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TUTORIAL: Ripping Videos From mtv.com


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*Hey guys,

As I already announced in GGD. 1.0, I'm planning to make a tutuorial for ripping Videos from websites, specifically from mtv.com.


First of all, I want to give a general information about Streamed Video on the internet.

Nowadays, there are many possibilities to stream videos on the internet. The most common format is the "Flash" format, maybe some of you already knows it, as files with the .flv extension

Now, there are again 2 possibilities, how these Flash videos can be streamed.


*Hypertext Transfer Protocol (http://)

*This is the usual beginning of an URL you type in your browser, just like http://gagadaily.com.

Flash videos, which are streamed with http:// are super easy to rip, because you either need the direct adress to the video or a downloadmanager, which "catches" the video, when it's played. These websites, are these like YouTube, tumblr, ... The more easier methode is the second one - the downloadmanager. The one, I prefer is the Video DownloadHelper, an AddOne for Firefox, so if you're a Firefox-User, you should use this - I use it too. It's very simple to use.

- When a video plays (condition: It's streamed by http://), the 3 balls beginning to move

- Click on the little triangle next to them

- Move with your mouse onto the bold-written name

- choose "Download" and your Video begins to download

If you aren't a Firefox user, you can use the program Orbit, here's a tutorial from someone else:


That's the way, how you download http:// - streamed Videos, I didn't wanted to go in details that much, because this tutorial is made for the more difficult videos - like from mtv.com


*Real Time Messaging Protocol (rtmp:// , rtmpe:// , rtmps://)

*This methode of streaimg video is mostly used by big firms, TV channels, etc. because they want to prevent, that they download videos from. As the rtmp:// protocol was invented, it was really very safe, almost "undownloadable". Nowaways, it a bit easier to download rtmp-Video from websites, but well, it's a bit difficult to explain, there's not really a fixed methode of downloading it, which always works. Every time, another methode works, another not. It's up to the page, which works.

*Following, I will show you the best methode, if you want to download a rtmp:// Video.


Firstly, you should check, if you're able to download the video with the program StreamTransport. I linked you to the most effective version of it. Just browse to the page with the video, and if you have luck, a link will pop up in the lower half of the screen, showing the rtmp:// or whatever link to the video. Mark the link & click on download on the right side.

Your video will start to download.


This is a vey simple methode, which works at some pages. It's like a page, that don't want to let the users download the videos, "but don't have enoughe money to buy a real good rtmp:// server" tongue.png

mtv.com for example, doesn't work with StreamTransport.


*Now, we will come to a very safe methode, which you should use after you try to download it with StreamTransport.

This methode does work in, let me say 70-80% of all Videos, BUT it doesn't download the best-available or highest quality of the video.

Later, I will explain, how you download the best quality of a video too, but if it's okay for you, when you download any quality - it's mostly random, then use this methode:

*Note: I use this video as an example: (I would propose to make it with that video too for thevery first time)


*1. Download RTMPExplorer

2. Extract the .RAR so you have the folder "rtmpexplorer".

3. Click on rtmpExplorer.exe

4. Now you see THIS and THIS, right ?

5. In the second picture I posted, type in the adress to your streamed video

6. Let it play or press "Play" to play it

7. If everything works, your video won't play, but in the first picture this would appear:


8. Sometimes, it depends on the site, the video already starts to download at this point.

IF a video downloads, something like that should be shown. CLICK

in the <> you can see how much %s you downloaded.

9. If it doesn't started downloading yet, and it always starts to retry the downloadprogress

move forward so:

10. Right-click this symbol: CLICK

11. Click "Edit" (Sorry if it isn't called 'Edit', I'm using a german PC) and then click "Mark"

I really hope you know what I mean, otherwise, here's a screenshot:


12. Now mark everything between "Streaming on rtmp://" and "Closing connection... done!"


13. Copy it by rightclicking on that Symbol form 10. again, clicking "Edit" again & then "Copy"

14. Now this step hasn't really something to do with the download prgress, but it's very important:

When you copy something out of that black window, it does have "line breaks"

To delete them, just paste what you've just copied in the "Input Box" of that page, click "Remove All Line Breaks" and copy the code out of the "Output Box"


*15. Now download rtmpdum 2.4 , extract the .ZIP & open the folder

16. Search for cmd.exe on your computer

CLICK .. and open it

17. Drag & Drop the rtmpdump.exe out of the folder you've just downloaded in the black screen

18. Paste the code, you copied out of the Output Box into the black screen

19. Press Enter

Your video should download now. The % of how much you've already downloaded will be shown between the <>

Note: It often/always happens, that the download breaks up. That's no problem:

After it broke up, press the Up Arrow (CLICK) and type " --resume " behind everything and press ENTER again.

Your download will be continued. If it broke up again, just press Up Arrow & then ENTER (you don't have to type --resume again) and your download will be continued again

Well, this was the methode, how you download a random quality of a video.

But there's a methode for downloading the BEST quality too.

It's not VERY different.

Condition: You use Firefox

So, let's start


1. Install Live HTTP headers (FireFox AddOne)

2. Do step 1 - 14 of methode 3.)

3. Copy everything between -W " and the sencond "

It would be







with our example.

4. Start Live HTTP Headers by clicking on "Extras" in Firefox and then "Live HTTP Headers"

5. Move to the second tap (in germany it's called "Generator") and make a tick by "Anfragen" (it's called in germany like that)


6. Now open the link from 3. in Firefox and play the video (DON'T CLOSE HTTP HEADERS)

7. After it played for ca. 5 seconds, pause it.

8. Go to HTTP Headers again and search for a adress which starts like that

h t t p : / / w w w . m t v . c o m / p l a y e r / i n c l u d e s / m e d i a G e n . j h t m l

9. Copy the full adress and open it in Firefox (Don't forget to delete the - #request# GET - in front of it - it should start with http://)

10. Now you see that page


*(using our example)

*11. You see, that there are 6 Quality options, the player of mtv choses of. (It depends on the internet connection)

12. Now, you want to download the highest quality.

If you look at each of the 6 options, you can see that the last one is the one with the highet solution.

Also, you can see that it's 1280 x 720 - so it's even HD !


13. We've almost done it now biggrin.png

Do step 15 - 17 of 3.) now (open cmd.exe - Drag & Drop rtmpdumb.exe)

14. Now you type in

-r rtmpe://cp10740.edgefcs.net/ondemand/mtvcomstor/_!/mtv.com/news/overdrive/daily/2011/august/29/mn_od_laurienneongaga_1280x720_3500_h32.mp4 -o HowYouWantYourFileToBeCalledLike.flv

So, in detail: (always omit the " ")

- write "-r"

- paste the adress with the highest solution gehind it (don't forget to make a space btween them)

- write "-o"

- write how you want your file to be called like . For exapmple "Gaga.flv" or "VMAS.flv", it's just important to add a .flv behind it (don't forget to make a spce behind them)

15. Press ENTER

16. Your video should download now.

Here too, if it stops, use --resume

uffff, now I'm at the end tongue.png

Your files will always be saved to C:UsersYOURNAME

If not, just search your PC for the name, like you called the file.

If you have any questions, or if anything don't work, just say it to me, I'll try to fix it =D

I really hope, that you'll work it out & all of you are able to download from MTV.com the next time wink.png

I know, it may seems very much, but with a bit of practise, you'll work it out - I believe in you.

I really, really hope you guys liked the tutorial

& sorry if there are mistakes in writing tongue.png I'm form germany & 15 years old, so I hope you can forgive me tongue.png


Maix ♥

Edited by Maix
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Thanks, very helpful! <3 I'm on a Mac so I don't think I can do all of them, but does the "best quality" method require any software beside Firefox? I think I could do that one. MTV.com videos are blocked here, though. Do you have any good proxy suggestions for that? :flop:

Oh, and if anyone needs an easier YouTube downloading method, get this extension. Very easy to install on Chrome, a bit more work to install on other browsers. http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/25105

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Thanks, very helpful! <3 I'm on a Mac so I don't think I can do all of them, but does the "best quality" method require any software beside Firefox? I think I could do that one. MTV.com videos are blocked here, though. Do you have any good proxy suggestions for that? :flop:

Oh, and if anyone needs an easier YouTube downloading method, get this extension. Very easy to install on Chrome, a bit more work to install on other browsers. http://userscripts.o...ipts/show/25105

yeah, I have a really good proxy methode, I use too =D

Will post it later,okay ? =D

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You make this sound sooo confusing, all I do is perform a memory dump, search through that for the rtmp url, and use rtmpdump.

I use URL Snooper, it will usually catch the rtmp stream, and then I also use rtmpdump

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