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PI Debate (Love it VS Dislike it)


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I love it but I'm still kinda disappointed with the chorus, i was expecting something more like the bridge of the song.

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I am in love with it.  I think it is different but still pop.  I liked it on first listen but didn't love.  The more I listen though the more I am loving it.  The only thing that I noticed at first was how repetitive it was but it doesn't bother me or anything.  If anything it makes it more catchy :)

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Retro Physical

The vocals are KILLER. However, I wish there was more meat to the song, as it is a bit repetitive. 

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I don't like the song. I wait 3 years for a song like this :(

Vino cu noi în bucătărie, adu cu tine și o farfurie.
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Glad several years of waiting gave us this clunker of a song.

did no one listen to it before hand and think "this instrumental is very odd," "these lyrics are annoyingly repetitive," or any sort of concept?


red one, save us

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16 minutes ago, Gallus said:

Idk is not smash hit:classy::emma:

Dont play yourself, ure so shook u cant even write properly. :sis:


OT: It is amazing. Loved it on first listen. I am absolutely shocked with her vocal growth.

it wasn't laaaahv
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I like it in general but what's bugging me is how she sounds a bit off-key sometimes (idk anything about music tho) but she seems to be into this style lately so

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It's SUCH a grower,

At first I wasn't getting the "dance floor" vibe, but now on my 4th listen I definitely hear it, the production helps.

SLAYING the vocals too.

I'm so proud :giveup: 

Can't wait for the album Dec. 31st 2017 :sara: 

私自身もこの世の中も誰もかれもが, どんなに華やかな人生でも, どんなに悲惨な人生でも, いつかは変貌し, 破壊され、消滅してしまう. すべてがもともとこの世に存在しない一瞬の幻想なのだから
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Love it now, after premiere I was like: is she singing the same thing all the time?. 3 producers beside Gaga worked on it? Gaga could just do this alone...

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I'm sorry but this is crap. Listened to it many times and it's basic and repetitive.  You couldn't dance to this. It's not s dance song nor a rock song. This will flop. 

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I'm not a fan of Perfect Illusion. Sorry - I've been a huge supporter all throughout her career - even pushed for Jewels n' Drugs but this is a letdown.

I know I'll get a lot of flack for this, but I'll tell you why I feel this way. The song just feels way too claustrophobic and repetitive, lyrically, melodically and as a whole. Sure, it's a different type of sound from Gaga (and unexpected), and I LOVE different, but this is not lead single material. Could you imagine if Britney or Beyonce released something like this? People would be like wtf? I actually find myself cringing every time she sings "LOOOOVE". Ugh...and I hate that I do. And seriously - three amazing producers came up with this? I think maybe there were just too many cooks in the kitchen...

It may take some time for the song to grow on me, personally. People who love it and say it's the best thing Gaga has done may be shocked to see that it won't go to #1...I just really wouldn't get my hopes up. If it does well commercially, I'd honestly be surprised.

That's my opinion. Goodnight.


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I love the song!

it's defently a grower. I miss a catchy chorus but it's interesting that the song works. First I wasn't sure how to feel about it, because I'm not the type of rock but after listen to it a few times, I'm in love 

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