroyalTea said:

I'm not going to let the reviewers affect my opinion on the album, and neither should you!! If you love it, don't let them ruin the experience for you!


2 hours ago, Helxig said:

What the fu.ck? Why so god damn low?!

I actually expected this to be the album of hers that received rave reviews.

Really hoping for some turn around and soon.

Reviews are mostly more about the person putting out the music, rather than the actual music. That is why Lemonade got such a stellar score, because if you criticize Beyonce you are instantly labeled a racist and journalists don't want to risk that since they have to give their name to what they write. You shouldn't take this too seriously, at the end of the day commercial success is the only one that matters and this is true. Look at Katy Perry: none of her albums weren't particularly well received by critics, and yet, who cares? She still found success because the music she served was actually good enough for the GP to buy it.

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