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What if WE are the Perfect Illusion?


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1 hour ago, GardenPantee said:

   On 9/19/2016 at 5:21 PM,  FinnishGypsy said: 

Personally, here is my interpretation: Fame. With Gaga, it always comes back to fame:

1st album--TF: Whole persona was pure satire, mocking the absurdity of fame. From her "gimmicks" to the song/MV for "Paparazzi," she perfectly demonstrated the predictability of the general public, getting them to eat up her formulaic pop music while failing to demonstrate her remarkable vocal/artistic abilities.

2nd album--TFM: Continued theme, now more explicitly showing the dark side of fame, except now she has become so entrenched in her own satire that it has become difficult to separate her persona from her actual identity. "Bad Romance" was a song which brilliantly depicted her internal struggle at this time: the dichotomy between seeing the ugliness and disease of celebrity whilst simultaneously craving it more and more.

The dual EP covers validate this further: one side depicting the blonde pop persona of Gaga, while the other revealing the brokenness and internal darkness of Stefani. This brilliant EP always brings to mind the following quote by Nietzsche: "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster...when you gaze long into the abyss, the abyss also gazes into you."

3rd album--BTW: Beyond the obvious support for the LGBTQ community, many missed Gaga's attempt to also illustrate the underlying statement represented by the much-ridiculed album cover, wherein she is no longer a separate entity from a commercial product (as she had previously been able to keep separate with the dual covers of TFM): She, herself, now believes she was "born this way,"--half human (Stefani) and half commercial product/machine (Gaga). She can no longer distinguish the two identities.

This is further highlighted in the music video, wherein she herself is a skeleton--dancing and celebrating despite the death of her humanity. "Judas" was essentially BR 2.0--she's still in love with the fame that continues to betray her. Releasing "Marry the Night" as her final single for BTW was no mistake either--the music video, at last, showed fans a glimpse of how profoundly Stefani had been broken to become Gaga. And the lyrics, again, reaffirm how she had decided to embrace this change. 

4th album--AP: Gaga herself described the album as having "a lack of maturity and responsibility." She, after having displayed her vulnerability through TFM and BTW, essentially (intentionally) went back to square one, mirroring TF thematically. Hence, the songs largely returned to the general pop format as seen in her first album: with overarching superficial themes of sex, and leaving the listener to distinguish whether or not there was a deeper underlying message (which, of course, there was--particularly through "Aura." She is asking her audience: "Do you wanna see the girl who lives behind the aura?" She doesn't know anymore if even her fans care to see who she really is inside, buried beneath her public persona).

Then, "Applause" is essentially the sequel to "Paparazzi," and illustrates her pop entity's need, beyond all else, to be famous--receiving attention was her lifeblood. 

And now--PI: During her break from pop music, I believe Stefani the individual re-emerged, and realized that her love affair (or "bad romance") with fame wasn't real. The "love" she thought she was receiving from the general public, media and even many of her "fans" was inauthentic, as she eventually realized they did not care to see the real girl behind the aura--only the global superstar dominating charts.

However, once allowing herself time away from the haze of pop superstardom (I.e. "somewhere in all the confusion") she had an epiphany, and no longer cares to live for the applause. Hence she so clearly states: "I'm over the show, yeah at least now I know." That's why the single cover is, for the first time, back to basics for Stefani the artist, rather than Gaga. It is just her performing--and we can take her or leave her. She no longer desires to live in an illusion, no matter how perfect it may have seemed.


I really don't know what artist have this kind of fans that acknowledge every piece of work that they exhibit and they try to understand it with all it's meanings .It's not just our fault that we are sometimes crazy she label us "Little Monsters" she used to talk to us soo much and not all of us sticked with her just for being cool cause she was famous I really liked her work and it intrigued me 

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If this theory is correct, then she is just as bad for criticising the monsters.

What about all of us who have stayed through the good and bad? We are still here and if that's not real love, then what is?!?

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5 hours ago, Dangerous Man said:

Someone from Reddit has this theory that PI is actually about Gaga and LMs relationship and I've been thinking the same too after watching the video many times.

Notice how Gaga was surrounded by fans at the start then at the end she was left alone in the dessert. It is like the representation of how fans claim that they love her (when she was still on top of the world) then they suddenly start to drag and criticize her and many fans even abandoned her at her rough times. Therefore our love for Gaga was only a #PerfectIllusion.

Ofc there are still genuine fans of Gaga like me and the rest of us here but in general sense, this theory is kinda acceptable.

:giveup: I agree with you!

fighting buryat
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Poope MOnster
1 minute ago, ModernEcstasy said:

If this theory is correct, then she is just as bad for criticising the monsters.

What about all of us who have stayed through the good and bad? We are still here and if that's not real love, then what is?!?

 i dont think in term of bash her fan

it just something in mind

and it clealry have valid point since look at PI situation right now

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1 hour ago, Dangerous Man said:

Someone from Reddit has this theory that PI is actually about Gaga and LMs relationship and I've been thinking the same too after watching the video many times.

Notice how Gaga was surrounded by fans at the start then at the end she was left alone in the dessert. It is like the representation of how fans claim that they love her (when she was still on top of the world) then they suddenly start to drag and criticize her and many fans even abandoned her at her rough times. Therefore our love for Gaga was only a #PerfectIllusion.

Ofc there are still genuine fans of Gaga like me and the rest of us here but in general sense, this theory is kinda acceptable. 

I totally get what you mean. I love gaga now as much a s I did 8 years ago. I absolutely love the woman she's become even though, like a nostalgic parent, I'll always see lavender wigs and hair bows when I look at her. I've lost some monster friends and I'll tell you that nothing hurts more than realizing your relationship was a "perfect illusion". The moster friends that I do still have, I consider them family. They've always been there no questions asked whenever I needed them. I love them dearly. I'll always be there for gaga and I'll always love her unconditionally because she's always been there and loved me unconditionally. 

I love you monsters. I'd be unfixably broken without you
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1 hour ago, GardenPantee said:

   On 9/19/2016 at 5:21 PM,  FinnishGypsy said: 

Personally, here is my interpretation: Fame. With Gaga, it always comes back to fame:

1st album--TF: Whole persona was pure satire, mocking the absurdity of fame. From her "gimmicks" to the song/MV for "Paparazzi," she perfectly demonstrated the predictability of the general public, getting them to eat up her formulaic pop music while failing to demonstrate her remarkable vocal/artistic abilities.

2nd album--TFM: Continued theme, now more explicitly showing the dark side of fame, except now she has become so entrenched in her own satire that it has become difficult to separate her persona from her actual identity. "Bad Romance" was a song which brilliantly depicted her internal struggle at this time: the dichotomy between seeing the ugliness and disease of celebrity whilst simultaneously craving it more and more.

The dual EP covers validate this further: one side depicting the blonde pop persona of Gaga, while the other revealing the brokenness and internal darkness of Stefani. This brilliant EP always brings to mind the following quote by Nietzsche: "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster...when you gaze long into the abyss, the abyss also gazes into you."

3rd album--BTW: Beyond the obvious support for the LGBTQ community, many missed Gaga's attempt to also illustrate the underlying statement represented by the much-ridiculed album cover, wherein she is no longer a separate entity from a commercial product (as she had previously been able to keep separate with the dual covers of TFM): She, herself, now believes she was "born this way,"--half human (Stefani) and half commercial product/machine (Gaga). She can no longer distinguish the two identities.

This is further highlighted in the music video, wherein she herself is a skeleton--dancing and celebrating despite the death of her humanity. "Judas" was essentially BR 2.0--she's still in love with the fame that continues to betray her. Releasing "Marry the Night" as her final single for BTW was no mistake either--the music video, at last, showed fans a glimpse of how profoundly Stefani had been broken to become Gaga. And the lyrics, again, reaffirm how she had decided to embrace this change. 

4th album--AP: Gaga herself described the album as having "a lack of maturity and responsibility." She, after having displayed her vulnerability through TFM and BTW, essentially (intentionally) went back to square one, mirroring TF thematically. Hence, the songs largely returned to the general pop format as seen in her first album: with overarching superficial themes of sex, and leaving the listener to distinguish whether or not there was a deeper underlying message (which, of course, there was--particularly through "Aura." She is asking her audience: "Do you wanna see the girl who lives behind the aura?" She doesn't know anymore if even her fans care to see who she really is inside, buried beneath her public persona).

Then, "Applause" is essentially the sequel to "Paparazzi," and illustrates her pop entity's need, beyond all else, to be famous--receiving attention was her lifeblood. 

And now--PI: During her break from pop music, I believe Stefani the individual re-emerged, and realized that her love affair (or "bad romance") with fame wasn't real. The "love" she thought she was receiving from the general public, media and even many of her "fans" was inauthentic, as she eventually realized they did not care to see the real girl behind the aura--only the global superstar dominating charts.

However, once allowing herself time away from the haze of pop superstardom (I.e. "somewhere in all the confusion") she had an epiphany, and no longer cares to live for the applause. Hence she so clearly states: "I'm over the show, yeah at least now I know." That's why the single cover is, for the first time, back to basics for Stefani the artist, rather than Gaga. It is just her performing--and we can take her or leave her. She no longer desires to live in an illusion, no matter how perfect it may have seemed.


Haha, I just came to this thread to comment on my thoughts regarding my initial post in reference to the music video, and saw you had posted this here! Thanks for sharing :)

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I knew it was about fake monsters or fans in general the moment I listened to the song and took in the lyrics. Gaga's explanation of the song can't fool me! :classy:

A shame Gaga feels that way though. She does have real, genuine fans that appreciate her no matter what. :nails: :golfclap:

i caught your fever, i'll be feeling it forever
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1 hour ago, Camore said:

I could pass this to my professor and get a grade of A. :golfclap:

Haha, thanks! I'm currently in graduate school pursuing my master's degree in brain and behavioral sciences, so analysis of human thought/behavior is rather inevitable at this point :D.

ETA: Not to negate the possibility that obviously I could be incorrect here! The beautiful thing about art is it's subjective; the beautiful thing about Gaga is she is, above all, an artist.

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this thread actually makes the song interesting to me, she really has every right to distance herself from this fanbase , large parts of it have been inhumane ever since the btwb ended and ARTPOP began

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10 hours ago, Katie14 said:

I agree but I don't think its just about her fans. I think its about fame and her huge popularity. Its all an illusion because it didn't last and all the people who were interested in her at a superficial level didn't really care about her personally. 


I wish everyone here on GGD would read this and think about it for a moment. Well said. 

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