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Lady Gaga's Sexist Subtext

Gracious Gaga

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I tend to have problems with people who think that only women face social injustice and that men have it 100% perfect because we don't.

I do not like that she said that, but its not too big of a deal for me.

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I think you're right, in that phrases like that tend to reinforce gender norms and resuscitate the poisonous masculinity that's driven society, politics, the economy for the past billion years. That said, she said it off the cuff—if not completely tongue-in-cheek—and I think she was actually quietly poking fun of the fact that these two dudes felt the need to "tough cry," rather than just emote like normal human beings. I definitely don't think she was saying they "man cried" because that's what men "should" do.

There may be a lifetime worth of context there too—she could very easily be referencing one of her dad's quirks (e.g., he hates the idea of crying because it's "not manly").

Best not to jump to conclusions about it though, especially because she clearly meant no harm in saying it.

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Mess. If she is sexist, its not her fault. She grew up, like all of us, in a sexist culture. Deep down, we are all sexist. It's how we're raised. But we can change that. Also, POLITICAL CORRECTNESS is just a way to mask these problems. It's not addressing the problem, just ignoring it.

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9 hours ago, Gracious Gaga said:


If you watch the video above, she discusses Mark Ronson and her father crying, but disclaims it as "manly cries" ... Is she suggesting that is it not "manly" to cry?  Does Lady Gaga need to be educated on stereotyping gender roles?

In my perspective I found this highly offensive.  Why should it matter if men are crying...

And this is not the first time Gaga has made such remarks.. In another interview she stated "that person has balls" while speaking of someone being brave.  What does balls and bravery ACTUALLY have in common?  Someone who does not have male genitals is not brave?  

While I'm sure she has no intentions (or is even aware of) coming off this way... I personally think someone who once was an advocate for the LGBT community and frequently sings of feminism should refrain from using such ignorant statements.


To those who think i'm overthinking, i challenge YOU to think DEEPER.

Sayings like "have some balls" or "man up" are POLITICALLY INCORRECT.  

They suggest power and dominance in the male gender only and do not support gender EQUALITY.

Have an OPENED mind.


i know she doesn't mean any harm...but she does not realize how harmful her words really are.  and clearly neither do a lot of people on this forum, which scares me because we need to be the generation that puts a stop to the ignorance. 

If her words don't harm YOU, it still does not make it acceptable because it is insensitive towards the people who ARE harmed by it.


TRIGGER WARNING!!! Yes biologically and scientifically, men and women are different..

You are the one who needs to be educated, these are not gender stereotypes, these are biological facts. It would be sexist to shame men for crying but thats not what shes doing. Balls and bravery are linked together because men have extremely high testosterone while women have low testosterone and that hormone is what makes men more dominant risk taking and brave. This does not mean women are not brave but biologically, women are brave in different things that men are not capable of. You say her intentions are good and she doesnt mean any harm but if it was someone else, you would attack them and accuse them on many things.


@Gracious Gaga

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9 hours ago, Spanish Eyes said:

Everyone (even women) is slightly sexist to an extent. Not because we are bad people inherently, but because patriarchal standards dictate how we are socialized. It's our job as educated individuals not to ignore this within ourselves, but to un-learn it. 

Yes, exactly, thank you for saying this! 

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ugh so many angry little monsters hating eachother. we are like a kingdom destroying eachother while our leadership abandons us

The angriest twink on GagaDaily.
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1 hour ago, faysalaaa1 said:

TRIGGER WARNING!!! Yes biologically and scientifically, men and women are different..

You are the one who needs to be educated, these are not gender stereotypes, these are biological facts. It would be sexist to shame men for crying but thats not what shes doing. Balls and bravery are linked together because men have extremely high testosterone while women have low testosterone and that hormone is what makes men more dominant risk taking and brave. This does not mean women are not brave but biologically, women are brave in different things that men are not capable of. You say her intentions are good and she doesnt mean any harm but if it was someone else, you would attack them and accuse them on many things.


@Gracious Gaga

Girl, this is all kinds of pseudo-science bullshit. Also, take note: your post is actual sexism.

Edit: Also note that none of the sources the video cites are actual studies. They're "research" and "data" that have been filtered through authors of book titles like "The Female Brain," and "Why Gender Matters." Agenda.com, do you have it?? 

While physiological differences may exist, the implications of those differences are speculative in those examples. And there's even a disclaimer in the video saying that "obvious" or "rare" outliers may exist (whatever that means). If it can't be applied across the board, then what's the point in making broad generalizations about either gender? It's limiting and, as far as I can tell, serves no purpose in the pursuit of progress.

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It....was....a......joke.....about....how......men.....don't......cry......because......they.....think.......it's....to.....girly does no on one this site ever get sarcasm 

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19 minutes ago, besus said:

Girl, this is all kinds of pseudo-science bullshit. Also, take note: your post is actual sexism.

Well when someone who denies science calls me a sexist, I cant take it seriously.. this is real science, this is not gender class science! all science agree to this, its not a small minority of scientists doing this. And they say conservatives dont believe in science and they are stupid because they dont believe in global warming when liberals are the one who dont accept science.

If you want to make everything sexist, then you calling me a girl is sexist when im actually a male and many GGD users have told me that they call everyone here girl regardless of my gender.

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6 minutes ago, faysalaaa1 said:

Well when someone who denies science calls me a sexist, I cant take it seriously.. this is real science, this is not gender class science! all science agree to this, its not a small minority of scientists doing this. And they say conservatives dont believe in science and they are stupid because they dont believe in global warming when liberals are the one who dont accept science.

If you want to make everything sexist, then you calling me a girl is sexist when im actually a male and many GGD users have told me that they call everyone here girl regardless of my gender.

1. You may want to read my edit. I'm not a "denier" of science, it's just easy to see when "science" is filtered through a lens.

2. Way to go full toddler with that second paragraph.

3. If you think me calling you girl is sexist, you don't know what sexist means.

4. It seems like you already have an inkling, but just to be clear..."girl" is a pet name, one used particularly often by gay men. No one is suggesting you actually have a vagina.

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To the OP: maybe this isn't about Gaga in the first place.

Maybe she thought about what her father and Mark could think if they watched that interview. Maybe Mark and especially Joe wouldn't want any of us to think that they cried "histerically" or in a way that is not "manly".

Also, no one is perfect. Gaga isn't a perfect human being. You also are not.  And by the way, if you truly feel highly offended by that, I'd suggest growing a thicker skin. Part of your imperfection is how easily you get offended.

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1 minute ago, besus said:

1. You may want to read my edit

2. Way to go full toddler with that second paragraph.

3. If you think me calling you girl is sexist, you don't know what sexist means.

4. It seems like you already have an inkling, but just to be clear..."girl" is a pet name, one used particularly often by gay men. No one is suggesting you actually have a vagina.

I know you did not actually call me a girl and I also know its not sexist, im just acting like you making everything and anything sexist. If you still did not get it, I was basically making fun of you.

I did not use the video as my argument, I made an argument myself and used the video as something extra. If you dont believe whats in the video thats fine but you cant deny whats in my comment as its a fact. Also, if you believe gender is a social construct, then why do you only use that argument on straight people? I dont see you guys using that argument on transgenders or even gays!

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