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Will Joanne be alienating?


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Gaga has said that Joanne is her most personal album yet, and she's said she wanted to make an album about being her Father daughter, her mothers daughter, her friends cat's lesbo's aunt's uncle etc, and she has obviously named the album after her late aunt Joanne, but is all of this not going to appeal to anyone because it's so personal? Will we all listen to the songs and be unable to connect? I know we don't know anything because it's not out but all of Gaga's other album's have been conceptual and I think Born This Way was so popular because people connected with the premise of the album, the same with The Fame Monster, it focused on Fear, Fear of Love, Sex, Drugs etc. 
Knowing what we know now, do you think it easy to connect? 


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I think we'll be able to connect with it. Lemonade is Beyoncé's most personal album yet, and it's everyone's jam.

I need a winter candy apple and an iced gingerbread candle, both three-wick, or I'm boycotting.
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I think it'll be pretty easy to connect to. I mean she's just being a bit more direct about her feelings which everyone has.

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The very aim of the album is so people will relate to her though. It will alienate the little fakers(just to complain probably), yes but everyone else will probably relate to it a lot. Look at Taylor Swift, she puts every detail of her relationships into songs and they take off because people relate to it, almost more so the more specific the artist writes. 

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On a connection level, I don't think it'll be alienating. It may be very personal, but she's also said that she's created this album in order to communicate and connect with people "on a more human level". 

I think the part that's going to make it more alienating and polarizing is the sound. People have speculated all sorts of genres: pop, rock, indie, disco, funk, even a bit of jazz, etc. etc.

If the genre of the album's going to be a bit more outside of what Gaga's known for: which is pop, then I do think it'll be pretty polarizing. However, alienating, no. 

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ARTPOP was quite personal. I mean, Applause, Dope, Mary Jane Holland, Do What U Want, can't really be more personal than that.


how about her fears from The Fame Monster? Wasn't that incredibly personal?


So the "very personal" quote is probably just for promotion... no, Joanne will be ad alienating as her other albums!


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Not at all, since she's writing from so many peoples perspectives we'll be able to relate to some of it at least

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It was said to be her most personal album and that She had a lot of freedom with this album to do what she wants with it, but the interscope label's only deal was that it had to "universal" so it will probably still be relatable. I'm down either way


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Mister Gaga
10 minutes ago, JEWRJEWR said:


Half of GGD thinks the song is awful. It's not my case tho. But it's pretty different from her usual material :shrug:

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Just now, Mister Gaga said:

Half of GGD thinks the song is awful. It's not my case tho. But it's pretty different from her usual material :shrug:

Just because it's different doesnt mean it's alienating


Perfect illusion is not so far away from what she's been doing for the past 5 years anyway, lolz.

Fear, she's the mother of violence
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